Closed Rescued Experiment
"I... I was pregnant and we were...a couple." He smiled softly and watched Harry as he hovered above him, leaning up to kiss him softly and laughing when he was flipped. The alien had no idea what he was trying to do and was naive as ever as he ran his fingers through the human's hair,"It really gave me something to think about... It made me think about us." He revealed finally, he thought about the little bits of his dream he did remember and remembered that baby he held in his arms at the end. Maybe it was a sort of premonition.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Harry tensed up at Daniel mentioning about him being pregnant. He was so sure Dnaiel discovered soemthing - then he seemed to be oblivious when he flipped him. he smiled at Daniel and nodded. "think about us... what, i thougth we're already a couple" Harry was a bit easier now that the egg was brushed deeper into the comforter, hiding away. Holding the alien's lithe waist, he noted Daniel's belly flattened again. He smiled at Daniel and tilted his head. "do you want children, Daniel? little sqruiming babies that will cry all night, but still give you an agnellic smile when they are happy?"
Daniel saw him tense when he spoke though as the other relaxed again he smiled softly, laughing softly and nodding,"We are...but maybe my subconscious wanted more from us?" He offered, smiling softly with no idea about what the human was hiding from him, having no reason to question him. He trusted him with his life, glancing down as he thought about the eggs that they might fertilize within him, though his stomach was flat again. His brows knit together though he was grinning,"I do." He nodded and leaned up to him again to kiss his lips,"I want as many babies as you want to give me." He purred.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
It warmed his heart to know his little alien was willing to do that for him. to carry and to bear, producing babies with him would be a great experience. "here we are, thinking so much ahead..." Harry chuckled stroking Daniels' back, happy to see his lover so cuddly. "we don't even know if we coudl conceive... we are techncally 2 different races." he chuckled at the sweet dreams they were weaving already.

Harry kissed Daniel on his cheeks and noted him appearing a little more flushed than usual. He was heating up slightly, and his scales were lookng a tint redder than usual. "you feeling ok? you're warm..." Harry asked in slight concern.

(are we gonna make Daniel discover about the miscarriage in his sleep? or we're proceeding directly into impregnating him? i'm thinking Daniel would sort of enter into heat with his overwhelmign desire to bear children)
Daniel pouted at that and looked down as he ran his hands along his human's chest,"We can find a way, can't we?"He asked gently and felt light headed as he sat on Harry's lap,"I don't know..."He sighed and leaned in to rest his head against the other's shoulder, his body felt weak despite just waking up,"Something feels weird..." He wrapped his arms around his partner, wanting more of him against him as his skin against his scales cooled him slowly,"Harry, I... I want more."He said, losing his dream world felt like a real loss and he would do anything to gain it back,"I want a family and a life with you."

((Nah, we don't have to. We could do that, though it may take a while since Harry is a human and he's an alien.))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(ok, we could let the miscarraige slde. though what do you mean by it could take awhile? like, it could take several tries for Daniel to really fall pregnant? or take some time for Daniel to enter into full heat with their hormones not entirely compatible? or you mean the pregnancy could take while with their different gestational methods?)

The alien was unconsciously rubbing against Harry. The human found it quite amusing, Dnaiel hadn't minded phsycial touches, but he rarely showed such a strong desire to touch. he stroked along the alien's back and Daniel arched his back like a cat during mating season. "you're feeling like more?" he muttered, looking at Daniel with his half lidded eyes, then moved back up along his arched back to get the same whiny moan from the alien. "hmm, i think we could figure out a way.... " Harry said, though it was more like desire talking, there was no scientific base supporting that they could create offspring together.

Harry again rubbed along Daniel's back, and the alien's eyes went misty at the touch. He stroked along his buttocks, then smiled. "hmm, someone's getting wet and ready?"
((Just that it would take a while for Daniel to become pregnant, he could have eggs though maybe? They get used to him having eggs, though they realize that Harry can't fertilize his eggs but if they try hard enough they can have a baby. That also leaves room for us to maybe have there be a new alien they who wants to breed with Daniel since they're the last of their kind?))

"Yeah... Harry, I want more of you." He even moaned softly as he rubbed his ass against his lovers groin, he held his shoulders as he sat on his waist and bit his lip, his head falling back. "Really? You'd find a way for me?" He leaned down to kiss the human slowly, his body wanted a baby and he would get one. His womb was hot and he felt his skin shudder,"Only for you." He breathed against his lips and rubbed against him more,"I want you." He whispered and purred, wrapping his arms around him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(oh like Daniel would have someone of his species coming to track him down? haha Harry wouldn't take that too well.. can't accept a 3rd party into their relationship, no matter how 'noble' that purpose of reproducing sounded like. yea let him have eggs.. the more the merrier ;))

At times like this, Harry would feel like an adolescent all over again. the only thing occupying his mind was to have sex with this gorgeous creature and impregnate him, make him swell with their baby and marking him in the most intimate way as his. He took his waist and with a low growl, pushed him down to his ready and throbbing cock. With the recent passing of the eggs, and the heat that was peaking, he was able to penetrate Daniel without preparation.

