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07-05-2017, 04:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2017, 05:26 PM by
Name: McLellan Hutson. Though friends call him Mac usually.
Age: 29
Appearance: he's 6' tall, more lean than muscular but was surprisingly strong. dark hair, dark eyes. He would sometimes wear glasses, and if one was to pay attention, it was always a full moon that he wore them. He used it to disguise his eyes that would turn slightly purple on that day because of his magical heritage.
Mac was just an ordinary man, at first glance. He wasnt a very sociable person but he had a close group of friends, who knew of his secret. As the last living member of a magical clan, he had power. It made him very strong, and possessed multiple abilities. To merge into the society, he usually hide it, but not from his best friends. However he had felt a little lost lately. His best friend had fallen pregnant by an unknown scumbag. He hadnt appeared even once, no matter how much Mac urged his friend to contact him. He sighed and wished he knew who it was. Mac had been happy in helping and caring for his friend, especially recently when he had become more inconvenienced by the growing baby, but still, he wished his friend would just tell him who that was so he could go beat him up for leaving such an amazing person during this difficult time.
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Name: Danial Briston or Dan
Age: 29
Appearance: 5'7 tall, slim with a little muscle, but he is strong that anyone thought, short brown hair, brown eyes, and honey skin tone.
Dan was sitting on his rocking chair since he had the bad feeling for a day, and it was getting worse. He had already sent the message to hs friend "Mac" if he could come to his apartment. Dan was working at home, so getting pregnant wasn't that problem for him at the beginning but not for now. He had stopped working for weeks and used his spare money that he hoped he would have it enough for the baby. Dan didn't tell anyone about the baby's father since it was his fault letting this happen, but he wanted to keep this baby since it came from someone he loved "Mac" Sam chose to not tell this to his friend since Mac couldn't even remember that night when they were drunk, and his friend was so perfect, being the wizard was special,os he didn't deserve that.
Sam groaned as he was rocking the chair back and forth. This would be one of the worst days for him when he found the secret about the childbirth of the wizard. "The baby father needs to be there, and he needs to know that his baby is being born." That words from the ancient book were scared Dan so much. He could ask Mac to come, but not for telling him the truth. He had already sent the message to Mac, and Dan was waiting for him to come.
(Hm i hope this will be fine, and Just only one baby of this time, right?)
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(Maybe it could be twins. It's not likely that Dan had any way of knowing? I dont think he would be getting any checkup...? It's up to you, both are fine for me. So labor had just started? Will it get to the pushing part soon or would it be a long labor? Does Mac knew of Dan's plan to give birth at home?)
Mac rushed to Dan's place as quickly as he could. It was just a simple question that Dan sent him, but it wasnt like his friend to suddenly text him like this. Dan had been a tough guy and as pregnant as he was, he still managed a lot of things himself, whivh impressed Mac a lot. He just got off work and had luckily avoided the friday night rush hour (the benefit of being the boss - mac owned a small business himself so he left office a little early, as soon as he received the message). He was worried… Dan told him the due date should be near.
Taking the stairs instead of waiting for the old and slow lift, Mac arrived at Dan's apartment soon, taking 2 steps at a time. He pressed the doorbell once and then tried for the knob. Sometimes Dan would just leave the door unlocked to avoid the trouble of getting to the door himself.
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07-05-2017, 06:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2017, 06:09 PM by
(maybe he had got the check up haha, and yeah twins sounds good to me. Labor just start now, and it'll get worse, and Dan will not be able to push if he doesn't tell this to his friend, and yeah he has planned for home birth and Mac knew it just doesn't know the reason that magic childbirth needs to be private labor. Is that sounds good?)
Dan could hear someone was knocking the door, and he knew that it was his friend. He had already unlocked the door since it was hard for Dan to walk to it now. "C...come in, Mac. The door isn't locked." Dan shouted from the inside of the room. He was rubbing his belly gently since the babies were kicking so hard. He was so scared with his labor, not for the pain but it was how Dan needed to tell this to his friend. "What should he do if Mac just hates him for keeping the babies?" There were so many questions in his head now, although Dan didn't want to ask Mac to take care his babies. He would try that by himself although it would be hard work, He had been bothering his friend too much for now. Dan looked at the door that was opened by his friend, and he smiled at him. He was wearing the white shirt and loose pants since it would be easy to handle when the labor had come.
