C A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260))

Logan groaned and his head fell against his arm as he sat on his knees in front of the toilet, his eyes closed briefly and he turned his head at the sound of the box when Tori pulled it out,"What?"He squinted and shook his head,"I don't need them."He said, but his voice didn't match the surety of his words as he sat back and shut the toilet, dragging himself up onto the seat to sit there and looking at the unopened box she sat down.

"I can't be."He buried his face in his hands for a few moments, he was dizzy and when he looked up at her and his stomach flip-flopped, uneasy at the thought of her actually being right about this. The more he tried not to think she was right, the more he *knew* she was right as he shook his head. Attempting to open his mouth to speak briefly before shutting his lips again and looking down to his thighs with a frown, grabbing the box of tests. "Okay, give me a minute."He told her, looking at her and waiting for her to leave.

He didn't ask her why she knew so much, he had known her long enough to expect that she had her own secrets and maybe he didn't know something about her that he should have. As he stood up slowly, moving to the sink to wash his mouth out and lean against the counter, he sighed and knew just who the father might be. Even if he slept with anyone else, he never got far enough to get fucked, he jerked them off and they were good for the night and he went home to try and get some pleasure out of fucking himself on a dildo even though that didn't work either. Jaylen haunted his dreams, he seemed to *need* him.

Logan took the test, all of them, just to make sure and he capped them again as he waited for the response. Laying them on the counter and opening the bathroom door again,"Now we wait, I guess."He said and he sank down onto the toilet, looking to the counter and sighing.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tori harrumphed at the door being shut in her face, she didn't like being shut out of anything, even the most intensely personal information. Even though she quite literally had *nothing* to do with what could be going on with her best friend. She played with her fingernails and waited, listening intently to each noise coming from the bathroom; just being her typical nosy self. Her eyes were roaming around Logan's bedroom, but nothing really seemed out of place there, the room immaculate and clean like always.

When the door opened, she almost scowled, but she kept her expression bored and neutral, nodding her head as she leaned in the doorway once again, leg crossing over the other. She looked absolutely bored, not at all interested in what was going on internally with her best friend "You know, if you're pregnant... You can just get an abortion. They're so easy, and you'll even be out of school for a couple of days..." She said airily, even her boredom was reflected in her voice "I know this clinic you can use... My mother used it when she got pregnant and didn't want the kid..." an eye roll at that and a slight scoff, the words sounded like a lie, but it was hard to tell since Tori was a drama major, and could convince anyone of just about anything.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan sat there on the toilet seat as he pulled out his phone and went through his notifications, it was a nervous twitch mostly and he struggled to keep his attention on any of the likes or comments on his most recent photo. Instead, he went through his contacts, scrolling slowly through them in search of Jaylen's number, he needed to tell him if these tests showed positive and as soon as he knew too-not any later. He was mostly zoned out, a skill he was best at, half listening to Tori as she spoke from the doorway and he looked up at her when she mentioned the 'a' word, he felt almost sick at the thought and his brows knit together,"Can you not?"He asked her,"It's not that easy."He looked down again, almost feeling insulted by how easily she had mentioned killing *his* baby. Fuck. It was a baby. It *would* be a baby. *His* baby.

He shook his head simply when his friend spoke about a clinic she was recommending him and he stood up as he looked down at the tests that laid on the counter,"I don't know what I'm going to do, but...but it wouldn't be that."He shook his head more firmly then and he pushed his phone into his pocket, he had half-assed wrote an attempt at communication for Jaylen after almost two months of ignoring him but didn't send it yet. As he waited for those faded lines to appear.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tori rolled her eyes yet again, playing with her fingernails "Fine, whatever. I won't comment on how even *having* a baby will ruin your life... You do what you please, Logan." She stated in irritation, fed up with her best-friend; she wasn't even that close with him, not anymore. By the time they hit high school, they kind of went their separate ways - the only things they had in common now was sex and cheerleading, and that was *not* enough for the high-maintenance eighteen year old girl.

