Men Serving Men Surrogacy (First come first serve)

He listened intently while eating, then looked to his lover in slight worry when he grunted,"Are you-"He started, but then nodded when he said he needed to use the restroom,"Okay."He said gently and helping him up to his feet, watching as he waddled off for a moment then turned back to his grandparents curiously. Waiting for them to continue their story for the whole thirty to fourty minutes it would take for them to finish.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick made his way to the upstairs restroom where no one would hear him. He sighed as he closed the door, but immediately tensed with a new pain. He groaned as he held his massive stomach, gasping when he felt a pop and his pants begin to grow wet "No, no, no" he moaned, "Babies please, your other daddy is having so much fun, you need to stay in there" he tells them, trying to get them to listen. They were obviously being little rebels though as he felt the pain begin to build again, worse now

After the tale, Quincey went to throw away his trash then take a look around the first floor for Patrick, dodging the young kids who ran around at his legs. While greeting some new comers to the party, though he was getting a bit anxious when he hadn't found his partner after a few minutes. The short, lightly pregnant male made his way towards the stairs and headed up to find his lover,"Patrick?"He called, walking around the second floor curiously, looking for him and knocking to make sure he wasn't intruding really if he wanted to be alone.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick looked up when he heard the other. His face was flushed and sweating and his sweats were around his ankles at this point. He groaned with another pain, feeling the first baby already close to his entrance. He tried to stifle the noise, but as the head bulged against his hole he couldn't help but moan loudly at the burn "Fuckkk"

Quincey headed inside of the master bedroom, glancing around slightly before looking to the closed bathroom door when he heard the moan. He wondered if Patrick was just having a stressful bowel movement, but then thought about how far along he was with their babies. It clicked then,"Patrick?!"He came towards the door and opened it up, almost collapsing from shock as he saw his partner squatting on the bathroom floor. "Holy shit."He breathed, running a hand through his hair then covering his mouth slightly, his mind went blank before he thought of all they needed to do. "Shit."He repeated, glancing around the bathroom and grabbing towels first then rushing over to help his lover. Placing a few beneath him and using one to wipe his face, he had no idea that labor could come on and progress so suddenly, but then again he remembered that this was not Patrick's first time. But it was his, so he was a bit freaked out as he let Patrick lead the show, knowing that all he had to do really was be there for support and supplies. "What else do I need to get for you?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"G-get the rubbing alcohol from the cabinet, the scissors from my desk and some string or shoelaces, we'll need that to-oh god" he groaned and pushed, the baby's head making his hole bulge out before slipping back in, making him whine lowly "We'll need that to cut the cords" he finishes, breathing heavily "Thank god you're here, I didn't think this would happen so fast and I left my phone downstairs" he says, looking to the other

He nodded then stood up again,"I'll get it, you just...try to stay calm and breath."He said and went to leave the room for a moment, then scrambling back inside again with his hands full of things for the birth. His stomach was turning in slight fear of what all was happening, but he was keeping himself focused for Patrick. Even when he didn't think he would be the one to have to do this,"I started worrying when you didn't come back."He said,"I'm glad I came to check on you."He nodded and kneeled near him, placing the things down and coming around his back to see, eyes widening until he pulled back again. Turning a bit green, though he swallowed it down,"Yeah, the first is coming quick."He said and sat up to wet the hand towel in the skin then continue wiping off his face,"What do you want me to do?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"C-catch it when it comes" he says, puffing out a few quick breathes before tensing "Oh god here it comes!" he cries out, one arm wrapping around his stomach as he bares down, the other holding onto the counter for support. His face turns red as he pushes hard, the baby's head coming to crown fully this time