(Hmm boss now!! I see how we can keep this after labor, and they can also have their own trip ;))
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(Haha ya thats perfect, thanks for answering all my questions LOL... How about Dan's cervix wouldnt dilate if he didnt tell Mac about it? Recently I have come across something that had the laboring mother checking her own dilation and it's so sexy .. can ir happen here? Dan would be embarrassed and shy to show his body to Mac, so while Mac go fetch for something he tried to check himself and found that it confirmed what the book said about no dilation possible until the birth father inject his magic.)
Mac came in quick even before he heard Dan's reply, and quickly went in to his room where his friend's voice was from. He haf to admit his eyes were lingeting at the wrong place when he entered - more specirically he stared a little too long at Dan's chest. In his nervous stage, Dan had sweated (or could it be milk?!) which cause his shirt to become quite transparent around his nipples, showing the darkened and engorged areolae quite clearly. Mac had never noticed how Dan's breasts had bulged out slightly until now. He gathered himself together and cleared hia voice while approaching Dan. "How are you my friend... is it, time?" Mac was nervous himself while getting closw to Dan, even though he could guess the answer judging by how Dan looked like now.
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(Hmm not really like it but, yeah that can happen, but finally Mac also needs to check it after he knows the truth. Is that good?, and I don't think the reason is he is shy since Dan finally needs to show his entire body to his friend, nad he also needs to take of Dan's pants, so Dan can check it haha)
Dan tried to make everything normal since Mac was always worried about him0 His entire body was sweating, so Mac could see in, especially through his thin shirt. "I...I think it's close, Mac. Thanks for coming here." Dan gave his friend a weak smile, in fact, he had been through this for almost day, and it seemed to not have any progress. He could feel the babies were moving down, but his body didn't respond it well enough. "aghh" Sam groaned as the contractions were hitting him so bad, but it wasn't getting close, and Dan didn't even know how to handle this. "Sit here, Mac. This may take a long time." Dan said as he called his friend to sit beside him. Mac could see how Dan was suffering the pain, and he looked not that good as usual anymore.
(Hmm we may make it faster lol, maybe pushing time will happen soon.)
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(Yes definitely after Mac knew of the truth he would take over the checking... he may even need to put his finger inside of Dan to bring his magic over his friend's womb ;) i like him being shy just to see the blush, but its fine if you dont feel like it)
"We are friends, I am happy that you decide to call me." Mac smiled and sat down, clutching Dan's hand to show his support. "It's a bit hot here..." He frowned at first seeing Dan in obvious pain, so he stopped what he was saying and just clutch Dan's hand tight. He soon moved closer to Dan and rubbed his back. "Breath Dan, breath in and out slowly, remember those clips that we laughed at but still watched through the end? Those breathing techniques should be used now...." he muttered and guided Dan through a deep breath. His belly was tensing up so much it was like it had been squeezed by an invisible hand. Like he was spelled, Mac was at first jist staring at it, but then he gently placed his palm on the belly, which was so hard it didnt feel like human flesh at all.
(Ok, we could move on soon)
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07-05-2017, 07:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2017, 09:14 PM by
(Haha I know you like blushed carrier, hmm maybe later? Sorry about it. I like to keep labor pure and beautiful ;))
Dan didn't fell weird or bad when Mac clutched his hands tightly, in fact, he loved it since Mac was always nice to him. "T...Thanks, Mac. I'll try." Dan said as he tried to breathe in and out slowly, but steadily. "I shouldn't laugh at that clips since it is true and helpful now, arhh" Sam groaned in pain as the contraction hit him again. The pain was getting worse but the babies didn't seem to come out. That words from the book would be true, and Dan needed to tell it to his friend, but he was so scared. "M...Mac, please don't leave me" Dan finally said what he scared the most in this labor. Mac might leave him when he knew the truth, and that would be bad for Dan. He was surprised when Mac touched his hard belly since his friend hardly asked for it, and it felt so good for the birthing mother.
(Yeah move on but no need to rush haha.)
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(Is that a rhetorical quesiton about me loving a blushed carrier? ;))
"shh.... no i am not leaving you. How could i leave you like this. It's going to be alright...." MAc tried to keep the spirit up by smiling at Dan. "How long has this started? Your timer?" He asked and looked around, but his attention was soon diverted by Dan's pained look. It looked like something's bothering him in his mind, and Mac was worried. Since Dan reacted quite well to his touch, like his palm on his belly was really helping, Mac tried to do that more, moving his palm over Dan's belly gently, caressing the contracting mountain of babies. "I thought you said you had booked a midwife... shall i call her?" Mac thought Dan had done that, he thought Dan had the birth plan all organized and sorted out without knowledge on their peculiar situation.
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(Hehe, yeah!)
