C A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260))

Everyone knew that the punch was spiked, it was always spiked, yet Logan didn't expect it to be as saturated as it was that night. He should have stuck with the keg, that was one of his regrets for that night, one of many, as he downed his third cup of punch for the night. His buzz going from tipsy to downright wasted in only a few hours, hitting him soon after the burn faded from his throat. He physically felt his inhibitions disappear.

The 18 year old should have definitely been avoiding the punch with the limitations he had, he never drank, not like he had tonight at least. He never crossed that line before. Yet here he was, dancing as if he was a one man party and never putting down the cup in his hand that was full of the cool liquor. He let himself go, usually uptight and known to be the goody two shoes, the blonde cheerleader lost that respect towards him and no one stopped him either. They even enjoyed the sight, even his so called friends.

Everyone watched him make a fool of himself and even recorded some of it too, all the way up until the time he ran to the back porch. Crashing into the balcony railing, he lost his lunch, almost falling over the railing as he vomited into the bushes below him, puking up his guts.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen had been keeping to himself mostly. This party was for the fancy people, really; and he was anything but. He still wasn't sure why he had even been extended an invite to this party, other than the fact that he was one of the school's dealers in pot. . . That probably had something to do with it. He had made quite a good chunk of change already that evening alone, and the party was still in full swing.

He was drinking moderately and sticking only to the kegs of beer that were available. Everyone knew the punch was spiked and Jaylen wasn't fond of fruity beverages to begin with. He'd rather harder liquor. His limit was just a few and he was already closing in on his last drink of the evening when he saw Logan - a kid that shared a few classes with him but otherwise never spoke with him - run to the back porch. His friends seemed to either not care or were just laughing at him.

Jaylen shook his head; he may have been a drug dealer and a 'gang banger' to most of these people, but in reality, he was a pretty decent guy - once you got to know him. He followed Logan out and sighed at the sight before him. "Alright bud... I think it's time you called it a night." Jaylen said as he walked over to Logan and set a large hand on the other man's back, rubbing lightly to hopefully ease the dry heaves.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan was surprised by how everything came out, there was a good mixture of preps and jocks. With some others mixed in, mostly the kids who had something to offer them, kids like Jaylen who had stuff to sell. Parties that the cheer team hosted were known for being filled with people who stuffed their pockets with daddy's cash and who liked to waste that money on every whim that came to mind. Mostly drugs, a lot of drugs. Which was perfect for Jaylen's business and since he was there, Logan had someone to catch him before he made even more of a fool of himself.

He was the perfect cheer captain, blonde haired and blue eyed, skinny and short, the perfect twink as well as suspected by half the school. That video would be all over social media before the morning, but at the moment he had more of a problem with trying to keep his body from expelling his organs from his mouth. He had definitely drunk too much for the night and it was barely 10.

The blonde leaned against the railing, he groaned and pushed his hands through his thick, long hair to try and keep it out of his face,"Fuck." He grimaced, lifting his head when he heard someone behind him,"Huh?" He turned his look at the stranger just a bit, feeling the hand rubbing his back and smiling briefly before turning back with a slight retch. "I'm okay..." He slurred and wiped his mouth, leaning his head on his arm and sighing,"I-I'm not usually...like this... I swear... I can hold my liquor..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yeah, you look okay..." Jaylen said with a grimace, the stench of vomit strong in the area "You can hardly get a word out without puking your guts up... How much of the punch did you drink?" Jaylen asked. Jaylen grabbed a bandana from his back pocket and swiped it over Logan's forehead before he wrapped his hand in Logan's hair to keep the locks from falling in his face.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I am." He reassured weakly, resting his head on his hands and groaning softly, his stomach was uneasy and he barely wanted to lift his head. When he did, he almost collapsed and had to catch himself on the larger man, leaned against him. Not caring if he was a complete stranger, he had approached him and not the other way around, if he wanted to help him then he would have to deal with him leaning against him.

Logan squinted and shook his head,"It's not that spiked...I-I made it myself." He said and grimaced as his stomach turned over again but he kept his mouth shut, "Someone else must've...poured something in it. I made it..." He didn't know what point he was trying to make, maybe trying to convince himself that it wasn't entirely his fault.

