At the Stoneflat Ruins (Private RP with bellylover)
Benjamin walked down the desert road, the belly on his horse half swollen with two foals. Ben takes a sip from his canteen as one of his foals kicked. he sees a bunch of ruins on one side and walks towards them. After finding a shady spot, he lays down and puts down the backpack he was carrying. He soon starts rubbing his belly "the moment is almost here" he thinks to himself.
I wiped the sweat from my brow as I made my way down the desert road, with my four strong horse legs carrying my pregnant girth. I was carrying 5 foals, and due to my increased appetite, my stomach was pretty big. "Man, it is hot out here." I said as I took a swig of water from my canteen.

(Hope you don't mind but I want to be a pregnant centaur as well.)
(oh that's perfectly fine)

The sun set, which cause Ben to take a lantern out of his backpack. After lighting the lantern, he gets out some food from his backpack and a portable stove. "It's gonna be a long night" he said to himself, his foals started to kick again. He was going to go into labor really soon
I continued to walk down the desert road until I saw another pregnant centaur like me. I walked over to him and sat down opposite him. "Hello there. Hot out, isn't it?"
Ben looks towards the other centaur "yeah, but it's gonna be really cold at night" he starts cooking soup on the portable stove "kinda makes me wish I got some firewood before I set myself down." he rubs his swollen belly "My name is Ben, what's yours?"
"My name's Kevin. I'm glad to meet you, Ben." I said as I reached for a bag and pulled out some firewood. "Here you go, take these, and don't worry about it. I've got plenty."
"Thank you Kevin" Ben said as he sets the firewood down in front of him, he then notices Kevin's large horse belly "So how far along are you? I'm almost due with twins myself" he asks as he lights the campfire
I motioned towards my belly with my hand. "Me? I'm 4 months along with 5 foals." I replied. "And you're carrying twins? That's pretty cool."
"yeah, I tend to get pregnant a lot, it's probably my favorite thing to me" he chuckled as he poured some soup "kinda weird for someone who prefers females" he pours more soup and offers it to Kevin "want some?"
"Yes, please." I said as I took Ben's offered soup and started drinking it.
Ben finishes the soup and sets his bowl down, he then takes out a second clean pot and a large gallon bottle full of water "I may as well start getting ready for the best moment"
"Oh, you mean your labor?" I asked as I looked at Ben quizically. "Will you require any assistance?"
"well you can help with the cleaning; and while I can easily push the foals out myself, I might need assistance if one of them gets stuck" Ben said pulling out a towel, he then pours water in the pot "you think you might be up to it?"
"Yeah, I'll be up for it." I said. "I've gone through pregnancy before myself, so I'm experienced with it."
Just then, Ben's water breaks making him look back in slight shock, the fluid flowed out of him for about ten seconds. He then smiles "well I guess I'll have to trust you then"
I nod and wait for him to start pushing out the first baby foal whilst I watch.
Ben starts pushing, he grunts while still smiling as the front legs and the top of the human half of the first foal can be seen coming out of the opening, water still dripping out "I'm feeling fine so far" Ben says between pushing
"That's good." I said as I watched the first foal continue to be pushed outward.
Ben continues to push until the first foal slides out, Ben sighs in relief "I forgot how good that felt to me" he then sees the foal try to stand up "well that's one down"
I took the towel, stood up, and cleaned off the first foal as it stood up. "Okay, one down, and one to go." I said.

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