"I have to go get my nails and hair done before the party tonight... Whoever your baby daddy is, I'm sure that he'll be just thrilled to find out you're carrying his lump of dead weight around." She snapped out before pushing off the doorframe "See you around, Logan." she said in a chipper tone, as if she actually cared - which, obviously, she didn't, considering she was now walking out of her best friends bedroom, despite his obvious stress and turmoil. She shut the bedroom door with a heavy thud and was then gone from the house only moments later.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I know that."Logan said and he shook his head again,"But I can't just get rid of it, I'm not like you Tori. I just can't ignore something and wish it to go away, then forget about it." He frowned and looked at Tori as she stood up straight from her judging position in the door frame, knowing she was just about ready to leave for campus without him. Not that he was even feeling up to going. "Go then, Tori. I don't care."He said and he waved her off, gritting his teeth when she spoke that way and he shut the door behind her as she walked off out of his room. "Bitch." He frowned and covered he face again as he sank down on the toilet seat, his stomach was uneasy and he wasn't in the right frame of mind for all this as tears collected in his eyes.

Logan was frustrated and angry, at himself mostly and maybe even Jaylen, but mostly himself and Tori as he leaned back and pulled out his phone again. Unlocking the screen and looking down at the empty text messages between himself and Jaylen, some tears fell onto the screen of his phone and he knew he couldn't just text him. He lifted the phone up as he pressed the call option and held it against his ear, holding his head as he waited patiently for an answer.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen answered the phone on the third ring, he was out of breath as he said "Hello." the sound of screaming in the background was loud, as were the sirens and shouts of two males and one woman. There was also an infant crying in the background - a very hectic and chaotic mess of noise "Hang on a minute! Let me try and find a quieter place." He said to whomever it was on the other end of the phone, he didn't recognize the number, but that wasn't uncommon in his 'line of work'.

All at once the sounds stopped and Jaylen seemed a lot less frantic as he said hello again. The sound of his breathing was much more even and there was pretty much no noise, except for the baby screaming - that somehow seemed a little louder "I'm sorry about all the noise. What's up? I didn't catch your number before I answered, so I don't even know who it is I'm speaking with right now..." He didn't expect Logan to call, not after two months of radio silence, and he didn't even have Logan's number, really he had no numbers saved in his phone - he remembered the numbers in his head, just in case.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan was surprised by the way Jaylen answered and also the fact that he was so quick to answer, his heart skipped a beat and he was silent. Almost thinking that he may of had the wrong number, he wondered just what might be going on in the background as he waited silently on the other end for him to get into a quieter place. Thinking that he could swallow the lump in his throat and speak, but when he opened his mouth just more tears fell from his eyes and he shut his mouth again.

The baby crying in the background made it worse and his heart thudded in his chest as he gripped his phone against his ear. He bit down on his tongue and he didn't say anything, just dropped the phone into his lap and hung up suddenly, his face flushed a bright color of red. Looking at the array of used tests and feeling sick to his stomach again as he held the locked phone tightly in his hands. "Fuck." He complained, shutting his eyes and using his free hand to wipe his face free from tears,"Come on... You can do this..."

Logan sat there for a few moments before unlocking his phone again and pressing the dial button once more, lifting the phone to his ear and swallowing again. Clearing his throat to make it seem as if he hadn't been crying, but he knew that was impossible as he waited for a reply again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen growled slightly in frustration at the hang-up call. It happened often enough, especially for first time buyers who copped his number off of someone at school; he couldn't lose his cool over this. He looked at the number this time as his phone rung in his hand, and sure enough - he didn't recognize the digits. He took a calming breath, mind still frazzled from the chaos surrounding him. The bathroom being his only safe haven.

"Yo. I get that you might be scared to talk on the phone..." Jaylen started off quietly, tapping his fingers on the counter of the bathroom sink "Why don't we meet up at school instead? It's a lot easier to make a deal that way..." Jaylen knew of several places they could talk business where it would be secluded, but totally natural for two people to be in the same place "I know a couple places... The library, or the bathroom that hardly anyone ever uses on the west wing - Your choice man."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan shook his head at first but remembered that Jaylen couldn't see that and he spoke instead,"Sorry... I..." He didn't know what to say still and bit his lip as he stood up again and looked over to the sticks again that showed much more prominent plus signs now. Now he knew it wasn't a mistake to call him, he said quickly,"No. It's not like that." He said and licked his lips,"This is Logan. I uh... I don't want to buy anything. I just... I want to talk to you. He said softly to him,"Not at school though. Could you come over to my place so we can talk? It's important."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen sighed, almost in relief, that it wasn't a drug deal. But at the same time, he was slightly frustrated - why would Logan be calling him after two months of silence? He shook his head and stood up, "Yeah, aight. I'll be there when I get there... Things is kind of crazy around here right now." Jay said, didn't even wait for a response before he hung up. Ironically he remembered exactly where Logan lived, mesmerized the route he took to get home and drove by a couple times, he had wanted to go up to those fancy oak doors and knock, but he never did.

