Men Serving Men Surrogacy (First come first serve)

Quincey burst out in a fit of chuckles,"I think we could manage that."He replied, laughing and leaning over as he kissed him softly,"I'll even invent one for you."He laughed and sat back, pulling out his wallet.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick chuckles and nods "If you did I'd owe you" he points out, watching the other pay before taking him back to his car and driving to his loft in the city

Quincey walked inside of his loft once Patrick opened the door, closing it behind them and taking off his jacket,"Very...stylish."He smiled, glancing around for a moment, the wrapping his arms around the other as he leant on his tip toes to kiss his neck.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick chuckles and nods "I don't spend that much time here, usually I'm at work or your place" he explains as he shows him around

He chuckled softly and followed him around curiously,"Nice to see your taste in places."He nodded,"I think I actually have an idea then."He said, taking a seat on his bed and taking out his phone,"So, my folks have this old plot of land, about an hours drive from downtown, it used to be my great grandparents but now it's really just a old worn down house. I dunno, I'm thinking we could fix it up or something, I'm sure it's not that bad to where it would cost more to fix up than it is to just buy a completely new house."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick smiles and nods "That sounds perfect, it'd be close enough to my work for the commute not to be horrible, but far enough away from everything we can actually relax and take care of the kids" he says as he takes a seat on his couch, gesturing for the other to join him

Quincey made note again then put up his phone before moving towards the couch to take a seat on the couch beside Patrick,"Will you keep surrogating after the kids are born?"He asked, crossing his legs and wrapping an arm around him, leaning into him with a hand on his slightly raised bump,"I mean, it's great and all, but I was just curious. Maybe we could work something out to where when you're carrying for someone, and if we want another kid, I could step up to the plate."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick smiles "That could be interesting, we'd both be big at the same time though" he says as he rubs his stomach "I'd like that though, I can continue to work if you're okay with it" he adds

Quincey chuckled a bit, nodding as he hugged him,"Yes, we will, it'll be very interesting."He agreed and nodded again,"Of course I am. I wouldn't stop you if that's what you want."He said and kissed his jaw.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick smiles at that, moving to kiss him honestly "I'm glad, many of the men I dated were uncomfortable with it, but you are different from them" he says as he meets his eyes

Quincey kissed him back deeply then pulled away with a hand on the side of his face,"Guess that's a good thing."He smiled brightly and kissed him again softly, for the next few weeks after the last check up he had begun doing a lot of calling around to his family. Trying to set it up to where they could get the deed processed over into his name, though that took a lot of persuading on his part and scheduling a dinner meeting with his parents, and maybe a few of his cousins. Quincey arrived at Patrick's work building at the end of his shift, standing outside of his office for him to finish up whatever he was doing, checking his watch restlessly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick sighed as he exited the office. There had been a long business meeting that night to go over the new marketing techniques they were going to use and now he was just tired and hungry and ready to go to Quincey's house so they could watch a movie relax. He pulled at his suit jacket, which was already pulling tightly on his now more obvious baby bump. He made a surprised noise when he saw his boyfriend standing in the building's lobby "Quincy? What are you doing here?" he asks, quickly walking over

Quincey looked just as surprised,"Aren't you ready? I told you we had dinner with my parents tonight."He said, watching him approach then glancing back before checking the time again,"I came to pick you up so we could drive out to their place. Babe, come on, I told you a while back that this was going on."He sighed, scratching at the back of his head, already stressing out about dinner.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick looks confused before his eyes widen "fuck, it's Sunday already isn't it?" he asks, when Quincey nods he runs a hand over his face "I thought it was Saturday, I was fully ready for a bath and some cheesy movies" he explains before looking to the other "Dinner is fine though, I'm dressed nicely at least so we can head out"

He laughed nervously and nodded,"Yes, it's sunday, Pat."He shook his head in disbelief, putting his hands on his hips and smiling softly,"Alright. I forgive you, but we need to be going before we're late."He beckoned him, taking his hand and leading him out gently to where his car was parked out front.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick got into the car, unbuttoning his suit jacket with a sigh of relief "I'm only a little over three months in but I already have a decent bump" he remarks as they drive "Your parents won't be weirded out by the whole babies thing, will they?"

Quincey looked to Patrick slightly as he drove,"It's adorable, I'd say."He smiled and reached over with one hand to pat his belly, then grabbed the steering wheel again,"Uh... Maybe, maybe not."He shrugged a bit,"I think they'll be more weirded out that I've knocked up another guy."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick looks up at that "why would they be weirded out by that?" he asks curiously, rubbing his stomach gently

"Cause they're really, really into how things were before the turn of the century when everything was all boring and straightforward."He waved his hand as if it would wave the thoughts away,"They like things the way they were before, but if you ask me, I love the world now. It's awesome, and I don't use that word lightly."He shook his head and smiled at his lover,"I love, loving whoever I want. I love, being able to have a family with whoever I want."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick smiles at that and places a gentle hand on his thigh "I love it too" he agrees. They pull up to the restaurant and Patrick puts his jacket back on, buttoning it before taking Quincey's hand

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