11-02-2018, 06:34 AM
Rowen took the ice pack with a thank you, a audible sigh of relief escaping his lips as he felt the building pressure under his skin ebb away at the colds touch. As he spoke his voice took on a bit of a nasal tone due to his nose being covered.
"For fun Eh?" Red realized his idea of fun would probably be frowned upon as seducing someone new almost every day when he got bored wasn't a national pass time for most people.
"Well you really have to drive farther out if you wanna find more city attractions, malls or fancy things like that. We have more nature turn ons-" He chuckled internally at his bad choice of words,"-like nature trails, a bit of rock climbing and sight seeing. Our shops are more tourist themed so you'll find the same stuff tends to show up a lot no matter which one you go to. Oh well Saturday's the Bonfire though you've probably already heard about it. The College always throws it each year on one of our beaches. Think it actually might be the one close to my house this time." He switched the pack more over his bruised eye sacrificing the fact that he now couldn't really see thanks to his bad eye being the only one left open.
Tsu's figure became quite blurred more common colors than anything really though the lack of detail didn't bother him any as he'd grown used to it,
"We may not be a small town with nothing to do but when it comes to 'fun' you tend to need to be a nature buff or really wanna go on a run everyday. The woods are quite pretty this time of year by the way."
"For fun Eh?" Red realized his idea of fun would probably be frowned upon as seducing someone new almost every day when he got bored wasn't a national pass time for most people.
"Well you really have to drive farther out if you wanna find more city attractions, malls or fancy things like that. We have more nature turn ons-" He chuckled internally at his bad choice of words,"-like nature trails, a bit of rock climbing and sight seeing. Our shops are more tourist themed so you'll find the same stuff tends to show up a lot no matter which one you go to. Oh well Saturday's the Bonfire though you've probably already heard about it. The College always throws it each year on one of our beaches. Think it actually might be the one close to my house this time." He switched the pack more over his bruised eye sacrificing the fact that he now couldn't really see thanks to his bad eye being the only one left open.
Tsu's figure became quite blurred more common colors than anything really though the lack of detail didn't bother him any as he'd grown used to it,
"We may not be a small town with nothing to do but when it comes to 'fun' you tend to need to be a nature buff or really wanna go on a run everyday. The woods are quite pretty this time of year by the way."
~Help me I'm human~