C Call of the Wild [michime]

Embersoul, Thundermouth, Kholenden, Avitision, Devisit... Such strange names; all the likes of which he never heard before. Khell owed a brood to each of them? He had his work cut out for him, then. After all was said and done, he'd have to choose one and be brood mother to it for the rest of his life. Khell thought it was strange that Embersoul was the guardian of the forest, yet he lived in the marshlands, but then Kholenden was guardian of the marshlands. Maybe there were other marshlands elsewhere on Celbion he hadn't seen yet. "But if the slime gets me, I'll be useless to the guardians, right? Embersoul's nectar has been able to heal me all the times I consumed it. Wouldn't he be able to heal any damage the slime causes to my body?"

Khell slid easily into the water. He nodded. "Yes, I am pleased," he confessed. "My people... our skin and our markings change colors depending on how we feel. When we glow..." The male Zioruta sounded embarrassed to admit it, but then the ache deep in his womb grew stronger, compelling him to answer. "When we glow, it means we're sexually receptive to mating. Aroused, if you understand that word."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

"The slime kills all it touches," Thundermouth said as he eased himself onto Khell's back.  "We have seen the slime rot plants and creatures from the inside out creating more of itself."  He shuttered at the thought before he flicked his tongue up and down the base of the alien's neck.  "Embersoul's nectar has great healing power but it can't stop death.  We know the slime is death." 

Thundermouth wrapped his front legs around Khell's shoulder securing his position.  "Aroused, I like your word.  And I like the way you present yourself to me." 

Thundermouth's cumbersome body nearly dwarfed Khell, but the water helped ease the burden of the salamander's weight on his back. So this was how the mountain guardian mated with others? "I do my best," he replied. Khell's body felt hot, as if stricken with a fever. The ache in his womb was almost unbearable. He cupped his hands against the swell and moaned quietly. "Please... Please, my body can't take much more of this. My belly is empty and hurts, Thundermouth. You... I need you to fill it."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth nodded against Khell's back before his length slowly emerged from his body.  He pushed Khell toward the side of the pool.  "Grip the side, and spread your legs for me."  He instructed as he used his weight to push the alien toward the edge of the pool. 

"Our mating will be in two parts," he continued to explain as he lined up the tip of his length to Khell's body.  "This part I will release my eggs into you."  He used part of his tail to tease the alien's belly watching as the spots glowed brighter.  "We will mate again and I will fertilize the eggs inside you."  He pushed himself into Khell as gently as his massive body could manage. 

Khell waded to the side of the pool as instructed. He grabbed the stone ledge in each hand, leaned forward, and spread his legs. He even wrapped his tail around one of Thundermouth's back legs. Part of him was glad this mating was going much more smoothly than his traumatic mating with Embersoul. There was no sharp stinger piercing him this time, but the salamander had a long, thick length that Khell would have to take successfully into his body. And twice, the way Thundermouth described it.

"Mmmrgh!" As gentle as the beast tried to be, he was still a lot to take in. Khell groaned, dropping his head forward, and spread his legs a little more. There came the sound of bellowing thunder down through the caverns leading up to the surface. The storm was getting worse outside. Khell found himself briefly wondering if Embersoul made it safely back to his nest. That thought was interrupted by the thick length pushing deeper into him. "Uuuhn... Mmgh!" Despite the discomfort, his womb was practically singing, eager to accept the guardians eggs.

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth listened to the sounds of the alien as his length disappeared into the body glad that Khell listened to him and braced his body.  He was the guardian of the mountain and his mass reflected that status.  Thick, long, and heavy just like the mountain he watched over, Thundermouth's size was an advantage much of the time.  Now he hoped the womb would be to take all he to offer.   While he mounted the alien, he used to tail to tease it could reach.  Yes he was breeding this creature but that didn't mean he had to be harsh. 

Only half of his length entered the alien when it seemed he could go no further.  The alien's body wouldn't accept any more of this massive form no matter how hard he pushed.  "Something inside you is stopping me." 

"I... I d-don't think I can... change that," Khell replied. He tried spreading his legs further and even squatted, but that only granted Thundermouth another inch or two. "My pelvis c-can only spread so wide, mountain spirit. My b-bones can only o-open so far. I f-feel you inside me, though. You're in my womb. Isn't th-that enough?" He shivered as the frilled tail swept across his belly. The white lines curving all across his body glowed brighter, aroused by the anticipation of growing round and heavy again.

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth shifted his hips trying to find a better angle but it didn't help at all. He was buried deep inside the alien the head of his cock already pushed open the womb but that wasn't the mating he wanted. He didn't want to just seed this creature so he moved his hips back dragging his length out Khell before he pushed in again.

"Your body is receptive to me," Thundermouth agreed before he repeated the process slowly. "Your womb will carry a mass of my eggs," he felt the alien's body open up to him, the markings glowing brighter with each thrust.

"Mmmah... Aaahn..." Khell rocked his body and rolled his hips in unison with Thundermouth's slow thrusting. It was a cumbersome mating ritual. The water rippled around them, splashing up in small waves to match their motions. The caverns echoed with Khell's moans. Each thrust sent the salamander's length a little deeper, but they both knew it would never fit completely.

Eggs of the mountain. It sounded like an impossible task, but Khell trusted that Celbion wouldn't have chosen him if he couldn't do it. "Will I... Uuhn... Will I b-birth them before the... Mmmah... ice season st-starts?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth continued his slow thrusts enjoying the tight warmth wrapped around his length. If Khell managed to contort himself he would have seen the lazy, lopsided smirk and knew the mountain guardian completely enjoyed himself.