Now, he finally had a reason. So without waiting much longer, he packed up a bag of clothes, a few other necessities he might need, and he headed out of his mom's little two bedroom apartment. It may have been a booty call, but at the same time, Logan sounded pretty serious and it sounded like more than just 'I need some good sex' type of call. He wouldn't know until he got there, though.

It took him about forty-five minutes to get to the house, parking his car down and around the block as he normally did. His duffle bag was slung over his shoulder and he knocked loudly on the door. He bit his lip as he waited for an answer - there were no other cars in the massive driveway, and no one really seemed to be home; were Logan's parents out of town? Sent the house people off on vacation too? He didn't know... All he did know was that Logan needed him, and Jaylen was just that into Logan to drop everything and come over; even if he was wearing his worst pair of jeans - one's that hung low on his hips, and a beat-up old wife-beater; he probably would have come here wearing a towel if it meant somehow helping Logan out.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan didn't even think about how he had completely ignored the guy for two months straight, he hoped they could see past that after some time. It wasn't like he did it on purpose, they were part of two different groups of friends that never mixed, there shouldn't be any hard feelings about how things were. "Okay." He said quietly on the other end as the the call went silent and he just wanted to curl up into a tight ball but he forced himself to sit there and glance at the tests that laid on the counter every few moments. Almost as if the results would change, that the pregnancy would go away and he wouldn't have anything to tell Jaylen but to apologize to him. But of course that didn't happen.

He wondered what was going on in the background of Jaylen's house, he hoped he wasn't dragging him away from anything serious. Then again, why would he even leave if it was something serious? He didn't understand that Jaylen was completely infatuated with him or almost didn't want to believe that he could have someone who barely knew him love him so much.

In those forty minutes, he had moved from the bathroom to his bedroom and sighed as he flopped on the bed, burying his face into the pillow. He cried a little, but ended up falling asleep and waking up when the knock echoed up to his room, lifting his head with a start and glancing around. Everything hit him at once again and he wiped his face free from the residue of tears and got up out of the bed as he walked out into the hall, then down the stairs towards the front door. He opened up the door, knowing just who was standing outside of it as he looked up at Jaylen and bit his lower lip,"Hey." He took in a breath and stepped back, letting him walk inside his house,"Thanks for coming. I know its random." He ran a hand through his hair and exhaled.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen shook his head as he looked Logan over intensely. The shorter man looked disheveled, hair all over the place, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, and he looked like he just wanted to continue to break down. It quite literally broken Jaylen's heart, and he really hoped that it wasn't something that he had done - it was almost impossible, but not entirely impossible, to be his fault. He hadn't seen or interacted with Logan in nearly two months, but that didn't stop his heart, or his arms from reaching out to Logan as soon as he was inside and the door was shut firmly.

He dropped his duffle bag in the foyer and immediately wrapped the shorter man up in his arms, kissing the top of his head "Shhh. It's alright, I would have dropped the entire world for you, just to be here." Jaylen said quietly, perhaps admitting to far too much already - it's not like they were in a relationship. Sure, he hadn't been with anyone since him and Logan hooked up in the hotel room, but they still weren't anything more than two ships passing in the night to one another... Still he would have dropped everything, which he had, just to be here for Logan "C'mon. Tell me what's going on sweetheart. You wanna go upstairs? Is it okay for me to be here?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan watched Jaylen step into the foyer of his home and the door shut behind him his bag dropping to the floor before his warm arms were wrapping around him, burying himself in the other's chest when he embraced him almost naturally. He allowed him to comfort him and he gripped him as he shut his eyes tightly, his heart thudded in his chest as he told him what he did,"Thank you."He said in a wavering voice, his hands coming down the others back as he grasped at his tank top briefly almost as if he would collapse without him. As Jaylen spoke, he knew he wanted to tell him outright what was troubling him and he also knew he had a right to know as he looked down and stayed to him,"Yeah. Upstairs is fine."

