11-12-2018, 05:40 AM
He slipped on a condom quick, happy to see Tsu was already wet when he slipped his fingers towards his entrance.
"God your so hot.." He murmured going to bury his face against his neck as he readied the omega.
Once he couldn't hold back anymore he propped himself up on either side of him and slowly slid in, taking his time to enjoy the sweet tightness before quickening his pace. It took a lot of self restraint for him not to be rough, as that was his go to style, his hands balls in the sheets instead of pulling at the others hair. Wrapping his arms around Tsu's waist he pulled him so he could get deeper. Looking over that submissive face he chuckled inwardly realizing that's how he had probably looked when he was being the bottom yesterday.
"God your so hot.." He murmured going to bury his face against his neck as he readied the omega.
Once he couldn't hold back anymore he propped himself up on either side of him and slowly slid in, taking his time to enjoy the sweet tightness before quickening his pace. It took a lot of self restraint for him not to be rough, as that was his go to style, his hands balls in the sheets instead of pulling at the others hair. Wrapping his arms around Tsu's waist he pulled him so he could get deeper. Looking over that submissive face he chuckled inwardly realizing that's how he had probably looked when he was being the bottom yesterday.
~Help me I'm human~