09-12-2018, 12:14 AM
Titan grinned at Silas widely. "Shhhh 'adda. Unka See sleepy." Theo moved a little closer, staring at Sirius seriously.
Sidney headed into the bathroom, getting in the shower. Hopefully the hot water would help wake him the rest of the way since he couldn't have anymore caffeine. He rested his hand on the slight curve that he had been hiding from Silas. He just had to make it until Christmas and then everyone would know. He smiled a little, thinking about how happy Silas was going to be when he found out.
Sidney headed into the bathroom, getting in the shower. Hopefully the hot water would help wake him the rest of the way since he couldn't have anymore caffeine. He rested his hand on the slight curve that he had been hiding from Silas. He just had to make it until Christmas and then everyone would know. He smiled a little, thinking about how happy Silas was going to be when he found out.