Covering his face with his hands as and groaning again, he lifted his face to look up at the other man, swaying as he tried standing up on his own,"Who're you?" He asked and hiccuped as he leaned against the railing again, unsteady.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen rolled his eyes heavily, pulling his bandana away and shoving it into his pocket. "Jaylen... We have like three classes together." Jaylen said, scoffing slightly - of course the idiot wouldn't know who he was. He was just like any other black guy in school, looked at but unseen... It was a predominantly white school, a little on the fancy side but his mother worked hard to put him there so he wouldn't fall into the wrong crowd - well, he did that anyway, but she didn't know about it "Most people call me JJ, or... other things."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan squinted his eyes then he had said that,"Three classes?" He slurred and shook his head,"I'm sorry..." He usually knew everyone, or at least he thought he did, it probably wasn't true but he'd like to think it was. As the young man pushed a hand through his hair to remove it from his eyes with a glance around the balcony,"I need to sit." He blinked and leaned forward against the other before he could fall. Even though he didn't recognize him at all, he felt as if he could trust this guy even just a little, he was so nauseas and sort of just wanted to go home. "I don't feel so good." That was obvious, but now the denial seemed to be fading as he held himself up with the help of Jaylen's stocky frame.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen easily took the weight of Logan and carefully guided the other man over to the stairs - it was out of the direct light pouring in from the party and also had a nice breeze in that general location "Just breathe a little, Logan..." Jaylen said as he grabbed an empty plant pot and set it next to Logan before sitting down and staring out over the open golf course behind whomever's house they were currently partying at.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan walked with Jaylen and gagged briefly as he shuffled close beside the other man, he shut his eyes and grimaced while following him down the stairs of the balcony to the grass beneath the stilted house. Sinking down onto the grass when they stopped and holding his head in his hands as he curled up there. Burying his face for a few moments,"I am breathing." He complained, lifting his head as he looked to the other again, shutting his eyes again after as his head throbbed,"I feel like a piece of shit."

He shook his head, leaned into Jaylen's chest, resting there with his eyes closed, not looking up at him. Thinking that he was helping him just because he was a cute guy, maybe he wanted something in return? "I fucked this up... I never...drink so much..." His ears were red as he looked away again, embarrassed,"I'm sorry you have to help me." It was another time he had apologized for something that could be considered nothing to apologize for.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen shrugged nonchalantly "Sometimes we forget where our limit is... Ain' a big deal..." Jaylen said, stretching long leg-covered jeans out on the steps below and letting his muscled arms stretch back behind him, his white tank top riding up and exposing some of his dark flesh "You jus' gotta learn ya' limits and know when to stop... No matta what you drinkin'"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan instantly took offence to that, he looked back at Jaylen and shook his head quickly,"No, it is at big deal. So many people are here..." He complained, his so called best friend hadn't even stopped him, where was Tori anyway? He wrapped his arms around his middle as he easily leaned back against the others chest. Though he was distracted by the way his shirt rode up his stomach and he sat up again, this time leaning against the cool metal railing of the stairs as he looked away from Jaylen.

The blonde covered his face,"Oh my god." He groaned, eyes closing briefly before he looked to the other again, though that time he seemed to recognize him a little. "Who invited you? Jessica?" He ran his hands through his hair again and shook his head,"Who fucking thought bringing drugs was a good idea..." His stomach rolled again and he leaned over with another gag, gripping the stair railing and swallowing back the urge to vomit. He tried to stand himself up again but to no avail.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Just stay seated... Stubborn fuck." Jaylen scowled and kicked his shoe off the steps a couple of times "Why does it matter who invited me? Drugs are drugs..." Jaylen stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked down the steps of the back porch and stood in the grass "I don't know who invited me... I got a text that said I should be here... I'd earn a good chunk of change to replace the shitty clothes I wear..." Jaylen looked down at his ripped and torn jeans "They ain' wrong, but ye'know... at the same time? Shit kind of hurts..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan didn't have to be told twice, he collapsed on the last stair again and sighed, bringing his knees up and folding his arms. Resting his chin on his arms, he looked up to Jaylen and knew he was right, to the preps and jocks all drugs were drugs, no matter who sold them. They had enough money to blow. He looked up at the other boy and he looked him over,"I thought it was a style." He said with a slight smile and buried his face in his arms again, silent for a few moments. He frowned,"Of course it hurts. Everyone at our university are pieces of shit." He wasn't sure if he was including himself in that description or not. He knew he wasn't the true goody two shoes he tried to show people that he was and he also knew that he could be just as cruel as the others he hung out with.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen snorted and shook his head "Not everyone is a piece of shit." he disagreed. It was true that most of the freshman - and even upper classmen - were pieces of shits, but some weren't. Jaylen would have said more on the topic, but he would have been saying far too much to Logan in that regard; and he had his own secrets to keep.

Jaylen ran a hand over his close-cropped hair and sighed as he brought it back down over the waves in his head "Look... I ah..." he cleared his throat, scuffing his sneaker against the grass "I'm pretty tired of this party... everyone has had their fair share of what I got to offer, and I'm all out anyway so..." he shrugged and looked anywhere *but* at Logan "I got enough money to spring for a hotel room... If you wanna bounce from here?"

