C A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!]

Rowen let out a deep chuckle hearing those sweet noises escape the Omega below him admiring his beauty. He moved his hips more to get deeper biting at his bottom lip to hold back his own moans. He threw his head back and quickened his pace, he didn't want it to end quick but the faster pace just felt so good.

~Help me I'm human~

Mitsuo cursed under his breath, breathing picking up. His legs started to tremble, hands gripping Rowen's hips tighter. He could already feel his climax coiling in his groin, face scrunching up as he leaned his head back and gave a strained moan. He may have been well endowed, but his stamina left a bit to be desired. Trying so hard to hold himself back, he cursed louder, bucking his hips up sharply as he suddenly blew his load. "F-fuck!" He moaned, hips bucking and twitching through his climax.

He groaned as it ended, draping an arm across his eyes, his face red from embarrassment...He'd always had such a short fuse, but he made up for it with quick recovery...That didn't do much to change how embarrassing it was to begin with.


Red finished around the same time as Tsu only moving when he was sure the other was finished. Slumping beside him on the couch he kissed his way up his sweat stained chest to his lips once more.
"Hey don't look so Red thats my job...you wanna come with me someplace tomorrow? I'm going alone to that Bonfire. Might be nice to know someone there besides my friend Troy." Rowen let his head fall on the others shoulder starring up at the ceiling.
Shadows were gathering in the unlit corners of the house, sunset had come quicker than he'd expected. By this time tomorrow he'd hopeful be dancing round a fire drunk trying to black out from life.

~Help me I'm human~

Mitsuo gave a higher pitched moan when Rowen reached his end, his clenching around his over sensitive cock making him twitch. He finally lifted his head when Rowen slumped beside him, a lopsided smirk crossing his face as he kissed up his body. "nnh...sorry...Sometimes I go off quick." He sighed, brushing his hair back and looking at the other properly. "hmm...Yeah, That sounds fun." He said, relaxing back and looking up at the ceiling.

He gave a soft sigh, glancing to the clock on the cable box. "mmm...if you wanna crash here, I guess that's alright." He said, not sure how far the other lived from him.

[Saturday Night - Lake Village Annual Bonfire Night - Approximately 6:30 PM]

Posted just outside the beach access area was a list of rules that were drawn up, in hopes to keep this party safe and the environment protected.  It was necessary, these days, because of multiple incidents last year;
  • A Marked Perimeter has been set around the bonfire, passing that line will be considered breaking the cardinal rule and the park ranger will ask you to step out of the 'danger zone' once, if you are caught doing it again with ill-intentions, he will not hesitate to remove you from the party.
  • Garbage is to not be thrown into the fire-pit at any time.  There are trash receptacles all around the beach area for this party, use them!  Anyone caught attempting to, or doing so, will be immediately removed.
  • No fireworks or firecrackers are allowed on the beach or near the fire-pit.  We have a fireworks display that will start at 8:30 PM when the sun has gone down.  You are, however, permitted to using sparklers.  Use of them should be well enough away from the bonfire; if you are caught trying to throw fireworks, firecrackers or sparklers into the bonfire, you will be removed and arrested.
  • No outside alcohol is allowed on the property.  There are plenty of options to chose from in regards to beverages, and food, in the beach cabin.  Always drink responsibly! The Yellowstone Wolves Pack has opened their doors to anyone who is too drunk to drive home, and there is a marked path to the Pack House for you to follow.
  • These rules are here to keep you, the forest, and everyone else safe.  Please think before you act!
There weren't many rules, that was for certain, but the West Yellowstone College Planning Committee as well as the Yellowstone National Park Park Rangers were attempting to keep everyone safe and protected from potential fire hazards this year.  It was inevitable that someone would break the rules, but they were posted and large, everyone would see them when walking in.

Tables were set up in strategic areas around the beach cabin; food, while only just small snacks of chips, pretzels, a variety of fruits and vegetables, cold cuts for sandwiches, and small appetizers like meatballs, sausage wieners, chicken wings, and meat kebabs were all located inside the cabin; as were several different locally brewed IPA's as well as more commonly known beers, Budweiser, Bud Light, Heineken, and Coors Light were in kegs along one wall and there were extras in the storage shed to refill when empty.

Chairs and loungers were set up within the 'safe-zone' of the bonfire and there was also ample access to walk around the location without stumbling over one another.  It definitely helped that the beach was the largest section of beach in all of Yellowstone.

Several people were already at the bonfire, enjoying the food and the company of everyone else; human and wolf alike.  It was a great place to get to know locals, if you were new to town, and it was a great place for locals to just enjoy one another's company if they were known to not frequently hang out on a daily basis in the town limits.