The mushrooms glowed brighter in the cave responding to their guardian's joy while several little toadstools grew out of the rocks.

"The eggs only need a few days to germinate," Thundermouth explained as he buried himself deep in the womb. He stilled his movements before the sac moved down his cock into the welcoming body below him. "You will be ready to birth before the end of this storm. We can start our exploring after that."

Khell couldn't help a quiet gasp. Really, he expected Thundermouth to say his eggs needed the entire rain and ice season to gestate. He assumed such large eggs containing such large young would need more time than most to mature, but as it turned out, they needed even less time than Embersoul's eggs. Yellow eyes glanced upward, catching sight of the new little toadstools sprouting up out of the wet, black dirt between the rocks.

Khell's mistake was in thinking that Thundermouth would have large eggs. The Zioruta grunted as the sac dropped into him all at once. His knees buckled when the weight hit him and he stumbled forward a bit. One of his hands released its grip on the stone ledge, feeling his belly. It was the same size as before, but definitely full and firm. The sac itself contained hundreds of tiny gelatinous eggs, not unlike the eggs of an earth toad. Most of them wouldn't grow much bigger than the size of an eyeball, but they would be dense and heavy.

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth dropped a second sac into the womb before he slowly back himself out and floated in the water. "Thank you. You will be a grand womb for the planet," he complimented as he settled his body flat and soaked up the thrill.

"The sacs will burst when the eggs are ready. I'll show you where you need to deliver them." He explained as he watched the alien move. "Is there anything you want to know while we wait for them to settle in you? Once the sacs attach to your womb, you can move around if you need it."

"Ooph!" The second sac was an unexpected surprise. It dropped inside him and his belly lurched, billowing out all at once. In a matter of seconds, he looked fit for twins. Khell actually had to catch his breath. He nodded at Thundermouth's compliment. Once free from the beast's weight, he slowly turned himself around and leaned against the ledge. His belly stuck out beneath the water, smooth and round, protruding bellybutton adorning its peak. Khell rubbed the shaped gently while getting used to the weight.

"I didn't expect a double brood," he commented. "When's the last time you had a womb like me to mate with? Have you been holding onto these same eggs the whole time?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth lazed himself through the water using his tail as the rudder until his nose bumped against Khell's belly. He nuzzled the rounded girth before he licked the protruding belly button. He felt the sacs underneath the alien's stretched skin and knew his young would develop properly thanks to this creature.

"I will always produce a double brood," he answered as his tail moved back and forth in the water. "It's been 200 ice seasons since I mated. My size means it takes a long time for the eggs to develop. These eggs are fresh just finished forming before the rainy season started."

Khell blushed and tucked his chin into his chest. "Ahh~ Please, that's sensitive," he breathed huskily.

He took in this information. If Khell chose Thundermouth as his womb mate, he would always receive a double brood; however, he would only have to receive the broods once every 200 years due to Thundermouth's slow egg development. That was a long time to go without fulfilling his role as womb of the planet. Sure, he would probably go out and sow forest seeds, but still... "How often does Embersoul produce eggs? Also, unless Celbion grants me an enhanced lifespan, I won't live long enough to bear your next brood... should I choose to serve you, that is."

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth laughed as he continued to nose Khell's belly. "That's why I'm doing this." He flicked his front legs across the skin for good measure.

"Embersoul produces a clutch every dry season," Thundermouth answered while he petted and played with the womb's body. "Celbion has a way of enhancing the life of all its habitats. I'm sure you will birth a number of my broods before your time as womb is over."

"I see..." Secretly, he thought it seemed like a waste to choose Thundermouth. Khell could serve Embersoul every season, whereas he'd have to wait 200 seasons each time to serve Thundermouth. Not to mention he'd yet to find out the cycle of the other three guardians. Would it really be fair to exclude Thundermouth just because his cycle was so slow? In a way, he almost deserved a womb mate the most out of anyone because he waited so long between broods.

Khell obviously had a lot to think about.

He felt a shift inside his body as both sacs anchored to the walls of his womb. Khell stood up, testing his movements, and then nodded to himself. "The eggs are settled now, Thundermouth. Since I only have a few days, why don't you walk me through where I need to birth them?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

The great creature nodded before he turned slowly in the water. "Follow me," he flipped his tail as he slowly lumbered his body out of the pool. He slowly moved in a slow gate each foot stepping before his body moved forward.

They moved further into the cave walls lined with mushrooms some just sprouted. "There's a small stream that flows under the mountains."

Yellow eyes widened as Thundermouth dragged himself out of the pool. He looked even larger on land. Khell followed after him, but stumbled when he left the pool. Without the buoyancy of the water, he realized just how dense and heavy the sacs already were. He cupped both hands beneath his belly before walking alongside Thundermouth. It was easy keeping pace with the lumbering beast.

"I should make my way to the stream then?" Khell asked. "I assume the current will carry your offspring all throughout your territory where they'll claim caverns of their own." A thought suddenly occurred to the Zioruta. "If I live long enough for your young to reach adulthood, will I act as brood mother to them as well?"

Email me to RP: simonbrownmpreg@gmail.com

Thundermouth stopped for a moment thinking over the question. He blinked a few times before he turned his head and looked at the alien. "My young will be able to breed among themselves."

He continued toward the back of the cave until he came to the bubbling stream. There wasn't a strong current just a weak one that would gently carry the young through the mountains once they spawn. "Here," he said. "This is where you'll birth."

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