He didn't think he was making the right decision, asking Logan to leave with him. The other probably came with friends or drove his daddy's Benz here, and while Jaylen didn't care about his piece of shit chunk of metal that was parked a few blocks away... He hated leaving his car anywhere, simply because cops were always snooping around - they of course wouldn't find anything illegal in his vehicle, it was all inside this multi-million dollar home, being smoked or whatever these richy-riches liked doing with their drugs.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Sure they aren't." He replied, shaking his head,"What would you know." He muttered to himself and he shut his eyes as he held his legs close to his chest and buried his face in his arms, barely listening to the stranger when he spoke. The other lifted his head just a bit to look at him when he offered him a ride and he looked up at the balcony again where he could hear music. Knowing no one else would be coming out to worry about him, the videos were probably all over every social media account he had anyway. He frowned and looked down again,"Sure." He replied.

He hadn't drove anyway, the cheer team always car pooled to their parties because everyone knew they would get wasted and probably crash at the hosts place. Looking up at Jaylen with his pretty blue eyes,"Help me up?" He reached up to him with both hands, the bouts of puking were better now and he didn't think he had any more to throw up anyway.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen nodded and grasped onto both of Logan's hands, helping the other man up to his feet carefully. He looked down for a moment, looking to where white skin met brown, and he sighed quietly "My car is parked a few blocks over... I didn't want anyone laughing at it..." he admitted quietly.

The backyard wasn't fenced in, so he started walking out of it, not bothering to go back inside for anything - he had all he needed on his person anyway. His hand was still loosely holding onto Logan's hand as the duo walked side-by-side "So uh... You're on the cheer team, huh? I mean... I'm not all that into sports... playing them, at least... so I never have seen you in action... You any good?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan stumbled a bit and fell forward into Jaylen's chest, shutting his eyes when his head throbbed, he nodded and stepped back after a moment,"You're not that bad, Jay..." He murmured and he started walking beside the other down the yard towards the street, his hand still in the others as he laid his head on Jaylen's bicep. Slowly of course because he was still nauseas, he nodded when he was asked something about his hobby,"Yeah. I'm cheer captain." He said and he hummed, lifting his head and looking up at Jaylen as if he was offended,"Of course I'm good." He said with a frown and looked back down again as they kept walking forward, making it to the sidewalk and heading down towards Jaylen's car.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen laughed softly "I didn't mean it in any offense, ya'know." Jaylen murmured quietly, walking side-by-side with Logan, fingers still lightly intertwined. Normally he wouldn't be seen showing any sort of affection towards another person, no one knew he was gay, and no one - certainly not Logan - knew he actually had been crushing on the other man for quite a while now.

Jaylen let his thumb slowly trace the veins on the back of Logan's hand as they got closer to his car "It's a piece of junk, really... Don't even know if you're willing to get into it... being seen with someone like me..." Jaylen said quietly, clearly his mind was a bit elsewhere when speaking - racism was just one of those things he dealt with on a daily basis in their school, and he clearly did not know Logan well enough to know if the other man would be racist as well; like most of the people at the party had been.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan pouted just a bit as he laid his head against Jaylen's arm and his eyes closed briefly as they walked down the street towards the others car. He was ready to lay down somewhere and just sleep, grimacing again weakly as their hands stayed intertwined and he was too drunk to realize it. Just how close he was to the man he barely knew, he looked at the old car and he stepped toward it, reaching out to hold himself up with the help of the solid car.

He looked up at Jaylen and looked him over, he seemed fine to him, he didn't even understand what he meant at first before he gasped,"Oh..." He said finally and his eyes brightened with a sense of revelation, as he said,"Because you're poor?" He asked and smiled just a bit, shaking his head,"I don't care. I've had poor friends before." He opened up the passengers seat and lowered himself into the car, completely ignorant of the fact that he had meant the fact that he was black and he was white.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen shook his head and sighed, shutting the door once Logan was secure inside of his vehicle. He slid his keys out and jangled them on his finger before moving around to the drivers side and slipping in. "I wasn't talking about being poor." He muttered, almost angrily, as he started up his clunker of a ride - thankful that it started on the first crank.

He started driving down the road once he made a U-Turn, fingers gripping the wheel a bit tightly "You have a preference in hotel rooms? I can afford up to one hundred, but no more than that... I have shit to buy with the rest of the money..." Jaylen said as he turned the car toward where a lot of hotels were located, slowing down a bit so Logan had a chance to see what was available.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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