C Seducing your neighbor (w/ littleittyboy)

Max pitied the man for this was only the beginning, he tried his best to console him nonetheless. "You can do this Jace... that's one of the hardest and you made it through. It would soon not be as painful when you could.push. hang in there..." max wriggled his finger to get to his cervix, just a bit above 3cm if he have to guess. "You are at 4cm already! Keep this up and this kid's gonna be out in your arms in no time. Seriously Jace, this had been happening much smoother than most." Max said comparing with what he had seen on clips, and decieed just to exaggerate his.progress a little to cheer Jace up.

I know this is just a roleplay but I'd love to se it finished into a story <3

I wish i could make it into a story.... but often times i find i couldnt produce a complete one lacking the point of view of the carrier.... shame as well, i thought there are a lot of potnetials in this idea but my rp partner seemed to have lost interest.....

I have faith you can finish this into a story you can so do it!!


Have groaned a little and nodded. He held onto Max tightly breathing heavily "I still have to wait like another 6cm though? Don't I?" He said whining a little, the pain he felt now was horrible and he was terrified of giving birth knowing it was going to be much worse. He felt tears falling down his cheeks quickly

(hey it's really ok if you don't feel as interested in this :) it's been awhile so no pressure if we aren't getting back into the vibe we once had!)

"err.... yea." Max scratched his head and sheepishly admitted. "yes another 6 cm... it would be fast. trust me..." he said, in teh videos he looked at, there were always tiem skips so he wasn't quite sure how long this could and would go on. "just realx... walka round. Care to dance with me?" he offere,d thinking a bit of moving around should distract Jace a little from the paina nd agony.

(No, I'm good to continue if you are :) )

Jace laughed lightly, though his face was still a little scrunched up in pain "Sure" he said and stood slowly putting most of his weight onto Max as they 'danced' but it was more a few steps here and swaying a little as Jace breathed through contractions as well as he could, soft whimpers coming out every now and again the only evidence of how much pain he was in

(haha good. I am!)

In the middle of their dance, Max had reached down to cup Jax's belly, holding it up slightly to reduce the pressure on Jax's small body. He was glad Jace wasn't afraid to put more of his weight on him, and he was glad to carry him through the ordeal.

Their sways would slow down a bit when Jace's panting got heavier, and resumed to a slightly faster pace when the contraction was over. The pressure was increasing, for Jace was dancing with his legs spread wider than before and he kept wanting to reach back to hold his back. Max did it for him, rounding his arm around Jace and kneaded on his lowerback, and smiled when he saw some slight relief from Jace when he hit the right spot.

Jace sighed in relief as some of the pressure faded from his back "Thank you" he said breathlessly and reached up wrapping his arms around Max's neck before kneading his fingers in his hair lightly. Jace cried out as the worst contraction yet hit him and he subconsciously spread his legs a little wider breathing heavily

The pressure was building, even max knew it for Jace was tensing up more while his pants became more labored. it was a long one, a hard one, and while it continued to climb in intensity, Jace started trembling slightly enduring it. "shh.... you can moan , make whatever sound you want... this will end, very soon, it will peak very very soon and it's downhill from there on..." max muttered, holding Jace close and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

Jace couldn't hold it in as he screamed out in pain as it continued to get worse, he felt himself shaking quite a lot, his legs started to feel like jelly and he swore that he felt the child move lower. The contraction finally faded after a minute and a half and he panted trying to get his breath back before another hit him

While the contraction intensified Max found Jace's body slipping down. He tugged onto his waist to steady him, helping him hold himself up while his body trembled. By the end of it, he let Jace rest fora whiel on his chest to recover his breath. It was difficult, and the contractions clearly was wrecking Jace up pretty badly. Max couldn't deny the excitement that was building from witnessing the entire birth first hand, but he also knew it would be difficutl for Jace - his petit neighnor had such a small frame.

Jace panted holding onto Max for dear life. He whimpered quietly as he felt another contraction start to build up, he was so tired and felt so weak as he rocked his hips lightly before crying out in pain as his stomach clearly contracted trying to push the child down, he dug his fingers into Max's shoulders breathing heavily

The contractions were coming so close together, Max was taken aback by how it dragged Jace down the spiral of pain so soon. he held JAce, almost lifitng him off his feet while he held him up. He cupped the large belly of Jace, caressing the hardened bump pressing a kiss on his forehead. "shh... keep breathing. this is good, you are making good progress..." he muttered feeling the mass moving lower, the baby had dropped deep into Jace's pelvis.

Jace nodded whimpering quietly tightening his grip on Max "It hurts so bad" he cried brokenly. He gasped and cried out as another contraction rolled through him. He yelled out in pain "I need to push!" He said tightening his grip on Max

Max was startled by the sudden exclamation of Jace. "wait.. what? are you ready yet?" he asked dumbly. He lifted jace off to carry him to the bed, forcing his legs open to expose his ,xbotom, where his hole had been twitching from his urges to push. "wiat wait let me check!" he asked, shoving his 2fingers into Jace. his opening was still moist and slippering, but it was still a tightfit for Max. "wait...." he urged, squeezing Jace's thighs. "i don't think you are fully dilated yet..." he frowned, he wasnt too sure though. "though i dunno.. is it you are supposed to listen to waht your body tells you to do?"

Jace cried out a little at the sudden intrusion of the fingers "I don't know" he sobbed and cried out as another pain overtook him with Max's fingers still inside him. He tried to pant through it but ended up screamed no instead, feeling it helped better. "I just want the baby out of me, it hurts so bad" he sobbed

"i don't know... maybe you should push." Max freaked out a little at the sudden scream from Jace. He had fantasized over the process, and found pregnant people very attractive, but now that he was dealing with it himself, everything felt less in control and comfortable. He took Jace's waist adn lifted him up, placing him properly on the bed and spread his legs. "alright, i guess we could still make it work. you are feeling the urge to push right? push, go ahead, give me one push and see what happens first..."

Jace nodded and whimpered quietly waiting for the contraction. He felt it start and leaned forward pushing and crying out as he did, his whole body sweaty and his face red from exertion.

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