11-06-2018, 03:53 PM
Unable to score any free drink he'd wandered away from the beach cabin when his phone went off again.
"Help?" He looked up noticed a crowd of people shoving around a familiar looking person, "Aw shit, help." Making his way over he found Tsu near the edge of the throng and yanked him backwards out of the hungry faces.
Not expecting him to be held onto so tightly they fell back with Tsu on top of him and he smiled sheepishly at the others flustered face,
"Hey there kitten, sorry I missed your text."
"Help?" He looked up noticed a crowd of people shoving around a familiar looking person, "Aw shit, help." Making his way over he found Tsu near the edge of the throng and yanked him backwards out of the hungry faces.
Not expecting him to be held onto so tightly they fell back with Tsu on top of him and he smiled sheepishly at the others flustered face,
"Hey there kitten, sorry I missed your text."
~Help me I'm human~