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Hey everyone,
I was wondering, for those of you in our community who simulate pregnancy, how often do you simulate?
I'm interested to learn how often people like to dive into their interest in mpreg simulation. Do you simulate as often as you can? Or, are you restricted by other factors, such as having time or the space to simulate properly? If you've read this and want to share, please just post a reply.
I myself am relatively new to this and while I have lot of spare time to simulate, I don't indulge all the time. I suppose for a lot of us it depends on our mood and what other things might be going on. I know that since the pandemic I've noticed I've simulated a lot less; but that doesn't stop me enjoying myself when I do.
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I don't simulate very often in general. And when I do I'm usually in the privacy of my bedroom. I still live with my parents so that's really the only place that I can simulate. The last time I did it outside of my bedroom for longer than a few minutes was when they both went on vacation. I stayed at home and simulated for nearly the entire day. It was fun. Once I move out on my own I'm more than likely going to simulate more often.
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I miss getting to do it more frequently. I have outside favors that impact it. Twin toddlers being the biggest hurdle. Leaving me basically only after their bedtime which then typically isn’t alone often since everyone is home all the time these days ..
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I simulate when I am alone at home.
I live by my parents at Home. My Problem is that my baby bump look not so professionell like other Simulators. I like to take pics with my baby bump and share it with other people in this Community. When my parents are at work than I simulate the hole time. But I wish that I have a silicon baby bump.
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03-17-2021, 08:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-17-2021, 08:52 PM by
I used to simulate all the time. Mine looked real enough, and I slowly made it bigger over time, that people just assumed I had gained weight. My husband was fine with it for years, and then all the sudden he started worrying that it was going to hurt my body (I'm 28, he started getting worried about it around a year ago). So far I am yet to be hurt, but he is really worried I am going to end up hurting myself. He says it's because he doesn't understand the appeal or how I do it, or what measures I am taking to make sure I don't hurt myself, but when I try to explain it to him he says he doesn't want to know. So I just stopped because it's not worth fighting over. I've been thinking about it constantly for a few months, now, though. I really miss my big round belly.
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I often do on the weekends. To busy during the work week to do it
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Pretty much any occasion I get the house to myself for more than an hour, I'll have my belly on.
Usually at least one hour a week.
Does anybody else have periods where they need to have their belly on as much as possible? I've had weeks where I've had my belly on for hours a day multiple days in a row and I still need more tummy time.
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Thank you all for your responses, It's been really interesting hearing how other people simulate. For a lot of us it sounds like having the time and having the privacy to do things is the main restriction.
Keep doing you guys! Sending big ole mpreg hugs to everyone! (Just imagine our bellies bumping together)... Sorry, I can't help it :P
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I love simulating. However I never have the time or the privacy because still live with family. I either have to do it when my brother and mam are at work or late at night and try not to wake them. But when I do have the time I do everything. Even go outside with it.
Life would be great if men could get pregnant
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I live alone, but still used to simulate very rarely.
I recently got a silicone belly from aliexpress and simulate almost daily now.
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It's interesting seeing the contrasts between different peoples circumstances. Mystic... every day? Wow, thats cool, I used to feel insecure about simulating twice a week. Bravo my friend.
You've got more confidence and balls than me Chicken Man, I don't think I'd ever go out in public whilst simulating. That must feel very liberating.
Thanks again for your continued responses guys. I appreciate them all. :)
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Oh, no. I don't really go out in public simulating. The only time I simulate in public is either just going to get the mail (well after dark) or going to my car to hit up a pokestop down the street.
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Thank you. I only done it recently since with my long hair and a mask I do look very fem. It like actor its crazy bit fun sometimes
Life would be great if men could get pregnant
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Living by myself I simulate on a regular basis, mostly in the late evening to the morning. I'm a werepregger.
Yes I do to bed with my bump when do.
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One of the biggest frustrations for me in lockdown has been that I can very rarely simulate because my missus has been working from home! I used to simulate perhaps once a month before that as I work shifts and often have the house to myself. I like to do pretty intense birth simulations though with maternity dresses to feminise me, a balloon belly, TENS machine, an inflatable butt plug, a dildo and sometimes even suppositories! The whole thing takes a bit of time to assemble and put on and then pack away again and realistically I need 3 hours clear in the house alone as a minimum for a birth.
I've got a Colt anal douche I haven't tried yet as I quite liked the idea of filling myself up and then putting the butt plug in as I bet that would generate some pretty strong contractions!! I film and photograph some of my births too for my own personal pleasure.
My fetish is really centred on birth rather than mpreg and I love to make it all feel as realistic as possible plysically. I want that pressure in my anal canal, the gradual increasingly intense contractions of my belly.
My missus is due back at work in just over a week and so finally I may be able to do another birth and I simply cannot wait to go into labour!! I dream of buying a proper belly but fear storing it and it being discovered or how I could even take delivery of it without her knowing (because most of the chinese suppliers will only give a vague delivery date range) so it's impossible to know exactly which day it is coming so I can be at home alone.
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Its mood and situational dependent, like if im doing a simulation with someone besides just doing it for myself. I guess getting to show off or share helps me be more driven to simulate. Otherwise is could be a frequent as once a week to maybe once a month. I focus alot on the labor aspect to setting aside the time to get ready "especially if im getting ready to birth an insertable" its not exactly something done on short notice. Also having to worry about to being to loud and vocal in general because of a roommate. It can be dificult to do proper moans and groans while simulating when its 12am and your roomie is right next door! XD
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Not as often as I used to, I'm sorry to say. I think my 'best years' of simulating we're probably between around 2001-2009 approximately. The situation between family and friends meant I'd probably have at least a morning or an afternoon a week where I was left alone. I'd know pretty much at the start of the week when I know I'd get some 'private time'.
I don't get involved with the whole Labour scene when it comes to simulating as it's not really my 'thing'. I'm more into the pregnancy itself.
About four/five years ago, I've had the pleasure of at least two periods where I've been alone in the house for around 36(ish) hours, where I'd argue I've made some of my best simulations due to the time I know I've had (and guaranteed to be) alone. Some of the more established members here may remember I even videoed the results.
I'd love to simulate again because during the various lockdowns we've had here in the UK, I've put on a bit of weight (like most people in all fairness) and I'd know I've very least match the size of the belly I had back then. Sadly at this moment in time, getting time alone in the house is near non-existent. I may get the odd hour here and there, but that really isn't enough for me to do much in the way of *quality* simulation. I honestly don't know the next time I'll be able to have so much as a morning/afternoon alone, yet alone those few periods where I basically had two days to myself.