Sudden school growth!

"M-Mhm..urgh..thank you for all of this, Oliver and Sean.."

"No prob. Anything for a friend."

Suddenly, Claude would tense up, the thing inside wriggling around, forming bumps across his belly.

"Your my best freind and you mean more than anything. I don't want anything to happen to you" Oliver said honestly. Before he realized "I...I..think I love you," he admitted before Turning bright red, not expecting to say that out loud

"Y-You..huh..?" Apparently now, the wriggling didn't seem to bother him..

"I love him too, but we need to hurry to the appointment."

"Yeah..I love you..I guess I didn't realize how much you meant to me" he said kissing Claude on the forehead. "Because I don't want to loose you, I can't loose you"

He said carrying him to the reception desk.

"I love you both too...A-AHH!!" His belly surged forward, growing 5x bigger!

"We have an appointment for Claude?"

Oliver steadied himself not expecting the extra weight, and called out for a nurse. The sight of Claudes belly rapidly expanding attracting attention.

Receptionist:Yes, we'll get a doctor and team right away. No wait." Claude whimpered and twitched, as he was put down on a wheelchair from a nurse.

"Come on, Claude. Let's find out what's happening to you."

Oliver took Claudes hand tightly.

"I'm not leaving your side" Oliver said as a Orderly and a nursed pushed him towards a room.

"Hey nurse. Can you tell us what is happening to our friend?"

Claude looked to his 2 friends worriedly.

"I'm not sure, I havnt seen anything like this" the nurse explained. She pushed the wheelchair into a private room and promptly the orderly lifted Claude onto a bed. "I'l go get a doctor" the nurse said as they left the room.

Oliver taking the chance kissed Claude on the lips.

I stood there watching you to kiss, until the doctor came in.

Claude blushed at the kiss, his belly swelling up even moore.

Oliver pulled away. More scared for Claude than he'd liked to admit.

The doctor appeared in the door.

"My god!"

"Um... we need you to find out what is happening to our friend."

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