Men Serving Men Surrogacy (First come first serve)

Quincey watched Patrick, nodding as he smiled softly,"Want a massage?"He asked and sat back, hands on his knees,"Or do you just want to rest a while?"He watched him some more, tilting his head and waving his hand slightly as he spoke,"It's fine. I'm fine, more worried about you though."He ran a hand through his hair.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick nods, gesturing for the other to kiss him gently, "You can go watch the babies for a bit then, I'm going to close my eyes for a bit and I'll call you if I need you" he assures him, pressing their foreheads together

Quincey knelt forwards off of the seat of the toliet, smiling softly and kissing his head then his lips softly,"Okay."He agreed and stroked his hair away from his face,"Love you."He murmured then pulled away, standing up with a sigh and heading towards the bedroom once more, pulling on some new boxers once he was out there. Then moving to sit onto the bed, crossing his legs and looking over the two newborns as he rested a hand over his stomach. Smiling softly and leaning forwards to kiss their heads.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The little girl sniffled in her sleep, little hands waving around before she settled again. It's about twenty minutes later that Patrick moves back into the room, "Hey, "I-uh got lonely" he admits with a flush, moving to sit on the edge of the bed with them

Quincey picked Ruth up gently, holding her to his chest and smiling softly, stroking her hair with his finger and then looking up at Patrick as he came out of the bathroom. "Yeah? Come join the party then."He chuckled and scooted towards him after picking up Henry as well, smiling softly,"You do have two more little ones in there, you know."He nodded towards his belly and rocked the babies in his arms.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know, but I still felt odd not having you with me" he explains, going on his hands and knees on the bed so he can rock through pains but still look at his family. He smiled when he saw Henry wiggling a bit "Hello sleepy head" he cooes fondly

Quincey smiled softly, watching Patrick for a moment as he rocked himself back and fourth, then down at Henry curiously as he wiggled in his arm. Tilting his head and adjusting him some what, turning to sit against the headboard and rock their first borns,"Contractions?,He asked him softly,"How are you feeling?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Good, they're still weak so I can rest in between them" he admits, moving to lay on his side, using his finger to run over Henry chubby belly gently "They're actually pretty cute, I think we did a good job with doing this together" he says with a grin

Quincey nodded some as he looked at Patrick and watched as he laid on his side then reached to stroke their son's middle, smiling at that,"Yeah, they are aren't they?"He chuckled softly, watching his partner carress their child then looking to Ruth next,"I'd say a great job."He met his eyes and leant over to kiss him deeply, closing his eyes for a moment then smiling,"We still have about three more to go."He added and nuzzled him slightly, then pulled away again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick nods, stopping with a sharp gasp, "One of which I believe is about ready to make their entrance" he groans, feeling his cervix stretching "G-get the towels from the bathroom please"

Quincey looked surprised, nodding quickly and moving to lay down the babies gently, then climb off of the bed careful of his family,"Try not to ruin the sheets before I can get them, babe."He said and hurried into the bathroom, grabbing an armful of towels then hurrying out again, laying them down beneath Patrick. Then moving to grab the babies and lay them down in the large crib that they had put in the corner of their bedroom earlier. "How is it going?"He asked and moved towards him, climbing onto the bed behind him and rubbing his hips.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I think I'm like nine centimeters cause it burns like a bitch but I don't feel the overwhelming need to push yet" PAtrick explains, as the pain passes "We're certainly very close to that though" he admits

Quincey only had a slight idea of what all Patrick had said, but he nodded at the comment and sat with him on the bed now after laying down the towels,"What do you want me to do?"He asked, rubbing the others back slowly and firmly, just waiting with him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(So sorry for the late reply, the new semester just started and I've had a lot of extra on my plate this week >.<)

"The back rub is helping immensely" he admits as he begins swaying his hips side to side "Can you check to see where my dilation is?" he asks as he looks back at the other

((It's okay. Same here, actually.))

"Yeah. That's good."He nodded and kissed his shoulder, keeping up with the back rubs slowly,"I-uh... Babe, I have no idea how to do that."He replied, looking to his back side and biting his lip,"I'm still close to puking every time I see something coming from there."He mentioned.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(glad you understand then :))

Patrick groans and nods as the contraction ends "Y-yeah, sorry I wasn't thinking about that, I'm a bit distracted" he jokes, chuckling before moaning and gasping "I-I'm going to follow my body then and right now it's telling me I'm almost there" he admits

(Can this baby be breech?)

((Of course. I have no complaints, X3.))

Quincey looked at Patrick, then down at his lovers hole again, adjusting himself to use his fingers and place them inside of him gently, wiggling them slightly. While he looked away, eyes closed and biting the inside of his cheek,"Is..pretty open a way to explain what I'm feeling?"He asked, biting his lip and pulling his fingers out again as he rubbed his hips,"Then push. You know I'm here to catch."He smiled softly and kissed at his back,"You can do this."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Patrick smiles at the encouragement, relaxing slightly before lowing with pain. He clenched the sheets as he bucked his hips back lightly and began to push. He made it to the count of ten before gasping for air, face already red again from the effort. After two more pushes he makes a strangled noise "S-something feels wrong" he gasps

"It's just breech. Just like Henry was."He told him gently, running his fingers along the others back,"Does it hurt worse than last time?"He asked him, he hadn't read all of the pregnancy books up to the labor and birth part but he knew all of the basics from Kelly teaching him. Though if it was difficult he would have to call her,"What do you want me to do?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Just rub my back, I need to know you're there" he says with a grunt, moaning lowly "I think this one's bigger" he admits as he strains with the next push, sweat beading on his face now

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