Troy was ready, happy even, to get to this bonfire.  He was happily going with Lazul to the bonfire tonight and was already ready and waiting on the Pack House porch for his mate to show up.  Yeah... It was still strange to call Lazul, or anyone really, *his* mate, but at the same time he was ecstatic that long awaited dreams - a full year of them - were finally coming true.  Not many, if any, knew that Troy had feelings for Lazul, and tonight's bonfire would definitely test those he considered his friends ability to just accept that he was now mated and solidly bonded to the young Omega.

If anyone, it would be Red who would half-way understand his feelings; they were the closest to each other and talked about everything. Even what they - or Troy - once considered 'frivolous attractions' they talked about them, usually when they were drunk or high together and wouldn't remember them the next day, but they still talked.

Wearing a pair of tight-fit and low-slung jeans, as well as a white t-shirt that clung to his body and showed off not only every muscle but every tattoo that he had through the thin material, Troy just needed his well-earned arm-candy and they would be set to head down the path to the bonfire.  Upon hearing footsteps behind him, Troy immediately stood up and smiled as he turned to face the open front door of the Pack House, his eyes met his father's for a brief moment - the man always standing nearby whenever Lazul was about, fearing for the young Omega's safety like any good pack leader would do - Troy smiled and winked at his dad; he had this, nothing would happen to Lazul on his watch.

"Hey..." Troy greeted quietly "So, are you ready to go?  I know you're nervous about being near so many people at one time, but I promise that everyone will be great.  The townspeople are rather nice, once you get to know them better..." Troy was nervous himself, but didn't show any outward signs of it - he didn't need Lazul being afraid of anything that could potentially happen... It was an almost inevitable thing, given that there was alcohol involved at the party "It's a nice night out, the perfect night for a bonfire."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Rowen shook his head.
"I have some stuff I need to get done before I crash for the night but thanks for the offer sweet thang', my phones a bit broken right now but," He found a spare piece of paper on the table with a half written grocery list, in small writing he scribbled down his number and the bonfire address, "I'll get a new one by tomorrow hopefully, so meet you there?" He gave a wink and started to re gather his clothes putting them on slowly so Mitsuo could still get a good look at his body.
Once dressed he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his temple.
"Thanks for tonight, maybe we could do it again sometime soon." He winked and left not soon after, the air outside was a bit cold but a familiar voice screaming his name got his blood pumping again.
"Hey you slut! Get back here so I teach ya a lesson bout messing with our daughters!" The old man was back chasing him with a bat but Red easily out ran him within seconds his laugh echoing down the emptying streets.

The next morning a splitting headache woke him up, he rolled over with a groan the curtains in his room letting in the glorious light of....oh God it was already halfway through the day. Scrambling to get up he fell from bed and made his way to his closet. His limbs felt so heavy he didn't know how he'd found the strength to get dressed before coffee but he'd done it. Light grey ripped up jeans, a black v-neck with some old metal band logo on the front, and his favorite combat boots worn and torn through the years paired with a slick leather jacket. He shocked himself passing by the mirror having forgotten about hia bruised face. The underneath of his eye and the bridge of his noise were pretty dark still but thanks to his slightly accelerated healthy the cuts on his hands were already gone.

"God I look dead." Muttering he poked at his face smudging some black eye liner around his eyes to give some sort of definition. 
Looking around for the new phone he'd picked up last night he texted Troy letting him know he'd be on his way soon.
'Also totally scored last night, that guys going to the party with me. You gonna have that new house Omega? 
Shoving his phone in his pocket he jouried out the door, he been right bout the bonfire being below the cliffs in his back yard so he just walked the 15 minutes down the street to get to it. Chewing at his lips he took out his phone again looking at the blank screen for a text from Tsu. He'd been an idiot not getting the Omega's number before he'd left and now was left wondering if he'd still be at this party alone.

The timid Arctic wolf trotted out of the treeline not to much latter, his fur seeming to glow in the twilight. he was moving slowly with a bag in his jaws containing the clothes he would change into. he tried to ignore the odd looks he got and the occasional sniff in his direction as he walked up to sit in front of Troy. which drew raised eyebrows from the others around them.

He finally wagged his tail a little as he sat and looked up to his mate, ears back in embarrassment for some reason he couldn't explain. then again here he was sitting before his mate and his mates father, the Pack leader. Even though the white wolf had bathed since their... activities, He was sure the Alpha could smell Troy on him.

When he was asked if he was ready to go he nodded giving another light tail wag. he would definitely need a few of the alcoholic beverages provided for him to loosen up a little. however in his subconscious, something was telling him he shouldn't drink anything alcoholic.

Available for conversation, pm me.

