10-31-2018, 03:08 PM
A subtle frown crossed Mitsuo's lips when he saw the scraped up hands, glancing back up at him. He thought it was strange the man wouldnt bother even rinsing his injuries off before approaching him. But he shrugged it off when the other commented on his name. "Most people just call me Tsu." He muttered, shifting to glance past him at the woman who exited the shop.
He tilted his head as she spoke, glancing to Rowen and back to her. He didnt like people who tormented animals, but he couldnt help a small snort of laughter when she spoke about the swearing birds. He looked back down to the kittens when she mentioned they were free, clearly torn about getting one.
But his attention was pulled back to the shop keeper, tilting his head. "Thanks for the advice. I'll be careful." He nodded. He looked back at Rowen, arching a brow slightly as he nibbled his single lipring. He wasnt planning anything, but he'd at least see what this guy was like. It was good to get to know a local.
He tilted his head as she spoke, glancing to Rowen and back to her. He didnt like people who tormented animals, but he couldnt help a small snort of laughter when she spoke about the swearing birds. He looked back down to the kittens when she mentioned they were free, clearly torn about getting one.
But his attention was pulled back to the shop keeper, tilting his head. "Thanks for the advice. I'll be careful." He nodded. He looked back at Rowen, arching a brow slightly as he nibbled his single lipring. He wasnt planning anything, but he'd at least see what this guy was like. It was good to get to know a local.