C Rescued Experiment

Daniel said nothing as he was laughed at and pressed his lips together shyly, turning a darker shade of green,"Thank you."he said softly, when the human left, he had crossed his arms like the moody young alien he was and glancing up when Harry came back into the room though not replying to him. The reptilian had no idea that he was growing larger, he only started to notice it when the doctor spoke about it, avoiding his eyes and watching the ice in his glass,"Can I eat my pizza in the pool?"he asked, looking up at the other.

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"You are that heated? Oh well, why not." Harry moved closer to steal a kiss from Daniel, earning himself a groan and got pushed away as his mouth tasted full on curry. "Why dont you go set up the pool? Just make sure you dont get seen.... stil remember about the setup?" He said letting Daniel go, smiling at him wrinkling his nose and sticking his tongue out, looking like he wanted to wipe away the tasts.

The kiss surprised him, he had never been kissed before, nor by Daniel either so he gasped and caught a whiff of the other's breath as well as a small taste of what he had been eating. Daniel pouted some,"You aren't going to do it for me? I'm carrying!"he tried to say, though he laughed at himself as he nodded at the doctor's instructions,"I do."he said and moved to stand up, taking his glass with him as he moved towards the kitchen, holding his breath so he wouldn't smell the curry and placing his glass into the fridge to fill it with filtered water. Before almost running out of the room again toward the den in the back then the back yard.

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Harry was surprised by Daneil referring to himself as carrying, though he had to admit that's a cute way of saying it, and it's also fitting. He saw him skipping in and out, holding his breath as if the curry was some kind of toxic gas, and had to shook his head while returning into the kitchen. He did get himself an adorable alien home. He smiled while checking on the pizza, and decided to treat Daniel with some extra pineapples (i hope you are on the pineapple side!…coz i am ;)) on it. It therefore took a little longer than it should to get to the backyard with a full pizza and a large jug of iced water with him. He wasnt surprised to see the reptilian already soaked to the toes, obviously having some trouble controlling the hose at some point.

"Dnaiel.... you just love playing with it, dont you? Reminds you of your legless relative?" He smirked referring to snakes, which used to be his "pet" at some point in the lab.

Daniel was joking, he had the faintest idea of what it meant to actually be carrying, at the moment what Harry had said to him seemed like just a punch line as he didn't actually know how he had to carry himself after such news as he was now fully sexually mature. The alien looked up when the doctor finally followed his lead by coming outside, grinning at the sight of the pizza and coming over to meet him half way, taking the pizza tray and bringing it over to his kiddie pool,"Of course I love playing in the water! Who doesn't? it feels so good."he smiled as he placed the pizza down on the food table they had brought out just to be at the same height as the pool for easy access, though his smile dropped some what at the mention of his old pet, though didn't say anything and simply began removing his already soaked pajamas. Happy to have the sight of the pineapple pizza in mind as he floated on his back in the cool water, the pool was just big enough for him and he enjoyed it in the blazing desert heat where Harry lived.

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The brilliant blue scales of Daniel's sparkled under the sun, and Harry was suddenly feeling exceedingly thirsty seeing Daniel all naked, especially with his belly floating out of water like a little island. He swallowed hard and looked away, sitting down beside the food table as he cleared his thoughts and returned to normal. "You have to occupy the whole pool, don't you? And, as usual, you had to fill the pool that bit fuller than necessary." He said looking at Daniel with an indulging smile as he splashed water everywhere when he sank himself into the pool. He snatched a slice from the pizza and ate amidst the pouting that Daniel was giving him. "Hey, treat that as a courtesy offering to the chef. I had to cut and place all the pineapples on it myself." HE said with a teasing smile as he munched down.

His scales were usually a dark to light green in color, so it was obvious there was something going on with him, the bulge in his stomach a symptom of whatever that was. The purring coming from his chest vibrated the water around him as he floated, it was strange to see Daniel so happy without reason, his hormones must've been off the charts,"You know me Harry... That's not going to change."he smiled softly as his head tilted back, cooling the more exposed scales of his head that ruffled even beneath the water. Peaking at the human from just above the surface of the water, he watched as he ate a slice of his personal pizza,"You have your curry! That's my pizza."he complained, pouting his lips even more and sinking beneath the water with a huff.

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(LOL thanks for that as usual i had to mix up with the colors =_= i believed it was blue and..... Orz)

Harry had to laugh out loud at how Daniel really cared about his pizza. With a huge grin on hia face, he went down and scooped Daniel up fron underwater. "If you dont come back up then it wouldnt be only a slice that i am eating, but at leadt half of it. You sure you want to forfeit that rightful half of yours?" He teased lifting Daniel up. The pout was so gorgeous he wanted to kiss on his lips that's in just the right angle, but ended up landing in his face when Daniel turned away. Harry smiled and said "right, I am hands off from the pizza now. See? Hands in the air. I surrender." He said raising his arms up, true to his words giving Daniel an innocent look.

Daniel screamed playfully as he was brought from out of the water, laughing brightly with his head tilting back,"No!"he splashed and wrapped his arms around the human,"it all should be mine."he said,"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine."he laughed some more, shaking his head at the kiss to his face and watching as he surrendered, now sitting in his lap when his hands rose to the height of his head. He watched his eyes, his own, clawed hands rested on his chest and he closed his eyes as they sat on the grassy ground beside the pool,"Harry?"he started quietly, looking back up at his face,"What am I here for?"

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Harry was a little taken aback by teh question, but he answered happily nonetheless. "You are here, coz the facility had been brought down, and I am too greedy to let you go. You are here because i want to keep you and stash you away for as long as possible..... " he added in his heart that he wanted to make teh lovely reptilian fall in love with him, that he craved a life with him alone, not under numersou surveillance and other people. Through the process of almost raising Daniel, he had lost his heart to the beautiful soul that was as vivid as his colors.

