The Vampire's trade (first come first serve)
In a fictional area of the world, the land is primarily govermed by vampires, with them mostly being the alphas despite being an uncommon species. The humans work in villages and serve the vampires in their manors in exchange for a place to stay and payment. The vampires are only weak in one area (outside of sunlight) and that is reproducing. A vampire cannot carry young due to their bodies resisting aging, essentially making the babies stillborn immediatley. To reproduce, they require a human vessel. The babies grow much faster (still the normal nine months, they just grow to full term sooner) and are capable of multiples (5 being few, a dozen or over being a lot.) At age 18, humans are drafted into a vampire's service, and the vampires decide their role whether it be butler or incubator.

In this plot, my character is a human who just turned 18 that arrives into his new manor where he will be impregnated by the vampire he is chosen to serve. I need someone to play as the vampire. (The personality and charicsteristics are totally up to you, of course.)

Name: Dwyer
Age: 18
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 lbs
Appearance: Has shaggy shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes. He is pale, skinny and somewhat frail looking, but he is more than capable of performing duties whether that be cleaning, cooking or carrying young.
Personality: He is hardworking and determined, although he is not totally up to the idea of carrying his master's babies, he knows he has no choice in the matter. At times he can be rather moody but tries to not let it affect his work.

Dwyer had entered a small room, carrying his bags as he saw a bed, closet, and adjoining bathroom. For a manor, the room was not as fancy, but that is likely because he is a mere servant. He had been in training for work since his early years, but there was no way to prepare students if they were chosen to be bred. When Dwyer discovered he was to be bred, it felt like his training was for nothing. He didn't unpack just yet, his master would meet him in the room shortly. He sighed and sat on the bed, eyeing to door as he wondered what his master was like as he awaited him to arrive.
Image came from a film.
Name: Orion
Age: Looks 17 but is a little over a hundred years old
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 139lbs.
Appearance: Orion has midnight black hair that stops just above the collar of his shirt. He is really pale but it is not a surpise wince he is a vampire. His hair is wavy and it gets curly when it is wet Orion tends to wear what ever is comfortable it doesn't really matter what.
Personality: Orion is sweet when he meets someone for the first time. Though will become aggressive when someone mess with him or someone piss him off. He is gentle with humans and animals since he knows he could hurt them easily if he isn't.

Orion was looking out the window of his room he was waiting for the boy who would serve him. Pushing his hair out of his face he left his room when he saw him in enter the castle. Going to the room that had been assigned to the boy he knocked on the door. Orion opened up the door and went into the room after he had knocked and waited for a few moments before entering. Bowing to him he introduced himself "Hello my name is Orion".
Dwyer was so preoccupied with unpacking that he never heard the knock. He was worried he wasnt making a good impression and that he could get punished. "Hello, my lord." He said and gave a bow. "You probably knew this already, but I'm your new servant. Sorry I didn't answer the door right away.
Image came from a film.
Orion waved him off he had saw how he was unpacking. He didn't know what to do "It is fine Dwyer", he told him though he. "Call me Orion I don't like being called a lord",Orion told Dwyer after a bit.
Orion seemed friendly enough. Dwyer heard stories that the vampires the humans served would somtimes be more harsh or critical. "If you say so, my l-uh...Orion." He said. "Is there anything you'd like me to do? Don't worry, I can always get back to unpacking later."
Image came from a film.
Orion didn't want to be like the other vampires. Smiling a bit when he had stumbled since he was probably not used to it. "Not at the moment. Finish unpacking my room is down the hall come when you are done",Orion said.
"Alright, I will be there soon." Dwyer said with a smile before continuing to unpack his room. Arranged his clothes into a closet nearby and made his bed with sheets that were already folded up and ready. He then exited and walked down the hall to find Orion's room. "This should be it...." He mumbled to himself, noticing the door had a slightly different design than the rest and then walked inside. "Um, Orion. I am finished now." He said with a bow. "If you need anything now, feel free to ask."
Image came from a film.
Orion nods and left to go to his room. Leaving the door slightly opened he went and sat down on his bed thinking about what he could have Dwyer do. Running his hand through his hair for now he would get to know him before doing anything else. Orion got up from where he was sitting at "Come on over than",he said.
Dwyer was really shocked yet pleased by how kimd his new master was. He smiled and sat beside him. "Is this alright?" He asked. It seems like he wanted to get to know him first before actually having him do anything.
Image came from a film.
Orion smiled back glad that Dwyer was happy."This is fine",he said Orion ran his hand through his hair before patting him on his leg. "Can you tell me about yourself?",Orion asked him.

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