Daniel's insides bit on him nicely. The doctor buckled his hips and shoved upwards, shoving himself through the tight ring of muscles to reach in deep. He would begin to quench the innermost thirst of Daniel's slamming in deep enough he was knocking on the entrance to the womb.
((Yeah, maybe an alien who pretends to be Daniel's long lost relative and tries to convince him that they have to reproduce to keep the species alive? XD, we'll see if it actually convinces him or not, he may just love Harry too much. ))

The shimmering scaled alien tilted his head back as he sat on Harry's cock, a moan escaping him as he rocked onto that thick shaft and lifted himself up before sinking down again. His claws dragged along the humans chest, leaving thin red scars along the flesh there but he didn't even notice that he did. As he gasped, his mouth open as he squeezed around the humans fat cock as it stretched him so well. His usually cold body warming up with the proximity of Harry and his own body's need to be fucked so desperately. Crying out as he was shoved into again and again like there was no tomorrow, his eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly,"More~"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(LOL i am coming up with a storyline that i'm not entirely sure i would like myself... a litle too dark and entangled as compared to my usual style xD

hmm so the other alien will aririve, pretending he was a long lost cousin like you said. he would persaude and after some consideration, despite Harry's strong words against it, Daniel abandoned Harry and their baby - or not, dpeends on when this happen - to follow his cousin to repopulate their kind. Harry would be hurt and broke it off with Dnaiel. the lizard was pregnant soon after and one night he overheard this 'cousin' saying he only wanted the fertilized eggs for seeling. Daneils' kind was known for their versatility on reproduction and would sell for a good price if he managed to prove to the potential buyers that Daniel could carry on top of seeding.

Distressed, Daniel called for Harry's help. the doctor somehow managed to rescue Daniel, but at the time Dnaiel was already heavily pregnant. Harry couldn't live to the image of seeing his loved one carrying someone else's baby, and he couldn't forgive the betrayal. however, Daneil was not in a good condition and if Harry didn't take care of him, he could die. They maanged to stay close to each other, though the experience was rather torturing for them both. Harry tried to keep a blank face at Daniel, but he knew he still cared about his little lizard deeply.

Then came the birth... and there came the surprise! it was Harry's babies Daniel was carrying all along.. he didn't know it at the time but he was pregnant when he left with the cousin.

LOL what do you think?)

The sclaes around Daniel's belly was turning purplish, the warmth building to create hte optimal state for the eggs within Daneil to be inseminated. Harry was obliviosu tot eh change, however. He was too precoccupied by the pleasure stemming from where they connected. "Daniel.. Daniel. my dearest Daniel. Take my seed, carry my babies.... i love you so much." he clenched his jaw tight as he clasped down Daniels' hips, taking him thoroughly with a final few thrusts that's so deep an penetrating, he went through the final bit and penetrated thorugh to his womb-like structure and shoot his load deep within Daniel.

It was stars for Harry. FOr a moment he thought he was dead. The pleasure was unreal. He felt like he didn't need to breath with that almost euphoria. He blinked a few times as images returned to his retina, and he took a quick breath in to return to earth. "wow." he whispered, hugging Daniel tight.
((I love that idea. Let's do it!))

Daniel held onto the humans broad shoulders and rode his fat cock to his hearts content as Harry pushed up into him again and again until he was drooling in pleasure. "I want to, I want to have your babies so badly." He whimpered and his back arched as he squeezed around his shaft and tried milking every ounce of his seed out of him,"I love you too." He breathed out and cried as the other fucked him so wildly, screaming aloud when his wide tip pushed up into his cervix and the hot seed sprouted within him in hot gooey strands. Daniel saw white and collapsed on top of the human weakly, laughing softly and moaned as he rocked into him more, his need satisfied for the time being. "You're so good at that." He breathed and bit his lip.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(haha you're sure about that right! coz... i dunno. i hope i can take it HAHAH i don't have a strong enough heart to torture my characters usually, but well, I don't want ot make this boring to you. I hope spicing things up would make it work!

So are we doing this right away? would you want them to go through a set of egg birth while conscious first? or give them a child before Daniel would leave Harry rather devastated?

LOL and i hope you wouldn't mind if the 'cousin' is inseminating Daniel through IVF or something like that. creeps me out a little if the cousin's gonna force himself onto Daniel....)