Daniel watched his face and eyes as he held him by his, now wet, shirt with a growing smile, though he looked down disappointingly as if that was the answer he was afraid of getting from him,"I'm glad I make you that happy."he replied and looked over him as their limbs were so close together, they were almost one person, despite living separate lives outside of the lab, now that he was 'free' he realized how similar they were. Due to him raising him. He sighed quietly and laid his head against his collarbone, before turning to take a slice of pizza and bite into it, obviously something else was on his mind as he did so.

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Harry added in his heart that Daniel did much more than making him happy. He had been the source of his happiness, his sadness, his worry and was practically all that was on his mind. He smoothed over the scales of Daniel, making sure he rubbed it in the right way. "You seemed troubled.... what's on your mind babe?" He said as his other hand crept up his belly. It was strange to see the bulge on Daniel's usually slender body, but the rounded out belly was admittedly cute.

Daniel couldn't help but start purring again at the stroking of his scales, he looked everywhere else besides Harry's eyes as he stayed quiet for a moment. Then said,"You want my...eggs?"he started, then said,"I do too, but...but why do I have to start off so early? Babies are hard..."he watched as the human's hand traveled up his belly to rest there with a warm palm,"I wish I was different...so I can be normal, and see the things I want to see, in person... I..."he didn't know how to explain without hurting his friends feelings.

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"Technically speaking your eggs arent really babies yet. Like the eggs we are having for breakfast. They are just a normal.cycle of yours, so dont think too much into that.... " he fell silent soon though. Daniel's words made him reflect on his decision. At the time when the facility was closed down, he had the choice of.sending Daniel to an alien orphanage, or more.like a temporary home. They would then be arranged to get back to their home.planet. Harry asked difficultly after awhile. "Do.you, would you want to be back to where you come from? I mean... you would be able to be... normal. You could see things where you and your family are suppised to see. You wouldnt be the odd one out, no.longer need to hide away here in this small house...." the more he thought of it, the more regret crept up in him. He had depraved Daniel of so much, the chance to reunite with his family, to return to where he belonged....

That didn't make him feel any better, his eggs being compared to food, he felt a bit sick to his stomach and he continued to look down at his bloated stomach where the other's hand was. "I don't know anything about where I'm from... I haven't seen my parents for... I don't know how long... I know nothing on my home planet."he licked his lips and pressed his forehead against his chest,"I will always be the odd one out, Harry."he gripped his hands and pryed them away from his belly,"I'd want you to come with me... Have them transfer you to the planet, you can continue being a doctor there, I'm sure they need you there. We both could fit in finally.

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Harry smiled sadly at Daniel. "I doubt if my set of expertise would be appreciated at your homeland. Let's just say, your kind is actually much more versatile than me. From what limited knowledge we have of your homeland, it's more like a desert. Just with ten times harsher condition than any desert in this.planet. we humans are so fragile, we could only live with protective gear. There wouldnt even be any shelter that could house me ... Daniel. It just wouldnt be possible for me to survive if i move with you." He said looking at him gently. "I dont want to make this sound threatening, but the fact is, if.you decide to return, it.would be on.your own. No.matter how much i want to be with you."

Daniel's brows knit together, or at least it looked that way as he played with the human's fingers carefully,"Oh..."he murmured quietly, then met his eyes only slightly,"I don't want to go then... I never want to leave you."he wrapped his arms around him in a hug, his eyes shutting tightly as he embraced him for a long moment, then moved to look to the pizza,"I suppose... I must be content with the life I have here, maybe one day humans would be ready to accept people like me... I hope."he bit his lower lip and his hands went toward his belly that gurgled and he realized just how hungry he was.

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"I am sorry for how much you have to sacrifice.... just to be with me." Harry looked at Daniel and caressed through where his brows would be. His heart ached everytime he thought about how much he had ripped away from Daniel, being so selfish. He had kept the boy to himself, not letting him explore the grounds that should be his, yet he couldnt deny his heart and let him go. "They would. The goverment had been doing a lot of work towards merging different species." He said, even though it sounded more like a weak encouragement to them both. The gurgling lightened the mood slightly and Harry handed over the pizza to Daniel. "Take them all, you greedy little lizard. Shall i prepare another one? You look like you could eat a lot more." Harry chuckled.

Daniel didn't know what to respond with as he leaned into the touch and sighed quietly, he knew that Harry was only trying to make them both feel better about the situation after ignoring it for so long,"You're my family... Like you said, we don't need anyone to tell us what's right."he offered a small smile and collected his first slice of pizza into his hands to take a nice bite, chewing quietly and humming,"No, I'm okay."he said and gobbled up the pizza until there were no more left, his stomach was still making weird noises and he looked down at it, licking his grease covered lips,"I don't think the eggs like pizza."he said and tilted his head, now noticing how much his stomach had bloated as it stuck out of his usually skinny waist.

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Harry grinned at how his stomach continued to gurgle. With both hands on Daniel's midsection, the bulge seemed even larger. "Did you notice how this had grown....? Perhaps like any other ovulation these eggs would grow fast. Let's see how large you would be." There hadnt been any record for ovulation of reptilians yet, so Harry could only guess how the ovulation would end. Would it be with Daniel laying eggs like birds, or would it just be self-absorbed by himself after a period of time? He patted Daniel's head idly as he thought wildly.

Lost in thoughts, Harry sniffled and sneezed when a dry breeze came trhough. He shivered as his soaked shirt started feeling uncomfrotable. He pressed a kiss on Danirl and said. "I guess thats a sign for me to get changed out of this! Get back in the pool if you feel like it, I would be rigt back."

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