Yoga Class

Yoga class for pregnant people. You can be the instructor, someone's partner, or a participant.

Name: Andy
Age: 23
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 2 weeks overdue
Number of babies: 6
(someone can be my partner if they want to)

Andy waddled into the yoga room one arm cradeling his large overdue orb that was bursting through his tight athletic shirt. He was panting heavily and pressing one hand on his aching back regretting parking so far from the gym.

Name: Kevin
Age: 25
Pregnant: Yes
How Far Along: 7 months
Number of babies: 9

Dressed in my own yoga gear, I waddled towards the yoga room with my gigantic belly leading the way. As I walked into the room, I saw Andy in the same room, and I walked up to him. "Hey! How're you doing?"

I was leaning on the wall trying to get my breath back when a man walked towards me. "I'm ok," I forced a laugh, "ready to be done." I rubbed the side on my giant overdue orb as I felt one baby kick. "How about you?"

"I'm fine myself." "How're the babies coming along?" I asked. "Mine are doing pretty good."

"They won't come out. I'm two weeks overdue." I panted

"I'm three months away from being due." I said as I patted my large belly, which looked like it was about ready to rip my yoga shirt open, exposing my huge belly to the world. I noticed the other guy was panting pretty hard. "You okay? You look like you just ran a marathon with that huge belly!"

Name: Marlo
Age: 19
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 1 month overdue
Number of babies: 3 boys

(May I be an instructor?)

(You'd have to ask popop, but I think he'd be fine with that.)

(Yes itd be great if you were the instructor)
I began to push myself off the wall as I noticed the instructor walk in. No one blamed him for beung late as he was miserably overdue himself

I stepped up in front of everyone. "Hello, I apologise for my tardiness, let's get started. Everybody on your yoga balls, please." I sat down on mine, a bright green one.

I parked my kiester on my bright red yoga ball, resting both hands on my huge dome of a belly.

Andy lowered himself onto his dark purple yoga ball and spread his legs, accommodating his dome.

Name: Max
Age: 24
Pregnant: Yes
How far along: 8 months and 2 weeks
Number of babies: 9

I waddled into the gym with my yoga mat seeing every one on there yoga balls already "Sorry I'm late. One of these kids kicked my bladder." I nervously laughed and waddled over to a yoga ball and sat down on a bright pink ball with my legs apart and rubbed my ginormous belly.

I watched as Max waddled in and copied what the rest of us where doing. I rubbed my belly and smiled at Max

"Hey Max, don't worry. I'm sure all of us have felt that before." I said.

I laughed. "Yea. These babies are going to be soccer players the way they kick." I said as I rubbed my belly to calm the babies.

"How far along are you, may I ask?" I wondered. "I'm seven months along."

"8 months and 2 weeks." I said. "2 more weeks hopefully. But I have been enjoying this." I unknowingly rubbed my belly while talking.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." I said as I rubbed my giant belly lovingly.

"How many are you carrying?" I asked.

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Last Post by PregBellyLover
07-12-2014, 10:52 PM

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