09-07-2018, 08:11 PM
Sidney looked down at Silas on the floor in shock. "Is he okay?"
"It happens," Marc said as the nurses went to Silas. Marc cut the umbilical cord and settled the baby on Sidney's chest. He kept one hand on the baby's back until Sidney brought both hands up. "Hold onto him. I have to check down below."
Sidney's eyes filled with tears as he looked down at his son. He was still crying but it was slowing down as Sidney ran a soothing hand over the baby's back. His hair was matted to his head, but he had so much of it. And he was so big and long. "Hi baby. Look at you. You're here and you're so beautiful."
"It happens," Marc said as the nurses went to Silas. Marc cut the umbilical cord and settled the baby on Sidney's chest. He kept one hand on the baby's back until Sidney brought both hands up. "Hold onto him. I have to check down below."
Sidney's eyes filled with tears as he looked down at his son. He was still crying but it was slowing down as Sidney ran a soothing hand over the baby's back. His hair was matted to his head, but he had so much of it. And he was so big and long. "Hi baby. Look at you. You're here and you're so beautiful."