11-11-2018, 09:57 AM
Rowen rubbed at his eyes and temple trying to drive that scent away from him, when he opened his eyes he found Mitsuo starring at him and he raised his eyebrows in confusion glancing around him,
"W-What is it?" He felt his face grow red under his gaze and he wished he'd grabbed a jacket with a hood too instead having to settle with Sinking into his collar a but further.
"It's kinda odd to be starred at." Though he didn't mind the attention from the Omega it gave him something other to focus on besides their swirling scents.
"W-What is it?" He felt his face grow red under his gaze and he wished he'd grabbed a jacket with a hood too instead having to settle with Sinking into his collar a but further.
"It's kinda odd to be starred at." Though he didn't mind the attention from the Omega it gave him something other to focus on besides their swirling scents.
~Help me I'm human~