The tests were upstairs anyway, he would need evidence if he was going to claim facts like this, it was a serious situation and he could only hope Jaylen wasn't like the other guys he knew. So far, he was sweet and affectionate and he actually cared about him, his eyes looked up at him then and he nodded,"It's fine. My parents are gone for the month... Some business thing."He murmured and wiped at his eyes, still feeling as if he would cry but hopefully he could speak his mind without breaking down again. As he led Jaylen over to the marble stairs and walked up to make it to the second story where his room was and he let him inside.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen easily followed Logan upstairs to his bedrooms. He entered the bedroom and looked around slowly. He wasn't used to such a large room being all for one person - he shared a room with a six month old and an eight year old, leaving him little room to do much else. He sighed and moved to sit on the bed, and then patted the space beside him "C'mon. Come talk to me, Logan. Whatever it is - I can help you figure it out... Unless it has to do with needing money, then I can only offer moral support, because I'm tapped out until tonight." He made the most money at these richy-rich parties, and since it was Friday, he'd be raking in the cash-flow, although... With Logan's demeanor, he had a feeling he may be staying right here in this large and comfortable bed, comforting the cheerleader, rather than working. Which he would be more than OK with.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Logan's room was large and filled with furniture bigger than anything Jaylen had seen before, the colors matched and were warm and red-toned. He looked at the other man as he sat on the edge of his bed and he ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head when he asked him to sit,"I can't. I have to stand, it's easier for me to tell you."He told him as he stood in front of him for a few moments, shifting his weight from foot to foot,"No, its not money. Why would I need money?"He didn't mean it in a rude way, but it was almost insulting to even think that he would need it as he turned and headed into the bathroom for a few seconds, grabbing one of the tests.

Logan stopped briefly as he held it in his hand and he felt uneasy, how could he just walk out and show him? He took in a breath and shut his eyes to relax slowly, turning to walk back out of the bathroom as he walked over to the bed again,"Please, don't be angry at me.I just found out today, it's... I just didn't have anyone else to tell. I mean... I told Tori, but..."He didn't finish that thought as he just held out the positive pregnancy test to Jaylen.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen was growing more worried about Logan the longer the other man took to tell him just why he drove all the way over here. He watched him cautiously as Logan left the room and into what he assumed was a bathroom. To say he was jealous of Logan's living situation was an understatement; the guy had his *own* bathroom, whilst Jaylen was forced to share a bathroom with several people. He didn't dwell on it long though, considering Logan was back and standing in front of him again; a small white stick in his hands.

When presented with the stick and Logan's words, the first thing that popped into his mind was to say 'I could never get mad at you' but he held his tongue and took the stick when Logan gave it to him. He already had a feeling about what it was, when he first saw it, but to have that confirmation now sitting in his hand, and to see it practically screaming 'positive' well... He was a little upset, sure. But... At the same time he wasn't. Why else would Logan be handing this to him if it weren't his kid?

Jaylen slowly looked up at Logan and smiled, setting the test aside "I'm thinking you told the right person, Logan." Jaylen said quietly, grasping onto the shorter man's hand and gently tugging him closer, positioning Logan between his knees. He pressed his face to Logan's stomach for a few seconds and sighed "I'm not angry with you, I can't be angry with you - it was my fault, just as much as yours, that you're... we're in this mess." Jaylen said, tilting his head back and rubbing Logan's hips lightly "I ain't got much to offer, Logan, I don't make much money, I ain't really smart-" that was a lie, but no one needed to know he was an A+ Student, most of the time "-But I'll try my damned hardest to support you, and our baby... I wouldn't want to do it any other way."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The blonde, smaller man watched Jaylen as he waited for his response from him after revealing the truth, pushing his hair out of his face again and gnawing at his lower lip,"I took like five of them, they all say the same thing... I..."He stopped himself as he looked at Jaylen and tried to judge what he was thinking by the expression on his face but he just couldn't,"It is yours. There's no other person who's...uh..."He usually wasn't so bad at articulating what he meant as he spoke to Jaylen and just wished he would say something.