Dan shook his head as his friend asked that. He had prepared the midwfe, but cancled it after he knew the truth about magical childbirth. "I...I just wanna do it with you, Mac. Sorry for causing you more problem,arhhh" He said, moaning in pain as the contraction hit him again. His tears finally dropped out of his eyes since the pain was umbearable, and something that was bothering his mind. This would be bad if he stayed like this. Both him and the nanies were in danger now. "Shit!" Den almsot screamed with the strong contraction, but he hadn't have any feeling on his birth canal. He was more scared now, anc Macn could clearly see it. "C....can you take off my pants? Please, Mac" Dan said while was was carying in pain.
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"No it's not problem at all.... I just though.... anyway. Yea, I guess, we could make this work." Mac cleared his voice and fidgeted. He wasn't sure if he could be of any help in situations like this, and without the help of a professional, he wasn't sure if he knew exactlyw hat to do. Sure, he had accompanied Dan in viewing some birthing clips, but that was just watching. When he heard Dan cursing, he was quite surprised and was reminded once again how much pain his friend must be in. It was Mac who shifted awkwardly when Dan asked him to take off his pants, but he soon tidied up his emotion so he wouldn't make the situation worse. "Yea... yea. sure. hm. err, let me help you up first." He offferd to pull Dan up from teh armchair. Dan was so big he practically occupied every single inch of the chair.
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07-06-2017, 06:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2017, 06:28 AM by
Mac finally pulled his friend out of the chair after an almost minute and more whimpers from Dan. His belly was touching with Mac's abs(I though he has it although he is lean than muscular since he needs to protect his future wife hehe), and Dan could fell how the baby was moving inside Dan's belly. "B...Bed" Dan said as they could take off Dan;s clothes in this position, and sitting on the bed seemed to be the best for this, and also for the labor. The bed was in the same room, and they just took a bit time, but that caused so much pain for Dan. He couldn't even stop crying since Dan was so scared, to tell the truth to his friend. Although Mac was nice to him, it didn't mean he would feel something special. Dan let a loud moan again when he got to the bed and sat on the side of it since it was easier for Mac to take off his pants.
(Heyy, I'm thinking maybe only one baby for this time, since it's good for the beginning and we can have twins after that.)
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(ya sure one baby then.)
Mac felt a current coursing through his body when Dan's large belly brushed against his abs. (yes he had it, he was lean but all that he had were almost all muscle) It almost felt like there was some connection between Dan's baby and him. As friends, he had alwasy been cautious not to take advantage over Dan, especially when he couldn't resist, therefoer he had limited his chances of feeling dan's body, even though he found himself quite enjoy the sensation. He tried to help Dan move a little easier, but the contractions that almost at its peak was making it very difficult, and Dan almost stumbled on bed when they reached it, his toes curling up and he pulled on the bedsheets as he sat with hsi legs spread wide, enduring the contraction. Mac squat down in front of Dan and waited patinetly for the contraction to die down a little,keeping his hands on Dan's belly to sooth him. "ready? You will have to stand up a little bit for me to remove this." He asked when Dan finally managed through the pain and Mac got ready placing his hands on the pants that's tightly biting into Dan's belly.
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Dan nodded as Mac said that although it was hard for him standing up with his weight now. He gritted his teeth when he tried to stand and put his hands againt the bed to get it a bit easier. It wasn't easy taking his pants off although it was loose pants, and Dan wore in under his belly. He gave a big sigh when Mac pulled it down although it hadn't been taken off yet, he could sit for now. Dan was blushed a bit when his friend pulled his pants through his cock. It was a bit jerking, but it was normal for a birthing man. "Thanks, Mac for helping me." Da gave his friend a weak smiled. It was already tired after a day long with the contraction, but he didn't feel anything on his birth canal yet, and he was so scared. Dam wanted to check his dilated, but it wasn't good for letting Mac here since he maight realize something with that. "Can you help me lay on the bed then get me some tea? You know that is helpful for me." Dan said following with hard breathing.
(I'm thinking the dilated will take just short time after he tell the truth maybe just hours to reach10 cm dilated since this should happen long ago but the magic has stopped it.)
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(yes that sounded good. We want more pushing than waiting for Dan to labor right?)