Harry moaned feeling Daneil rocking a few tims against him, and sighed in content. "I have to cathc up with you right, little one? I'm not your species... but i can still provide you with what you need." the doctor stroked the arm of his young lover's scaled arm and pressed a kiss on his brilliant blue scaled cheek. "you are so prettt, Daniel. so innocent...." He sometimes worried for his lover. So innocent and naive, if ever he was to face the outside world,he woudln't understand the cruelty and calcualtions of others. "i will protect you Daniel...f rom all evils and dangers. Stay safe in my arms, this will be your haven." He muttered, his hand already stroking at the tiny swell Daniel was sporting like he was already carrying a child.
((XD, it's fine. Do what you want to. They can have a kid, sure. Sure, we can do that too, whatever floats your boat. ))

Daniel hummed and wanted just a bit more to satisfy that deep itch inside of him but he obeyed Harry and knew the human couldn't endlessly fuck him like he wanted. He smiled at the compliments and looked up to his friend and now lover as he met his eyes,"You love me right?" He ran his claws through his hair gently and leaned down just a bit more to kiss him against the lips once more, his eyes closing as he laid his head against his shoulder. It was almost hard to believe that his old doctor loved him so much. The humans hand stroking his mostly empty womb, he purred and kissed against his neck softly,"Because I love you. So much." He murmured, almost not getting sick of saying it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(hmm i don't want to drag out on the details before this, but if you're open to all .... maybe we can do it like... closer to now? while the idea's still fresh... let's execute it ;) then later Harry can remember his lover through the eggs he had laid in his sleep as the only thing Daniel left that was 'part of him'. xD)

"of course I love you, Daniel. You're my little angel... and i couldn't live without you. i'm perhaps the worst doctor in the world. i'm breaching every doctor-patient conduct and well,if you clasify it that way, perhaps even a pediophile with how i gradually fell in love with you, little one." he smiled stroking Daniel's nose. "i am so happy we got together.. and you were'n't freaked out by me. and my advances and love..." he whispered, content and ready to snuggle with his lizard to sleep.

Harry soon found himself shaken awake by Daneil though, just 2 hours after he had fallen asleep. The aline's heat wasn't over and he needed Harry's seeds again. Harry was finally noticing how they really weren't the same species. It just wasn't possible for the doctor to sustain the demand from Daniel with his stamina, and by the end of Daniel's heat, he was finidng himself way beyond exhaustion, and he slept for a straight 20 hours before being woken up by his own starving stomach.
((That would be kinda strange, lol. Maybe we should make it sort of easy for them to have a baby then? Just so we can jump start your idea?))

"I needed someone to be there for me when I was young, and you were there, but I've learned now that I'm older that I love you more than just as my doctor." He smiled at him softly and laid his head down on his shoulder,"Of course not, I don't know what I would have done without you. I don't ever want to be away from you, you're too important to me."

The lizard laid with him as they laid there, he was content just to lay there and purr against his his chest, nuzzling his cheek and neck. Taking in his warmth and resting after their first session, until he felt that need burning up inside of him again and he needed go wake Harry up. He needed to suppress the feeling again at least for a few more hours or until it finally happens, his body needed to be impregnated. It hurt to be so empty.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(lol i'm confused so you mean we could introduce the cousin right away after this heat, or would we give them a child first, pop it, before introducing the cousin?)

Harry was half delirious when he was woken up again. He took in the surrounding and reached for his alien lover's cute ass - which weren't as cute now. He hoped he still had enough in him to get to his needs. He stroked his own length, wincing at how sore he felt, and willed his cock to fill up again. it was difficult, but both of them didn't realise Harry was already exhiiting inhuman ability of sex.

It could be daniel's heat having an effect on him, or maybe it was some long term change on the doctor that even Harry himself didn't realise, but the human's body was slowly undergoing his own changes that would have him able to fill Daniel so many times in this marathon of sex. In a way, he was more adapted to Daniels' body now.
((They could have a kid and then his cousin could come around.))

Daniel's body and hormones seemed to have an effect on him, it made satisfying his odd needs easier than if Harry was a normally endowed human. As the alien crawled back onto his partners waist, smiling at him and pushing his hard cock into him again, riding him. He was moaning before he was even all the way seated as he bit down on his lip and ran his claws lightly down the humans chest. Smiling and arching his back, he supposed his body wanted badly to be impregnated and wouldn't stop until it was, which wasn't hard to do. Not as hard as they thought it would be, as soon enough the alien was tired out. This time, he wasn't waking up again, his body had gotten what it needed to be done did already as he purred in his sleep.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
That tightness and warmth was almost familiar now, and Harry was groaning in pleasure at how it perfectly engulfed his length. He wasn't at his hardest, but it was enough and the swollen and dripping hole of Daniel's was taking him so perfectly, it tdidn't take long for him to fill up fully inside of his lover.

Harry grunted and moaned, stroking Daniels' thighs as the alien rode him. It was primal but intimate, the intercourse was interlaced with strong feelings towards one another, both of them were enjoying thoroughly in this. Harry perhaps wasn't fully conscious, but his body certainly knew better and he was shooting his - now not as thick - load inside Daniel, coating his insides with his cum and finally, it was enough to breach through the genetic hurdles. Harry was oblviious to all this, for after a flash of white light, he passed out in utter exhaustion and fulfilment, holding Daniel loosely beside him.

(yea yea perfect ;))
((Should we skip?))
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
((yea sure. I'm good skipping to any point. To when Daniels' showing symptoms? him throwing up? or right through to when he was heavily pregnant? any point is fine as long as it was before the kid was born LOL)

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