Mitsuo couldnt help a small blush at the pet name Rowen used, nodding slightly and propping himself up on one elbow. He idly watched the other get dressed, tongue swiping across his lower lip, flicking that ring lightly. "Hmm, maybe." He nodded, watching him write down the number, blinking at the kiss.

Once Rowen had left, Mitsuo got up and got dressed, saving the number into his phone before heading to bed.

He woke the next day to a pounding headache, stumbling out of bed and checking his phone. He noticed it was much later than he expected and decided to text rowen.
-just woke up. Guess I'll see you at the bonfire- he sent, throwing on some comfortable clothes. An old pair of loose fit jeans, old combat boots, a random shirt with some 90's cartoon character, and a loose hoodie. He tugged an old beanie on and grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone before heading out.

He took his sweet time. Mostly waiting for the painkillers he took to kick in and rid him of his headache. He figured it made sense to follow other people, eventually winding up at the beach with everyone else.

Since he didnt know anyone besides Rowen, he went to get some snacks, grabbing a soda and a hotdog for now. He didnt want to start drinking booze too soon, and he knew he needed to eat...so he just hung around the house, watching the locals.

Grinning as his screen lit up with a unknown number he saved it under 'Kitten' knowing he'd remember the cute Nickname. A few passing cars honked at him as he continued walking giving him the wolf whistle *ironic*. Rolling his eyes he enjoyed the slight bit of silence that rest of his walk granted him. Though the noise set it once more as he drew near the Bonfire. Cheers and whoops floating over the air making his face split in a smile. Picking up his pace he was doing a slight jog as he saw the beach cabin had alcohol set up.
"Hello precious." He swiped up something strong knowing that fact he didn't eat would make it hit him even harder.
He forgot to text Mitsuo that he arrived instead leaning on the table to flirt with the bartender to see if he could get more free drinks.

~Help me I'm human~

Troy walked alongside his mate for a little while, his hand down and settled in the Arctic wolf's soft coat. Once they were on the trail and headed toward the bonfire, Troy stopped Lazul and got down onto his knees in front of the wolf, nuzzling his head gently and smiling. He took the back from Lazul's jaw and set it down "Time to shift. As much as I find your wolf form beautiful, and soft... I'd rather have you as a human for this. Everyone else is going to be in human form tonight, so there is nothing to be shy about."

Troy carded his fingers through Lazul's soft coat and pressed his forehead against Lazul's snout, kissing the wet black nose "I won't let anything happen to you, my love. I promise you, I'm yours forever and I'll protect you from everything that comes your way - Do you trust me?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Mitsuo had taken to chatting with some of the people inside the house. Everyone seemed pretty nice and excited for the bonfire. He noticed the abundance of wolves, the musky scent of the alphas being much stronger than any of his own pack. The more people he met, the more the scent was getting to him. Even without alcohol in his system, he felt buzzed, not noticing his own scent was different.

Being surrounded by so many virile alphas already amped up for the celebration had thrown Mitsuo into heat. His body saw this as an opportunity that couldn't be passed up. So many potential mates. And, of course they started to notice him.

First, it was just one curious alpha, asking if he was taken and getting a bit closer than Mitsuo liked...When he confirmed he was single, another alpha tried to guide him away, gaining a few choice words from the first man...then others noticed, even a few betas had caught his scent. Poor Mitsuo was stuck in the middle, touched and fondled, his ass squeezed by multiple hands before he managed to shove his way out of the group and stumble away.

"F-fuck off..." He growled, one alpha trying to stop him, while another shoved him. A fight soon broke out between them, while others continued to try and tug Mitsuo's clothes off. All while the overwhelmed Omega spat curses and demands to be let go, trying to shove them off. He managed to get away and pull his phone out, texting the last person he'd messaged, Rowen.


Lazul returned the kiss with a soft lick and nodded. he shifted back slowly and was soon sitting nude on the ground blushing deeply. he grabbed the bag the get his clothes on quickly, dressing in semi-decent clothes although he still had no shoes on.

"h...how do i look?" he asks looking to his mate. the clothes he had on were typical street clothes but his top was open a bit at the neck showing off the bite he had, showing off that he was claimed.

Available for conversation, pm me.

Unable to score any free drink he'd wandered away from the beach cabin when his phone went off again.
"Help?" He looked up noticed a crowd of people shoving around a familiar looking person, "Aw shit, help." Making his way over he found Tsu near the edge of the throng and yanked him backwards out of the hungry faces.
Not expecting him to be held onto so tightly they fell back with Tsu on top of him and he smiled sheepishly at the others flustered face,
"Hey there kitten, sorry I missed your text."

