O The pet to the Wealthy

He nods and sighs "can you ask one of the crafters to make some bedsteps for Henrys bed please?" He asks Rio "otherwise im floor bound from now on"

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"I will." Rio answered.

Henry felt guilty now, it was his idea to go clothes shopping. IF they hadn't this wouldn't have happened. A groan left the human as his stomach surged forward, easily putting him at overdue with triplets.

"Calm down Henry" Luce said softly "your not to blame, we are for being careless when it came to Amar, even the master was caught by surprise"

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"I am calm it's just....it was my idea to go shopping at that time..." Henry said.

"And? I went with you and didnt sense him in the room! Hell even the tailor was shocked to find out he sas there!" Luce says rolling his front paw a little "you have nothing to feel guilty for... infact seeing as you missed out on new clothes... and i need to wait a while for the steps... lets go do that now"

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"You sure you can waddle your way there?" Henry asked with a raised brow.

"As sure as you can, we may just need to go a little slower" he says with a chuckle and slowly stands up "Rio... please... next time... tell us about this ok?" He says before walking tobthe door

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"I had honestly hoped it wasn't going to be needed. It's the only precaution spell i have up." Rio answered as the two left.

"Again...evem the master didnt see it coming" he says before walking out

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"So....what are we going to do once we're done clothes shopping?" Henry asked.

"Theres always the pool" Luce says with a shrug "some exercise without the worry for hauling around the weight would probably do us both good"

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"True...though I don't have much experiece in swimming." Henry cautioned.

Luce chuckled "who said we actually need to do laps or anything?" He asked "just floating around lazily is good enough"

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"I mean it, I can't swim at all." Henry said. "I can't float. I never went swimming before so, I have no skill in the water."

"Ah...hmm... we have life jackets" he offers witha shrug

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"Kind of ruins the fun don'tcha think? But I'll just soak my feet in the water." Henry said.

Luce nods and purrs giving him a soft nuzzle "we have a spa there if youd like to use that"

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"Never been to a spa before, heard they were fabolus places though." Henry said.

Luce nods and smiles "we have good massagers too, wanna go? We can after we get you some new clothes"

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"Sure, I don't see the harm in that." Henry agreed. "First, clothes. I need some new shirts more than anything."

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