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Jimmy took off the shirt and put on one of Jared which was equally tight but thankfully didn't have any buttons but you could see the bottom of his belly sticking out at the bottom a bit. After going shopping and picking up some clothes Jimmy asked " do you mind if we stop and get a quick bite to eat they have a burger shop around the corner here."
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"Ya sure. It's near lunch time anyway and I am ready to eat too. I have never tried this burger before, any good?" He asked. This wasnt the usual shopping centre he went to, but its the only one with more baby product shops.
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" Oh yeah, the best burgers ever! I know one of the waiters his name is Steve a real nice guy." As they sit at a near by booth Jimmy has to try and squeeze a bit more than the last time he was here. His bump being a bit larger. Steve came around the corner and greeted both of them. " hey Jimmy good to see you, what can I get for you guys?" Jimmy says hello back and proceeds with his order. " I would like tow large double cheeseburgers and extra large fry with one pieces of Apple pie with whipped cream, oh and a large strawberry milkshake with two cherries in it please." Steve stood there with his mouth slightly ajar and then looked at Jared slowly. "For you sir." Steve's eyes still peekingbover at Jimmy in disbelief at what he ordered.
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"Erm a regular burger with a coke woukd do. Maybe add a banana split on top." Jared was surprised by the large portion but didnt comment on it. He instead peeked curiously at the belly. The shirt moved up a bit as Jimmy sat down, exposing more of the belly.
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Jimmy noticed the people across the aisle staring at him when Jimmy looked down he could see his belly sticking half way out of his shirt. He couldn't wait to get home and put those bigger clothes on. Jimmy just looked at Jared. " sorry these cravings can be killer I try to cut back on my eating but these cravings are just too intense at times." Jimmy tried to explain. " I hope you don't think I'm a pig I normally don't eat this much." Jimmy said to Jared feeling slightly embarrassed.
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"Well you are eating for two now. So dont mind anyone looking. I am happy you are consuming for the baby." Jason gave him a reassuring smile. He didnt mind at all, especially with how contented he looked as he was starting to feast on the food.. Wiping away the ketchup on his nose as he savored on the fries, he found himself thinking jimmy quite cute.
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As Jimmy finished his meal and slurpped down the milkshake. He felt bad tension by his abdomen he realized his pants were tight son he had to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants they were so tight on him they managed to stay up. Jimmy just covered up his bump with one of the shopping bags they had hoping nobody would stare. "Thank you for lunch I appreciate it "Jimmy said smiling at Jared. " let's hopefully get some pants that fit before we move tomorrow or I will be hurting." Jimmy explained trying to hide the fact that his pants were unbuttoned.
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"I think those sweatpants should hold for a while, considering they could be stretched to 50". We could always buy even looser ones when the time comes." He had noticed Jimmy's little trick of unbuttoning the trousers, but opted to be silent about it. As Jared settled the bill and tipped Steve quite handsomely, knowing he was a friend of Jimmy's, he got to Jimmy's side and helped him up, noticing his bump getting even more prominent over the course of lunch. He gave Jimmy his jacket and whispered in his ears "you might want to hold that jacket in front. I think its concealing effect would be better than the shopping bag."
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Taking the jacket he put it in front of his bump thanking Jared with a kiss on the cheek. After there shopping was all done they made it back to Jareds house and Jimmy put on the new clothes they bought which was more loose and more comfortable for Jimmy. After Jimmy thanked Jared he went home and began packing a few boxes up for tomorrow packing with one hand and eating a chocolate dipped pickle in the other. Going to bed exhausted Jimmy got up early the next morning and called up Jared to have him come over and help move.
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Arriving at the address Jared was surprised to see how little things Jimmy had. He had expected more drawing tools, thinking he could be some kind of artist himself considering his career. "Are these boxes all? I guess we could finish moving this all in one go. They should all fit in my trunk." Moving to pick up the boxes, he stopped Jimmy from trying to lift them too, "just sit there and relax. Eat whatever weird combination of food you got there on the desk. Is that peanut butter with ham? Wait, no dont tell me. Just.... continue eating it."
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As Jared kept moving around boxes Jimmy tried picking up the trash he left all over the place the past few months. There were empty twinky wrappers, empty jars of pickles, half gallon of ice cream jugs, and tons of candy wrappers. " sorry for the mess I have been meaning to clean all this up I just never got around to it." Jimmy said as he sprinkled shredded cheese on his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwhich. "Would like something to snack on I have little Debbie snack cakes over here at least I think there is one left I may have at those with the cookie dough ice cream last night." Jimmy said rooting through the cuboards.
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"I guess we would need to do frequet grocery stores then. I dont think i got enough snack storage for you." Picking up two boxes at once, he quickly got all things loaded up. "We could go to the supermarket now to buy what you need on our way home."
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"Oh that sounds great!" Jimmy kind of spit some of the sandwhich he was chewing. " I do have some grocery items I need to get I can write a list of the way there." Jimmy said finishing his peanut butter and marshmallow sandwhich. And semi waddling down to Jareds truck.
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"I cant quite believe your belly had grown overnight. Really the shopping trip for clothes cohld come earlier than i consider before. " Jared smiled as he helped him into the passenger seat.
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"Hey now I can't help it the baby's hungry." Jimmy said with a smile. As Jared starting driving to the store Jimmy wrote down everything he would need for the next couple of days Jimmy read it off to Jared just so he wouldn't forget anything because Jimmy was too exhausted to go walking around the store right now. "Ok I need these items to get me through the next couple of days please don't forget anything. I need 4 jars of pickles, 5 boxes of twinkies, 2 loaves of bread, 5 bags of marshmallows, 6 bags of barbeque chips, 3 gallons of strawberry icecream, and half a gallon of cookie dough ice cream. Oh yeah and as much choclate syrup as you can get." After reading the list he hands it to jared.
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"Wow ok i would get those. You stay in the car hopefully wouldnt started getting hungry yet while i shop" Jared teased him and got off the car thinking maybe he should buy things doubly in case Jimmy would need extras. Maybe he would ask the mart to deliver a few days later to replenish.
He returned to the car as quick as he could, already placing orders with the shop for yhe delivery and a whole cart of food with him now.
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When Jared got back to the car Jimmy asked " could you do me one more favor? I forgot I really want the peanut m&me to sprinkle on the strawberry ice cream." Jimmy said the a half smile. Already rummaging through the bags looking for a twinky to snack on.
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Jared got a feeling he was turning into a convenient store. It was just 24 hours since he met up with Jimmy again, and even counting in the night 12 weeks ago, he had been with this man for less than 5 hours, and yet he dominated his life already. Letting out a defeated sigh, he returned to get that bag of chocolate, selecting the biggest size they offered thinking it should be gone in no time.
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As we get back to Jared place Jimmy already ate through several Twinkies already . He goes to his new room real quick to lay on his new bed he was exhausted. Jared was bringing in the groceries they just got. As Jimmy lay there rubbing his belly. He has to use the bathroom the baby keeps pushing on his bladder. After using the bathroom Jimmy yells " what!" Jimmy was weighing himself on the bathroom scale " it says I gained 3 pounds since this morning how can this be, I didn't even eat that much!"
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10-01-2016, 04:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2016, 04:58 PM by
Jared was startled by the sudden yelling, he was very focused in the living room trying to come up with something on that outstanding chapter. Rushing to the toilet upon hearing Jimmy, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the comment. "I didn't really notice what else you did besides eating... well you did sleep. I have to admit that bit."
Turning to leave, Jared was getting a bit fed up with all these drama. He started wondering if it was really a smart idea to invite Jimmy in so fast, with child or not.