Until the other smiled and his heart skipped a beat, a sort of relief washed over him as he nodded,"Yeah, I hope so."He replied when Jaylen took him by the hand and brought him closer to him, he relaxed as he leaned into him almost naturally and he closed his eyes as that stress he was shouldering was cut in half. His arms wrapped around the back of the others neck and he held him as he rested his forehead against his flat middle, nodding,"Yeah, its our problem."He said and he had never been more relieved, looking down to meet his eyes as he lifted his head,"It's okay."

Logan supported the back of his head with his hand and ran his fingers over the smooth black hair against his neck, not even noticing as he was doing it. He looked away from him and he looked down between them nervously, sinking down into his lap slowly,"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. We can figure something out. I just...wanted to talk to you first, you should have a say."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I want too, Logan." Jaylen said firmly and quickly, maybe a little too quickly - Inserting his own foot into his mouth, metaphorically. He bit his lip and leaned back in the bed, bringing Logan down with him easily. One hand went to the other's middle, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth against the currently flat section "I don't know how to explain this any better... So, just bare with me, okay?"

Jaylen took a deep breath and carefully turned so he and Logan were laying side by side, keeping his hand on the smaller man's stomach and hip "I've been attracted to you since the start of the school year. I can't explain why, it shouldn't even be a possibility, given our two very different social backgrounds and upbringings." Jaylen said quietly, voice sincere and honestly "I don't know what we can do about this pregnancy, I'm sure there are options out there for us..." he took a slow breath this time and pressed himself a little closer to Logan "But I do know, whichever decision that we decide together, I'm gonna be there for you, Logan... Even after all is said and done, if you'll have me... I'll be there."

Jaylen hated laying his heart out on the line, but every word he said was true. He did have feelings for Logan, ones that went far deeper than he could ever explain. Did Logan return those feelings? He wasn't sure, and if Logan didn't he was certain that it would break him for a while yet, but... He had to take a chance, and the opportunities were right here, presenting themselves for Jaylen to grasp onto and hold tight "No matter what we decide with this baby, Logan..." He pressed a light kiss to Logan's forehead "If you'll have me..." a kiss to Logan's nose "Would you consider going steady with me?" a kiss to Logan's lips "Be my boyfriend?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


He blushed immediately as he looked at Jaylen and he laid on top of him when he brought him down against his chest, laying down beside the other and resting his head on his arm while the other rubbed his middle. Listening to him with interest when he spoke, he laid his hand on the other's wrist as he rested his hand on his stomach, brows furrowing briefly,"Okay, I will." Logan moved his hand to play with the hem of Jaylen's shirt, it was frayed from how old it was, he looked at the other man as he revealed his attraction to him and he would usually hate when guys got as mushy as he was now but somehow he didn't feel revulsion. His blue eyes were bright as he waited for him to finish, not wanting to interrupt as he looked down again at the hand on his flat middle, he was too early for it to even be called a real baby and yet here they were. Laying together in his bed and soaking up each others warmth and softness.

"Really?"He asked softly when he was all done, he didn't know how much he wanted to believe of it even when he wanted to believe it all completely, in the back of his mind he thought that no guy could be that good to him. Why did he deserve a man like Jaylen? His face was still a pale red color and he looked up at him again,"How do you know you actually like me? What if-"He stopped when Jaylen started speaking again and his throat was tight as he mentioned the baby that was sure to be growing quickly while inside of him, his eyes going down again and allowing him room on his forehead to kiss. His eyes closed and he wrapped an arm around him, exhaling and taking no time to kiss him back slow and softly, breaking away briefly,"You sure you want me?"He asked, even though technically he would be stuck with him in a few months time.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Jaylen reached up to Logan's face, framing those delicate features lightly with his long fingers "Of course I do." Jaylen said quietly, leaning in to kiss him once more. "Baby or not, Logan. I've wanted you for a while - and this... while not an ideal situation, I wouldn't change it if it meant I got the chance to actually be with you..." Jaylen pressed another kiss to Logan's lips and slid his fingers down Logan's thin arm, grasping onto his hand and squeezing lightly.

"I'm not gonna lie, it won't be easy... being together and people knowing you're pregnant with my kid... but, I don't want to pass an opportunity like this up." Jaylen said quietly, interlacing their fingers and squeezing again "If you aren't afraid of what will happen in the coming weeks, or even months, then I will damn sure be honored to have you as my boyfriend... I'm in this, all or nothing."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


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