C Unexpected friendship w/jrcash

"What does it mean?" Jimmy wondered. "Is it bad, am I too fat, will I explode?" Jimmy started panicking

"Calm down love, it just meant your belly is getting stretched out.... stretched out more I guess. Nothing is gonna explode. I find that very cute." He poked at the belly button and felt a shiver.

"Babe I'm nearly 8 months pregnant and eating for 4. I have gained nearly 69 pounds since this pregnancy I'm constantly hungry, I can barely move and I need more new pants since the button on this one now busted." Jimmy said as he put his pants button on the table. " now my belly button is popped out, what else can happen will I grow fins and swim with the whales?" Jimmy asked as he chugged down his strawberry shake.

"Well if you grew those it could be a little tricky for me to be always with you, and we will need to build a giant tank at home for you but the good side is I heard a water birth would relieve some kind of pressure." Jared patted the belly and smiled.

Jimmy shoved a huge fork full of pasta and bacon bits in his mouth. " Babe this is serious I'm getting huge these babies are going to cause me to explode." Jimmy said lifting his shirt in front of everyone exposing his massive belly to half the resteraunt. "The human body is not meant to stretch this much!"

Jared noticed a lot of customers were whispering and pointed towards their direction, some with incredulous written over their faces. He gave everyone an apologetic smile and turned to Jimmy "Jim luv, I know you are frustrated. It would only be a month until these 3 little ones come out. Stay strong. Now let's cover it ul everyones staring."

"Nobody understands what im going through." Jimmy mumbled under his breath as he kept pigging out on the piled up food in front of him.

Jared quietly slip back to his side of the table. He understood Jimmy's frustrstion in failing to have control over his apetite and body, but he didnt know.what he could do to alleviate that.

Quickly they finished their meals and proceeded home.

When they got home Jimmy went into his room took of his shirt with great stuggle and put his favorite extra large sweatpants on. He went to go sit on the couch and asked Jared to come rub his feet and belly for him. "If your not bust that is." Jimmy added. "I'm sorry for freaking out earlier babe I'm just so tired of being fat and ugly. Not being able to move around much, I'm tired of small clothes and mood swings." Jimmy started saying before he randomly started crying.

"Shhhh dont cry baby. No matter how large you are i still love you. All these are for our babies. There's only one month, maybe less that all these would go away." Jared soothed Jimmy. "By the way, how do we want the birth to be? A natural one?" He tried distracting him.

"Yes , I want them to be normal and healthy." Jimmy said trying not to cry so much

Jared rubbed Jimmy's back to sooth him. His other hand grabbed Jimmy's and placed it on the belly together, reaching a head....or butt of a baby. "Feel this? They are so strong and healthy because of you. They made you this big and eating all thw time but its all worth it isnt it?"

Jimmy felt a kick from one of the babies and smiled. Wiping away his tears he sat there with Jared for awhile feeling kicks from the babies. Jimmy awoke later that night they must of feel asleep on the couch feeling movement from
the babies. Jared was still asleep his head gently laying against Jimmys belly. "Babe I have to use the bathroom." Jimmy said tapping Jared to wake him up.

"Hmm....." jared woke up with drowsy eyes. He was dreaming of having the best pillow he had ever had. Sitting up he found he was sleeping on Jimmy's belly. He needed a moment to process that and stood up, extended an arm for Jimmy ans used his other hand to support the underbelly of Jimmy, pressing on his bladder unthinkingly.

Jared helped Jimmy to the bathroom. After finishing up Jimmy went to go lay on his bed for awhile. "Hey honey do you want to come lay down for a bit? Jimmy asked. " bring that box of ice cream sandwiches in the freezer with you too please." Jimmy unbuttoned his pajama pants and laid there rubbing his belly the babies seemed active all of a sudden.

Jared brought in the icecram and the chocolate syrup with pickles just in case. He laid it all on the table and said "babe do you want a belly rub? Afterall i have slept on it for so long."

"Yes please." Jimmy said as he began dumping chocolate syrup all over his ice cream sandwhich getting some on the bed sheet and his belly as well. "Sorry." Jimmy said with a mouth full of ice cream

"Nope. Just... try not to let it out your mouth." Jared turned his attention to the belly, he unthinkingly he lickrd away the chocolate syrup on the belly.

"Oh babe.....that felt good." Jimmy said

Jared proceeded to the bellybutton. The popped up part was like a third nipple and he used his tongue to play with it.

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