C College parents (w/Certified_Bump_Inspector)

Name: Samuel McKinsey
Age: 18
Appearance: short cropped hair, dark hair, green eyes, captain of the rugby team. He was well loved by peoplr but was in fact not as sociable as people would have thought. On top of being an athlete, he also enjoyed his quiet moments and surprisingly, studying. 

Samuel was the typical rich kid and the star of the school, but little knew that his parents passed away when he was a teenager. He was raised by his grandparents and had lost them both through his high school. He was all on his own now and sometimes felt very lonely in the large mansion that he lived in. He therefore spent much time in partying , but afterwards always felt so lonely  even among the crowd. 

He sipped from his bottle of beer and glanced around, just suddenly felt thr hollowness in his heart. There was some noise at tbe side. It was rare for him to go investigate, but then he just suddnely got curious. He withdrew from the shadowed corner he was standing and went to find out what was happening.

Name: Leo Turks
Age: 18
Appearance: long black hair, brown eyes, pale skin. His skinny body and longer hair makes him look feminine, but this is apparently unintentional and he oftens wonders why he is mistaken for a female. He is shy, but pretty talkative once he's opened up.

Leo transferred from Germany only a month before, and did not really talk to many people. Regardless he still went to parties on occasion for a drink or two. A man had confused him for a woman and made a pass at him, only to strike Leo in the face once he realised his error. He fell to the ground, his left cheek burning red.

Samuel went to the small group of people where one was sneering at someone who's laying on the floor. He frowned seeing how the group just laughed together, one even tried to spit on the boy on the floor, scoldung him for being a slut or something. "Hey, what's wrong with you all?" Samuel just couldnt accept it. He bent down beside the small figure and asked him, hodling his arm. "You ok buddy?" He wasnt sure if he could rexognise the face. He was pretty sure he knew most of the students in school. "I, i hadnt met you before have i? I am samuel. Just call me Sam."

The crowd eventually cleared out once they lost interest. Leo stared at the first person to really be nice to him all day. "Um, I'm Leo" he answered "It's probably fine if you haven't seen me, I haven't been here long."

Sam noticed the accent and was quite intrigued by it. "You are the new guy then. Sorry for those jerks for what they did...." he offered a hand to pull him up, only to notice how Leo's face was swelling quick with the struck just now. "Errr, you want an ice pack for,.. that?" He gestured to his own face and asked. "Come, there should be some in the kirchen " he took Leo's hand naturally as they navigated through the crowd.

Leo remained quiet as he wad lead into the kitchen, trying to avert people's stares ss they noticed the mark on his face. "Thank you, and sorry for the trouble." He said nervously

They were just about to get through the crowdrd living room when Leo said that, and a just smiled brightly at him, turning around. "No.problem buddy, you are a newbie, we shouldnt have treated you like that in the first place." It was so crammed Sam pulled Leo a little closer, shielding him from the crowd by holding his waist. Everybody was dancing and drinking and chatting, that when they arrived the kitchen, they were both quite relieved. Sam opened the freezer and got a pack. "Y-you..." just when he was going to say something, someone barged in and threw up, but as drunk as he was, he miraculously landed straight into the bin. Sam frowned hard and cursed loudly. "Lou! You ... gosh you are so wasted." He sighed exasperatedly at the goofy smile he got as a response and took Leo's hand once again. "Come on, we could get up to my room... should be less tainted than here."

Leo watched in awe at everyone at the party, they seemed by so drunk and uncaring of their surroundings, but at least there was one nice person. "Where is your room?" He asked, never having been in one aside his own aside from his own.

"It's not really 'my room', more like a place I am so used to spending the night in they just treated it like my own room here." He escorted Leo up the stairs, his hand on the small of his back. They avoided a pair of girls snoggling each other and another pair of couple just sweet talking to each other, then went all the way to the last room on the corridor and entered. Immediately, the loud music and chaos from the outside was shut out. Sam led Leo to sit on his bed and then went to the adjoining bathroom for a towel. "I swear this towel's new.... " he said wrapping the ice pack in it and then tugged Leo's hair up slightly, gently pressing it on his cheek.

Leo felt more relaxed in the quiet room, away from all the chaos. The cold on his cheek was soothing and his cheek turned more of a soft pink color. "That feels a lot better." He said with relief.

Sam sat down on the bed as well and soon found they were quite close to each other. His breath could almost brush against Leo's soft hair. "You say you are new? So where do you come from?" Being in such close proximity, Sam noticed how much smaller Leo appearwd to be.

Leo laid his head on the other man's shoulder. "Germany, I transferred a month ago." He explained to him.

Sam was a little surprised but somehow it felt right t9 have Leo leaning against him. "So, why the transfer? It must be a great change."

"I just wanted to travel, that's actually about it really." Leo answered.

"You are brave." Sam smiled. " What about your family? They moved here with you?" He was tilted his head down to look at Leo with smiling eyes.

(Hmm are you a one-liner style player?"

(Depends on current plot events, what I can work with)

"No." Leo shook his head "They are still in Germany, I plan on staying here at least until I graduate before I decide whether to return or settle a life here."

(HAAHA rhen sorry we hadnt really been developing much)

"Well if you dont mind, I.could be your companion. I dont have immediaye family around as well." Sam smiled and offered. He loiked at Leo and found it quite amusing how this small guy resemblrd a feline being cuddly as this, so.pliant on his shoulder. "You arent... drunk right?" He added suddenly aware of thr possibility.

Leo shook his again "I don't think so," he answered "I was only down there for maybe....15 minutes before that man came on me. Didn't even finish my first drink. He got a little nervous "Why do you ask?"

"Then it could be me drinking too much... i thought you smelt exceedingly nice. And, I dont know, I just feel, so attracted. Like, I am somewhat hypnotized....?" Sam frowned confusedly and thought maybe his mind was playing tricks to him. The smaller but warm body of Leo pressing against him felt so nice, he didnt want to let go at all. He removed the ice pack and brushed his longer hair away, showing his eyes and instantly he lost himself in them. He chuckled. "Are you a wizard or something, luring me in so you could eat me alive?" He smiled and, perhaps under the effect of alcohol and the darkness and coziness of the room, he pressed a kiss on Leo's plush lips

Leo nearly gasped upon hearing Sam's charming words, and again when he pressed a kiss on his lips. From that moment he too fell in a similar if not identical trance, and he was fine with that. "If that's how you feel, would you like it if I spent the night?" He offered, not really wanting to spend his evening alone.

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