02-23-2014, 05:33 AM
Angcarch flew over the skies, trying to get out of the storm and rain. As a creature instinctly connected to fire, rain was like a major nuisance to him. But whilist flying over the land en route to his cavern home, he noticed a fleck of blonde down below him. A human? Out this far from the villages? This was worth his inspection.
The black form of the dragon glided down to the area of where he had saw the blonde hair. His landing gave off a presence, a weighty sound, but nothing like a clumbsy thud. Angcarch stared a few moments, using his falcon-like vision to observe the being for a moment or so. He was trying to determine if the foreign individual was trouble or not. No swords, daggers, archery, shields...not even a suit of armor nor a bowmen's garb of leather. That eliminated the possibility of a hunter or dragonslayer. He took pity on the being before approaching him.
"Come." He said simply, peering down to the creature, using his great wing to shield the blonde from the rain,"It is far too wet and cold for anyone, dragon or otherwise, to be without shelter. I insist you take refuge with me. My den is but a short flight east, in the mountains."
The black form of the dragon glided down to the area of where he had saw the blonde hair. His landing gave off a presence, a weighty sound, but nothing like a clumbsy thud. Angcarch stared a few moments, using his falcon-like vision to observe the being for a moment or so. He was trying to determine if the foreign individual was trouble or not. No swords, daggers, archery, shields...not even a suit of armor nor a bowmen's garb of leather. That eliminated the possibility of a hunter or dragonslayer. He took pity on the being before approaching him.
"Come." He said simply, peering down to the creature, using his great wing to shield the blonde from the rain,"It is far too wet and cold for anyone, dragon or otherwise, to be without shelter. I insist you take refuge with me. My den is but a short flight east, in the mountains."