scales of gold

thats when zane opened his eyes wich were very glassy. He spoke one wword in a tone that would make even the most cold hearted melt. "luka" the dragon had no idea hed said anything. his body moved on its own as he walked over to luka and wraped both arms around him pulling him closley into a kind of hug. thendozed back off.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

The canine Yiped and blinked unsure about what was going on "U...Umm... o..ok... H..Hun i cant cook us food if you dont let go" he says with a mild whimper "A...atleast let me get it started..." he asked but got his arms free enough he could atleast prepare the food and gave up trying to pry him off.

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zane chuurred softly the rumble in his chest soft but staedy. His arms remained around around luka. his core temp came up with in an hour. as he stired he relized he had a hold of luka and his face and ears burned he slowly unwraped his arms the burning growing stronger. "" zane was at a loss for words.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Luka looked to him and gave a chuckle "You were the one who wrapped yourself around me" he says "Stew is nearly ready, I'm afraid we dont have much to ear off of... i did manage to grab a couple of bowls tho... want some? it should help with your body temp problems"

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zane nodded and looked kinda shy almost. he couldnt figure out how he had ended up wraped around luka. he saat there for a moment trying to get the burning of his face and chest to go away but it didnt.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

The wolf just acted like nothing was odd, he poured out two bowls of stew and offered him one "Here you go... youll need to let go of me to eat it though"

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the wold blushed and slid his arms away from luka and scoted so he was beside him instead of behind him. he ate the soup and smiled it was realy yummy he hardly ever ate meat as he felt it was wrong but a hot meal sounded realy good. he ate about half his bowl and then stope das drongs hradly ate more than a few times a month and even then there meals were very small.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

returning the leftovers to the pot, he shifted it so it stayed warm but didnt dry out. it should last hopefully for a while while they set up some kind of home here " You feeling a bit better now?" he asks "We should probably start on some kind of door for our.. cave... seeing as we cant really go anywhere else"

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zane smile and said cooly. "im not going out there its still wet and cold id rather not get coldd againthat is unless youd be willing to go back to wwolf form to keep me warm when i get cold." he was teasing luka just to see him react but he also hoped he would be able to do it again deep down.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

"Well i guess i wont hsve much other choice... we will need to stick together... just try not to pull on my fur too much, im only an omega so i dont heal very fast" he tells him and changes to his 'mid' form, m
Effectively just an anthro wolf version of himself "maybe if we look around we may find an abandoned hunters cabin, they used to be rife around here butthe werewolf packs chased them off"

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zane followed him out cringing slightly. he kept all complaints to him self. he quite liked his mid form. it was very sentual wat that tought shouldnt even cross his mind . he quickly shook the tought away.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

It took a while, eventually the two finding an old hunters cabin, it was old, dusty, worn down and it looked like it hadn't been used in a long while. there was plenty of clothing, blankets and canned food at least, meaning that if they got it weather tight it would make a decent home for them.
"If you start getting the place clean... ill go back and fetch the stuff we left behind" he says to Zane after getting a fire going in the fireplace

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zane started to clear away the debries in the cabn with a broom he found in a corner. after clearing all the litter he then cleaned cob webs and dust away from the corners. as he was working he couldnt help but think of him and the omega together making his face turn red. being in the same place in closed quarters made his chest feel funny.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Luka had the same thoughts running through his mind while he ran back to the cave and gathered everything then started the return trip. Returning was a bit slower as he had to walk, but it gave his mind ample time to imagine all the lewd things he could have Zane do to him. By time he made it back to the cabin he was trying to resist his arousal, his body naturally giving off pheramones to help attract a mate to him.

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zane had no clue his atraction was mutual but his body sure did as he himself was emiting pheramones as well. As luka entered his hightened sense of smell picked up on a sweet slightly woody scent. His reaction was to quickly cover his face and turn around. his stomache ached and churned. he wanted so badly to pin the omega to the nearest surface and kiss him from head to toe. His urge only got stronger the longer he stayed near him. As a few minutes passsed he couldnt stop him self he turned around and wlaked over to luka pinning him to the nearest wall by both wrists leaning down he kissed him deeply.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

Having been in mid/anthro form at the time, Luka was taken by surprise at the forceful, yet not unwelcomed kiss and wuickly melted into it returning the kiss and grinding his hips against his current room mate soon to be mates hips. He offered no resistance, his submissive omega status kicking in.

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zane couldnt help it he gave in and slid the one wrist over so both wrist were pined by his left and with his right he slid his hand up lukas chest and restes on his neck. he then trails kisses down his jaw line and down his neck then stops just above his colarbone niping his skin lightly.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

The wolf shivers and groans, the location being extremely sensetive as its where his mating mark should go, he gives a needy whimper as he rapidly gets hard between them "ohh d...dont t...tease... " he says meaning if Zane was to go through with this, he needed to give him the bite to the shoulder to mark him as his mate.

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zane looked at him eyes glazed. he then wispered with the last of his restraint. "you sure you want this if i do your mine forever?" he waited for a response his breathing heavy.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!

In responce he pressed his hips more against zanes and grabbed the back of his head pressinng it back to that spot hoping he would get the answer as he was unable to aswer verbally with anything but needy moans and growls. Between their bellies his shaft twitched and oozed pre

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