Mac didn't notice how the pants was pulling on Dan's erection, he just was too concentrated in removing it quick so his friend could sit back down, but when he looked up and see the blush on his friend's face, he suddenly realise his friend did look very pretty when his cheeks became so red. He smiled gently at the laobring man and nodded. "No problem, I am glad that I get to help you." He simply said that and continued to pull his pants off, ripping it slowly down Dan's thighs and then his ankle and noticed the swellign on it. "You hadn't been walking at all today? Is it you have been in labor for a long time already?" circulation was better if Dan managed to walk around for a little, but apparently he hand't been able to do that with the contractions started. He sighed but thought it was too late for that, and it would be their least concern when birth is impending. "Ok, wait here, I will be back soon." He sadi laying the pants on the bed. He was a ltitle surprised Dan didn't have any underwear,but it was quite reasonable in his situation. He stood up and squeezed Dan's knees before taking leave, not realising how intimate that gesture was.
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(want more pushing? What is that mean?)
Dan sighed when Dan left the room since he was so scared to check is dilated in front of his friend. "Babies, I don't know how to do this," Sam said, rubbing his belly gently. He slowly moved his hands down to his ass if he could check his dilated. "Arhhh, Fuck" Dan cursed as the pain was unbearable, and it wasn't easy to reach his hole his belly was big. Dan needed to spread his legs wider, and he caused more pain on him. It was very awkward posture with one leg lifting high, and his hand trying to reach his hole. "Arhh, rhhhhhh, no" Sam moaned in pain as he finally reached his ass and started to out his fingers inside. It hurted so much since he couldn't see anything and touched his swelled ass. He cried, even more, when he reached to his cervix and found that it was still close. This was really bad since the baby would die if they wouldn't be born, and even himself. "Mac, I'm sorry" Dan cried out as he couldn't even imagine if his friend hated him by letting his happen.
(Hmm I'm not sure if this good)
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(I mean we would want to spend more effort in the pushing part of Dan more than waiting for him to dilate for a lot more time, right?)
"Dan?" Mac rushed back into the room hearing Dan crying out his name, and was stunned on site. "W-what are you doing?" He stuttered and felt his nose itched with what he was witnessing, and was so shameful for himself to be reacting this way to his friend. He quickly pressed down all kind of irrelevant thoughts crossing his mind and quickly went to Dan's side to support him in this awkward position. He held Dan's upper body that was raised up. He knew how difficult it is for Dan to maintian that posture, wiht such a big and dropping belly in front, then gently removed his hand, pulling his finger out guiding his directions so he wouldn't hurt himself even more. "You should have wiated for me... and, i-i think, hm, some lube should be better." this was the first time he saw Dan's bottom, and by the look of it, his opening was quite swollen and Mac was quite worried about his condition.
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(Oh! yeah haha)
Dan didn't say anything much this time, and he didn't want Mac to check again since he knew that it would be the same. "I...It's fine, Just wait for now." He said, trying to ease the pain as much as he could but it wasn't that easy at all after all day long with labor. "Arhh, me to the bed, Please!" Dan grabbed Mac's hand tightly as the contraction hit him again. This wasn't good at all, and the baby was dying inside his belly if he stayed like this. Mac could see how Dan was so scared about it. His hands were trembling and shaking. Dan couldn't even say anything now since he was crying so hard. "Mac, please don't leave, me. I can't do this without you." Dan cried out loud again while Mac was helping him to lay on the bed. His friend could notice how Dan was so scared with something, and this wasn't normal since Dan was always nice optimistic wth everything.
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Mac didn't understand what was happening and why was Dan so scared. He hugged him tight as he wanted to calm his friend so much. "I am here, don't worry, i am not leaving you, not ever." He een pressed a small kiss on Dan's sweaty forehead. At first he tried to drag Dan upwards to lay him higher up on the bed, but with teh contraction hitting Dan, it wasn't possible to move him like that, so in the end Mac lifted him up slightly, raising him up with an arm under his waist and another under his legs, then laid him down on the pillow. "It's alright, I am here. What's wrong, Dan, tell me. what's making you shake like this?" He fitted himself beside Dan and asked, clutching his hand tight.
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Dan didn't even realize a small kiss from his friend since he was so scared. The pillow was instantly wet with his sweat when Mac laid him down on it. He clutched Mac's hand tightly as he was fighting with the pain, but it was too late for how since he couldn't even handle it anymore. "I... can't. I can't. This isn't something I can do, Mac. I'm scared." He said, crying but still didn't tell the truth to his friend. He curled his body up when the pain reached high again. Dan couldn't even tell the condition of the baby now. They both would die if he didn't tell the truth. "Mac, Mac. You're my best friend, but something I'll tell you isn't usual. You may hate me by that, but please don't leave me now." Dam whispered, clutching Mac's hand tightly. It was fine if Mac would leave him when he didn't want a kid, but Dan just wanted his help for his labor.
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