Stuffing to simulate/People touching your belly?

So in a few days before running some errands I'm planning on kind of doing a simulation while I'm out. Gained a little weight recently, and when I really stuff myself or chug a bunch of water I look a solid 30 weeks pregnant. The plan is to bring a huge thing of water, get a dozen donuts, and get as much inside me as I can before shopping.

I have an outfit picked out too. An undershirt that's basically skin tight, and a button down that's also super tight, except I'm going to leave it unbuttoned from about my sternum down to really excentuate my bump like it's poking out. Also when I'm stuffed I usually find myself unconsciously rubbing my belly, which I hope will add to the effect.

My questions are: does anyone have any tips for highlighting/making your stomach look bigger? Has anyone else here stuffed to simulate? And has anyone had their bump touched in public? (This last one is kind of a dream of mine, to have someone ask when I'm due/touch my belly.)

Well, I did it!

So I wore a skin tight black undershirt and a bright button down. I had hit a Dunkin first and got six donuts and brought a 1.25 liter water bottle. In my car I ate them as fast as I could then pounded the whole water bottle. My stomach had nowhere to go but out! Especially when I stood. The button down was literally too tight to button over my stomach! I measured quick at 45 inches just over my navel! (And I'm decently skinny with a bit of a stomach already, so my stomach looked so huge sticking out from me!)

I was only able to button the 2nd and 3rd button down from the top, so I just had this huge black orb protruding from this bright button down. I waddled into the store (I had actual shopping to do), occasionally placing a hand on the side of my belly as I went, taking is slow and doing the "pregnancy bend" when I had to (which wasn't by choice lol I was so full I had a hard time bending).

I made sure to kind of make eye contact with people as I walked around and I saw so many of their eyes go to my belly! It was exhilarating! There was one middle-aged lady near the bread that was straight up staring at my belly! Was super hoping she would say something, but alas. Same thing with this couple I kept bumping into. Each time I saw them they were glancing at my belly!

All in all it was a great time! So exhilarating! Just wanted to give y'all an update!

Figured I'd keep updating this thread with my exploits.

So today I decided to go clothes shopping and I had to make an exchange. Same deal as last time with my pretend belly: a whole lot of donuts and a whole lot of water. Different button down, but same effect, unbuttoned from the top of my belly down so there's a huge orb in a tight black shirt.

Anyways I wandered the clothes store and got plenty of looks as I checked out some larger shirts. There were plenty of mirrors too, so I was able to perfect my pregnancy walk as I went around. The best part was when I checked out. I had found the shirt for the exchange in a larger size, and luckily there was no one around when I went for it (may have kept an eye on the registers to make sure of that lol).

The counter was just below waist high so my belly jutted way over it when I was right up to it. I could see the cashier's eyes go right to it! I gave her the old shirt and it went along the lines of:

Her: "Just exchanging for a different size?"

Me: "Yup! Same shirt, one size up."

She starts making chit chat about doing the exchange manually in the system since it was acting weird. Then:

Her: "Okay, and this is the bigger one?"

Me: "Yeah!"

Me feeling very bold: "I had to go up a size."

*I rub my belly a little and leave my hand at its peak*

Me: "She grew way faster than I thought she would!"

Her: "Yeah, that happens!"

Was so thrilled, I don't even know if she picked up on the reference to the little baby girl in my belly but I just ran with it!

For the rest of the interaction I made just to almost always keep a hand on my belly, and I saw her glance at it all the way up until it was my time to waddle out of the store!

Can't wait for the next one! Hope y'all are enjoying these!

Wow you’re very bold man!

Thank you! I'll keep updating it with each excursion! (Also it definitely helps my bravery that these stores are in different towns/ones I don't often frequent lol)

Simulating in public is something I highly doubt I'd ever have the courage to do - so well done to you there! You're certainly much braver than I am! 

To answer your questions: I'd happily have a woman play with my belly whether I was simulating pregnancy or not. As long as it was in private. I'd probably want to put that on my 'bucket list'. My only advice when it comes to making your belly look bigger (I personally prefer bare belly/natural inflation) would be the usual tips of eating a heavy meal and drinking lots of fluid. Allow it to settle for 20 minutes or so and then 'pushing it out' should give some good effects. On top of that, wearing tighter clothes always gives the impression of having a 'bigger' belly. I personally like wearing t-shirts which I can adjust accordingly to show varying degrees of bare belly. Similar in style to a crop-top. I've stuffed to simulate on multiple occasions in the past - but I have to stress that's not to the extent others go to and barring pictures I've shared with our community in the past, it's been in private. 

I hope that helps.

Please do keep us updated on any future excursions! 

Hi! Wanted to update all of you on a few recent excursions!

The Ultrasound:

I wanna start by saying that I'm totally fine, and that this was part of a routine check-up after a procedure I had. Anyways, for this ultrasound I was required to drink a lot of water beforehand so I'm sure you know where this was going... Definitely had more than a few people glancing at my belly as I walked around! It felt amazing to have so many eyes on it! And the ultrasound technician, her eyes went straight to my bump when I stood up! I waddled back to the room, laid down and rolled my shirt up. From there I just enjoyed the little roleplay in my head, the feeling of the wand rolling over my bump and getting images of the kiddo!

The Mall:

This time I had the whole day to myself! I had a normal breakfast (toast etc) then on my way to the mall I ate three bacon, egg, & cheese on a bagel, and drank a liter of water. I was massive! Absolutely huge! I actually had to spend a few minutes letting my stomach stretch out and relax.

I waddle in with a hand on my bump! Almost always kept one there. It was fun, definitely got some looks! Especially from the few employees I had to ask where things were (I was new to this mall lol). I also got bold and tried on some maternity shape ware! I loved the way it rounded out my belly even more! With my shirt down I looked super pregnant! Wasn't bold enough to buy it though...

But still, it wasn't too much different than my other experiences. And I still haven't had anyone comment on it or ask to touch it. I know that's a high bar, but a dream is a dream!

My question to all of you is: what's you're experience with shape wear? Are there any of you with bigger bellies that have tried it out? Let me know!

Hello all! Another update!

I got bold and bought some maternity shorts, very elastic-y, and more yoga pants in feel. Oh my, how it changes the shape of my belly... So much rounder and protruding! It really forces my gut out there like a basketball! I look way more pregnant now. I wore them during a public outing under some jeans. In all the mirrors and windows I passed I looked noticably rounder! Definitely got some looks as I walked around too! Made sure to keep my hand cupped on my belly!

Also can we normalize men wearing yoga pants? So comfortable!

Anyways, I still think people assume that I have a beer gut (I mean, I do, but that's not what I want them to think ?) so tonight I experimented with different sized wads of paper towel shoved in my belly button. With the pants and a shirt over it, it's insane the difference the "popped" belly button adds to transforming a beer belly into a pregnant one! I've been thinking that something with the consistency of silly putty would be the best for my fake belly button, but I also worry about it holding it's shape.

Thanks again to those who are still reading my updates! Please comment about your experiences and how you've simulated!

Until next time...

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