11-01-2018, 06:04 AM
Rowen was to busy looking over the scraps on his hands, seemingly lost in his own little world, to notice Mitsuo look back at him. Feeling the stare he glanced back up to meet his eyes and quickly tried to look anywhere else but that mesmerizing face and found the kittens behind the glass once more, a small calico with blue eyes was pawing at the glass where Tsu's waist was.
"Think you've caught yourself a new friend."Red nodded back in the directions of the glass.
Long fingers fiddled with a hole that had worn it's way into his jean pocket, beyond it lay the shattered remains of his phone from his fall. He gave a inward sigh at the reminder, realizing he'd have to replace it before Saturday if he wanted to text troy about this new guy at all.
He was taken aback as a soft wet wash cloth was tossed in his face, the sudden action made him jump.
"Try not to fall on your face next time, you look crazy walking round' like that." Mykie laughed at the look of surprise that crossed his features,
"Uh thanks." It felt awkward saying thank you as help was something not many people tended to give him, most of the time it was just chasing or yelling.
Using his reflection he managed to get his face clean, the bruising on the bridge of his noise more apparent now as well with the bruising starting under his left eye. He poked a bit at the spots glad to see they weren't to sore yet and hoped it wouldn't lead to any swelling. The shop owner disappeared back inside, clearly not wanting her cloth back as it was already beyond stained,
"So you gonna get one? A kitten that is."
"Think you've caught yourself a new friend."Red nodded back in the directions of the glass.
Long fingers fiddled with a hole that had worn it's way into his jean pocket, beyond it lay the shattered remains of his phone from his fall. He gave a inward sigh at the reminder, realizing he'd have to replace it before Saturday if he wanted to text troy about this new guy at all.
He was taken aback as a soft wet wash cloth was tossed in his face, the sudden action made him jump.
"Try not to fall on your face next time, you look crazy walking round' like that." Mykie laughed at the look of surprise that crossed his features,
"Uh thanks." It felt awkward saying thank you as help was something not many people tended to give him, most of the time it was just chasing or yelling.
Using his reflection he managed to get his face clean, the bruising on the bridge of his noise more apparent now as well with the bruising starting under his left eye. He poked a bit at the spots glad to see they weren't to sore yet and hoped it wouldn't lead to any swelling. The shop owner disappeared back inside, clearly not wanting her cloth back as it was already beyond stained,
"So you gonna get one? A kitten that is."
~Help me I'm human~