O The pet to the Wealthy

What good would a few hours give him? Other than a nap? It took more doing but the two eggs were finally laid, both were pitch black and slightly more round the oval. Henry had passed out and was now asleep when the master came for his two young.

"Twins are a good sign, I see you have also prospered." The being said as he picked up his two eggs.

Luce chuckled and nodded "indeed i have, in more ways than just those, i am also carrying aswell" he said smugly with a purr "i plan to give him several hours to rest bathe and eat, he needs this understand?"

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"I see, just becareful. Otherwise you'll make yourself to big to move." The Master said. "I have no further need for him and it will be more than a week before the others arrive, you may have him till then."

With that the Master faded away.

The feline nodded and gave a soft growl at the thought of having to share him. If the master wasnt going to aid the human when the others got there, he would. He didnt want him harmed, as oncs the others were done, he would stay with him.

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An hour later, Henry came to and sat up slowly. He really hoped it was all a dream so in his sleep state, he merely rose to his feet and went into the shower. Coming out of the bathroom a little later, he jumped at seeing the feline on the bed.

"Gosh damnit...not a dream...." Henry said annoyed.

Luce laughed and shook his head "indeed not, i see you are awake and showered, come, i am sure you are in need of sustenance as much as i am, we shall head to the dining hall." He jumped off the bed and chuckled when Henry started looking for clothes.

"Worry not, there is no need for clothes" he says with a chuckle "it is only us here... for now"

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"I am NOT leaving this room butt naked." Henry replied sternly as he found his pants and put em on. "Don't you have another appearance besides that one?"

The lion chuckled and shifted changing to stand on his hind legs, his body seeming to adjust itself to a more humanoid stance "is this better?" He asks standing at 6'6" his tail wagging a little behind him

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Eyebrows narrowed slightly, nope. Still creepy but....oh well.

"Yeah I guess." Henry muttered as he put a shirt on. "Does this place have normal food? Or is everything here gonna make me carry something?"

He laughed loudly at the question and shook his head "why would we make you carry without the fun part?" He asks and opens the door and starts escorting him "the food is just that, food. You can trust me on this, the curse on you now would not be effected by another curse like that"

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"To be sick and annoying bastards?" Henry replied with a raised brow.

Though he slowly followed after the creature before him. He really didn't want to do anything they wanted.

"Oh there are worse demons than i out there" he assured with a chuckle "i atleast wish to keep you save, and comfortable while you carry my kittens" As he said this he opened the door to the dining room, he wandered to the table and helped the human take a seat then offered him a menu.

"Take your pick of wht you would like, its all cooked fresh by cheff"

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Kittens? Those things were eggs. WOuldn't they be hatchling? Oh well, it didn't really matter. Taking a seat in a chair, he glanced at the menu. He wasn't really in the mood for something big.

"A good steak would be nice" Henry answered.

Luce nods and orders the same, before sitting back "i am sure you have questions, if you can stay calm, and keep a level head, i will answer aĺl of them for you"

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"WHy me?" Henry asked plainly an slightly annoyed. "Surely there are more people who fantasize of this thing an would want it."

Luce should have seen the first question coming and gave a sigh "there are a few reasons" he says slowly and picks up a glass of water to drink "one, your into it, that is a major part, two, you are quite attractive, and have an appearance that most of us find deeply appealing. We are often summoned by old hags and crones so..." he gave a shudder and chuckled.

"And three, you are compatible. Unlike almost off the others we looking inti, you are the only one who has the genetics that allows your current curse to work so well. And you are compatible with all the demons who will be... using you throughout the period."

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HIm? Handsome or good looking? Doubtful. The guy was probably just trying to get on his good side.

"Fine whatever." Henry grumbled as he drummed his fingers on the table.

He might've liked how girls looked like when they were pregnant an he might've had thoughts with of a family with children. But still.

Luce purred softly as he waited watching the male before him. "Any other questions?" He asked "im sure you are more curious than just that one question"

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"I am, I just don't quite know how to put it in words. Leave it at that." Herny replied.

He nods "well, im sure once you find the way to... formulate your words, i will still be willing and able to listen" resting back after taking a swig of his drink, the food is brought out and placed infront of them.

"Just remember that you dont need to fear me" he says "our contract prevents me from harming you. I dont bite... unless you ask me to" he grinned lewdly before cutting a piece of his steak.

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