C Magical Mysteries (w/FweepFwopFwoop)

"By the gods... They are kicking uncontrollably!" Jolthic watched Eridan's stomach in amazement as the children went ballistic. "Well, if there's a sign to believe, it's them. They were created through a place just like this one. Too bad they weren't made a different way..." Jolthic playfully spanked Eridan's rear and heard him yelp in response. The older mage turned around, hands on his belly and shot him a look, before smiling. "Sorry, you've filled out a little back there. I'm liking what I see." Jolthic walked with his lover, hand back on his belly as they allowed the triplets to be their guides.

"Well, I'm-OOF! I'm glad-GAH!" Eridan was routinely interrupted by his belly's occupants, and was left unable to reply until they settled down. Relatively speaking, anyway. They were still thrashing, their movements still visible beneath Eridan's robes, but they were no longer kicking hard enough to force Eridan's body to move. "Are you done?" Eridn asked his belly. When they didn't force him to take another step, he rubbed his writhing belly and sighed. "I think they're done guiding us for now."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Alright... Hmmm... Kinda dark in here." Jolthic placed his hands together and began to pull them apart, a bright light forming until he shot in towards the ceiling, illuminating the room. As soon as his eyes adjusted, there were 3 skeletons behind him, weapons at the ready. Jolthic had barely any time to react, hoping Eridan would save his impatient being.

A fireball went flying past Jolthic's head, exploding between the three skeletons and blowing them apart. Unfortunately, it also sent Jolthic and Eridan flying backward. Laying on the ground, Eridan panted and panted. He pulled apart his robes, exposing his squirming belly. "Are you okay in there?" Eridan breathed a sigh of relief and stroked his belly. "Good, good." He looked over at Jolthic. "That fireball was stronger than I meant it to be. Do you think there's a chance the babies are enhancing my magic?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Ugh... Um... Probably. I guess I'm glad we're figuring this out against things we can defeat." Jolthic rubbed the back of his head and dusted the pebbles and dirt off of himself. "I'm nowhere near your level." Jolthic helped his partner up off the ground and looked around at the chamber. "What do you think our next step is? Maybe the babies know?" Jolthic gently rubbed Eridan's bare belly. "So soft..."

"I'm not sure." Eridan looked down at his belly. "Babies? A little help, maybe?" As if they'd heard the request, the babies began the heavy kicks, the ones that forced Eridan to move in a certain direction. "OOF! Here we go again." Eridan groaned. "Follow my belly!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"You know I always will my love." Jolthic smiled and patted his rear again as he followed his partner down some corridors. They eventually ended up in a small clearing of a room that has a wall of markings and symbols. On said wall, there were crude pictures of beings with huge bellies, just like Eridan's. "Hmmm... I have an idea, if you'll hear me out."

"Go ahead." Eridan said, rubbing the sides of his belly. "Convenient a method of navigation as this is, it's making me feel quite sore."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Sorry love. Their hidden function was unknown to me." Jolthic smiled and gently rubbed his belly to soothe Eridan's pain. "Hmmmm... These drawings are like what I read in the books when I was studying the other day." Jolthic continued to rub Eridan's very active belly and placed his other hand on the door, wiping away dust and dirt build-up. As soon as he touched, the wall began to recede downwards opening another way. "Well, that works."

"Hm. Well, onward we go." Eridan said. He took Jolthic's hand and walked forward. "I hope we don't run into any more undead. Or find ourselves lost again." Eridan rubbed his belly at that last point.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Well it seems we're on the right track." Jolthic held Eridan's hand as they walked down the corridor, his hand alight with some flames to help them see. Then eventually enter a chamber that has another sarcophagus, similar to the one that Jolthic found in the first ruin. He slowly pushed the stone covering off the top of the container and found another body wrapped in linens and cloth. "Well, here goes nothing." Jolthic slowly leaned in and gently grasped the corpse's arm, but nothing happened. He pulled out the tome but nothing helped him decide what was wrong. "Hmmm... Can you come here for me? I'm gonna try what I did earlier in the last room.

Eridan went to Jolthic's side, rubbing his belly as his young grew more active inside him. "Is this is? Is this what the babies wanted us to see?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Well I found a similar chamber in the first ruin. What my guess is, is that we have to somehow give the being a way to escape. I'm not sure how, but last time I just touched the body. It may be different this time, as I haven't seen anything to be used as an object to help." Jolthic rubbed Eridan's belly with him and then got down on one knee and put his free hand on the corpse. Immediately the room shook and the body began to levitate in the air until a bright light had shown, blinding the pair for the moment until it vanished, leaving the two in the empty chamber. "You OK?"

"I think-AH!" Eridan clutched his belly as the movements inside picked up, as thought the babies were in a desperate bid to escape. A tight squeezing sensation clutched his belly, and he leaned on Jolthic. "I think I'm in labor!" Eridan cried. A splash was heard, and lifting up the bottom of his robes revealed Eridan was standing in a puddle, with water trickling down his legs. "Yes, yes I'm definitely in labor!"

I'm just here for a laugh

"By the gods!" Jolthic helped ease Eridan onto the ground and made him a makeshift bed of their robes. Eridan looked at Jolthic with need, and he knew he had to help his laboring lover. Jolthic grabbed his canteen of water and wet a piece of cloth and began to gently press it against Eridan's belly, cooling it down while gently rubbing the lower portion of it. He peered between Eridan's legs and he was for sure dilated and only getting worse.

panting and sweating, clutching his belly, Eridan grunted and grit his teeth as another contraction gripped him. "AAHH!" He grabbed Jolthic's hand and squeezed it as hard as he could. "This is moving too fast!" On the next contraction, Eridan was overwhelmed with an urge to push; an urge too strong for him to ignore. Squeezing anything he could get his hands on, Eridan cried out as he began pushing the first baby.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Trust your body my love. You'll know what to do. I'm here for you the whole way alright?" Jolthic held Eridan's hand as the laboring man almost broke it in two. Jolthic cupped Eridan's belly with his hand, helping put a little pressure on his pelvis to help widen the way for the first baby. "Just breathe with me." Jolthic gently kissed his cheek and breathed in unison with Eridan.

Eridan nodded and tried to match his breathing with Jolthic's, but couldn't keep up for very long when the next contraction hit. "D-Do we have anything to swaddle them in? Towels, blankets, anything?!" Eridan cried out once more. "Oh gods, it's coming! I feel the head!"

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"I have some spare cloth and an extra robe. They'll be OK, I promise. I just need you to worth about timing your pushes OK? Tell me when you are going to push again and I'll go between your legs to check on if the head emerges alright?" Jolthic rubbed Eridan's contracting belly.

Eridan took deep breaths and nodded. He took a deep breath. "I need to push again!" 

I'm just here for a laugh

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