08-31-2016, 07:55 AM
"Oh well." James replied.
Not really scared of what Charlie could grab to throw at him. Course the man put a hand on his stomach as he could feel it getting closer. Well things might be going even faster than last time?
"It differs. Could be a few days, a few weeks, or the whole nine yards." James said. "However, you're going...to have...frequent growth spurts."
With that said, one started up for James. Making his stomach bulge forward more and with no shirt on, it was easy to tell.
Not really scared of what Charlie could grab to throw at him. Course the man put a hand on his stomach as he could feel it getting closer. Well things might be going even faster than last time?
"It differs. Could be a few days, a few weeks, or the whole nine yards." James said. "However, you're going...to have...frequent growth spurts."
With that said, one started up for James. Making his stomach bulge forward more and with no shirt on, it was easy to tell.