He nodded, going to kneel behind him and rub at his back and sides gently with a kiss to the back of his neck,"There you go... Keep pushing strong like that."He said gently, he had read enough pregnancy books to know a bit of stuff already, taking a towel and cupping the baby's head. Wiping around his lovers stretching hole to keep the mess down for now, though he knew that birth was a messy process naturally. He guess the effort couldn't hurt, he grinned slightly at the feeling of holding their child for the first time, making sure he had both hands ready. As he felt the baby turn, helping them gently and rubbing gently as their shoulders budged at his hole for a couple more pushes. Until the baby turned and the first and second shoulder popped out in succession,"Oh."He laughed nervously, adjusting the towel and gasping when the baby slipped out of him with a rush of fluids. Staining the towel beneath him and the wrists of his sweater, he almost felt bad until he bought the baby up against his chest. Eyes widened as great as his smile,"Oh my god, Patrick."He breathed,"Look at her."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick pants lightly, slowly moving to sit as he turned to look at them, the cord still attaching their daughter to him as he moved carefully "She's beautiful" he says as he tries to catch his breath, smiling to the crying infant in his lover's hands

Quincey looked her over for a moment then went to kneel again and place the whimpering baby into Patrick's arms gently so he could tie off the cord. Using the scissors to cut the tie between them both and then look up at them again, smiling brightly,"Our first daughter."He tilted his head, reaching out to stroke her cheek as she slowly quieted down against Patrick's breast. "Ruth."He said, looking up at his partner,"I like that name."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I do too" Patrick says, letting the pup nurse as he winced lightly "Fuck, they're starting up again. Should we call someone?" he asks as his free hand rubs his still large stomach

"Yeah."He nodded quickly, getting up afterwards and handing him a towel before moving to wash his hands in the sink then head towards the door. "Should I just call, Kelly? Or did you want to try and make it down to the center-?"He started but then noticed that he was suffering another contraction before he nodded,"I'll just call her."He said and went to grab the landline and press speed dial for Patrick's midwife.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The phone rang several times with no answer, going to the midwife's voicemail "Hello this is Kelly, I'm not available right now, please leave your name and number after the beep" the friendly voice says through the line

Quincey ran a hand through his hair and sighed, waiting for the beep then leaving a message,"Yeah, this is Quincey... I was calling on behalf of Patrick, it seems he's went into labor- Uh, actually, he just gave birth to our first child a minute ago. It'll be great if you were to come by, in a hurry, please. I could help, but it'll be much better if you came. Yeah, thanks."He ended quickly, moving to throw the phone onto the dresser then moving to hurry back to the bathroom with bad news,"Babe, sorry. I couldn't get a hold of her. I guess we're on our own for now."He kneeled before him and reached his arms out to take the baby from him gently. "I'll get Ruth swaddled then help you out again."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick pants through a pain, but nods "Thank you, sorry this happened like this" he says when he can speak again. He moves to stand, holding his back to try and ease the pain a bit now. Ruth's little face is still red from crying, though she's calmed down and looks content to be held by her father

Quincey shook his head, going to stand up himself as he looked to Patrick,"It's okay, really."He said and kissed his cheek,"It's not your fault anyway. The babies were just impatient, I guess."He said and smiled, rocking Ruth gently and kissing her head,"Can't blame them. It must've been getting cramped."He chuckled then took a look around,"Want me to run you a bath?"He asked and moved to leave the bathroom, wrapping the baby up and laying her down between the pillows of their bed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick nods as he leaves, choosing to walk and rub his back while he waited. He squatted through his contractions, moaning lowly as he held onto the sink. When Quincey returned he looked to him "Is she doing okay?" he asks as the other starts the water

"She's perfect."He nodded and kissed his head before going to run the bath for him, sitting on the edge and sighing,"Are you okay?"He asked, turning the question around this time, tilting his head some,"Want me to get in with you? I'll have to tell everyone that we won't be back for a while though if I do."He reached in the tub to feel the temperature of the water then place his hands on his knees,"Won't want anyone worrying or trying to intrude. Would we?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick chuckles at that and nods "Sure, you can go tell them that I'm not feeling well or the truth. I don't care, just hurry back" he says, moving to sit in the slowly filling tub with a grunt, both hands smoothing over his still large stomach

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