~Help me I'm human~

Troy smiled and kissed Lazul softly on the lips, now that he could. Fingers lightly traced the bite marks on Lazul's neck and he nodded his head "You look gorgeous, Laz." Troy said sincerely, standing up and helping Lazul up to his feet completely as well.

Troy slid his hand to the side of Lazul's neck and stood close to the short Omega, smiling down at him "Don't let anything stand in your way. You're stronger than you think... And I'll be right there with you the entire night." Troy kissed the top of Lazul's forehead.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Lazul blushed at the praise and shuddered a bit as the hand rubbed over his neck and he tried to control his arousal. just being near him was causing the remnants of his now extinguished heat to flare up again. He knew before the night was over they would probably be locked together again.

Little did either of them actually realise his heat had been ended early. something that only ever happened if conception had occurred.

"I...I will try... however i cant help but be worried... i think your dad knows" he says softly and looks up at him to meet his eyes "he is an alpha... and while i did wash... he still has a good nose on him... is that... gonna be a problem? i dont want to cause you any trouble..."

Available for conversation, pm me.

Troy hugged Lazul lightly and kissed the top of his head "Don't worry about my dad. He isn't against me having a mate, and I think he was purposefully trying to push us together, anyway." Troy said quietly and smiled as he slid his arm around Lazul's waist and started walking toward the beach access again.

"And you won't cause me any trouble - I do plenty of that on my own." Troy rubbed the side of Lazul's hip lightly and stood just outside of the beach access entrance, his eyes roaming over all of the people that were in the area "Tonight, I'm going to try and not get into any sort of trouble though... But I still make no promises, I do have a reputation to uphold, after all."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Just remember im not as strong as you... i cant carry you home if you pass out drunk" he tells him with a light chuckle lokking forward and trying not to murr at the rubbing hand on his him. Would everything Troy did turn him on? it was staring to look that way

"Although... i will shift and try to keep you warm over night if you do" he admits with a light blush "If its one thing my fur is good for its keeping others warm" it was the honest truth, in summer he suffered from near over heating due to his fur and in winter he would forego blankets and quilts as it kept him warm. he enjoyed sleeping in his wolf form at night, there was something... relaxing about it.

it was something that he tended to be picked on for, others saying it was weird.

Available for conversation, pm me.

Troy grinned and placed a soft kiss on Lazul's head again - it was strange for him, being this affectionate towards someone else... Even past relationships he had never got this much affection. It likely had something to do with the fact that they were now mated, but... Troy was okay with that, more than okay with that.

"I won't get too drunk. I have a limit as to how much I drink when I'm in public." Troy said honestly, fingers still cascading up and down Lazul's side, and even into his shirt to just have skin-on-skin contact. "But I'm glad that you'd try your hardest, shows a real strength that not many other's would have - they'd just leave me to freeze out here."

Troy shrugged and let his eyes roam over to where the commotion of a fight seemed to be breaking out - it reeked of Alpha pheromones on over-drive and Troy groaned loudly at the idiots; his pack was full of them. "I wonder..." but he paused when he saw that Red was also in there, shoving people away and trying to protect another Omega - the one from yesterday at the pet shop "Of course Red would be at the center of this mess... The man cannot go anywhere without some sort of trouble following."

Troy turned to Lazul and smiled apologetically "You can go find some food, if you're hungry... I should probably deal with whatever is going on over there." He said, hooking his thumb in the general direction of Tsu and Red.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


He nods and looks in the direction of the commotion. he certainly recognized Red, even if he hadnt been with the pack long he knew said males reputation. he wondered where the authorities where then realized he was standing with one of them.

"Is... is that Red again?" he asks watching the gang of alphas try to get past to the omega "he seems to get into trouble alot... some natural skill you think?" he tried not to giggle at his unintentional joke and he gave Troy a hug.

"Ill find myself something to eat... i shouldn't be too hard to find" he says giving him another hug and timid kiss to the cheek before heading off to find food.

Available for conversation, pm me.

Troy kind of felt light, like a feather that could float away at any moment. Lazul was already breaking out of his shell some, and it made Troy feel proud that it was due to in part from his efforts of building up the younger wolves timid nature. He still had a lot of work to do, but progress was definitely being made in bringing the young omega out of his shy personality.

With a sigh, he looked toward the amped up alpha's and then back over at Lazul as the other made his way to the beach cabin to find himself food. He had to deal with this problem before it became an extremely violent situation.

He jogged carefully over the sandy beach and put himself right in the middle of the aggressive Alpha's and his best friend, he had an air around him as he built himself up to look larger than he really was - which wasn't a hard feat at all. "What the hell is going on here?!" he demanded, voice carrying over the noises of his Alpha's and Beta's. But he was staring at Rowen and Mitsuo, looking for answers from what seemed to be the cause of the problems.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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