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"It would be nice not having to cook every night for Eric, I can't keep up with his hunger." Shaw laughed as Eric went to get another shirt. After they finished there meal Jimmy leaned back and said. "I'm going to have to do extra sit ups tonight to work of this meal it was delicious Gloria."
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"Totally agree. Gloria you are one talented chef!" Jared praised as well. He had collected the plates and offered to assist in cleaning up while Jimmy already engaged himself in a heated discussion with Eric. Somehow Jared was no longer that mindful of Jimmy interacting with Eric. He and Gloria also started a comfortable flow of conversation when they were clearing the table.
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"You two seem like a real nice couple." Gloria said. "Your so lucky you guys are able to have children, I can't wait to see them." She smiled at jared as they washed the dishes.
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"Well it was actually an accident, our children, but everything turned out to be the best. Your and Eric are also very cute together. Did Eric meniton to you that Jimmy was one of those students of his that developed a crush on him immediately? I was so jealous at the time I created a huge episode. When I thougth back I feel like I am so stupid." Jared chuckled to himself as he recalled. "you must be dealing with similar situations on a daily basis. Did any of his students ever made a pursuit beyond the classroom?"
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"Oh yes several. I never had to worry though Eric has always been so faithful. Plus some of that attraction has stopped since his......weight gain." She chuckled. "But I always love him, even though he did put on 25 pounds so far." As they finished dishes she turned to jared. " thank you for coming tonight Eric needs more friends between work and taking care of me he don't get out much. He seems to get along with you and jimmy. Plus as he gets bigger I may need some help if your available." She added patting Jareds hand
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"Sure thing. After Jimmy and Fred, I think I am getting pretty good at taking care of pregnant men. Just call us or anything, we would be right here. I am telling you Eric's weight gain was really trivial comparroed to Jimmy's. You are doing a pretty good job taking care of him I would say." He smiled back at Gloria, quite impressed by this little woman.
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"You are too kind Jared I can see why Jimmy loves you." She chuckled as they walked back into the room the heard Jimmy finishing a conversation with jared. "There he is, babe tell Eric here that I really did loose 154 pounds." Jimmy said pointing to Eric would sat there smiling.
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"Eric you survived his story? congratulations! He wouldn't start again until 24 hours later." Seeing Jimmy's eyeroll he smiled and said "Alright yes babe, I certify that Jimmy here had indeed lost 154lbs. That's why, Gloria, that I said you are doing such a great job in limiting Eric's diet. It was epic failure on my side."
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After they all talked awhile jimmy and jared headed to the front door to go home and give fred his food and check on the kids. "you sure you dont want some strawberry and whipped cream with chocolate dipped pickle ice cream its really good." eric said taking another bite from the bowl he was carrying. Jimmy looked at jared "are you wanting any babe, it is tempting." jimmy asked jared jokingly with a smile.
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"I wouldnt make the same mistake twice, remember that one time when I tasted your food back when you were just developing strange cravings? I think I couldn't get anythign down that whole day." Jared put on a face and shuddered at the painful memory. "Alright Fred thanks no thanks. The kids aren't fussing too much are they?"
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"No they were angels." Fred said as all of the babies were asleep in there cribs. "Did you bring back some food?" Fred asked eagerly. Jimmy handed him the plates and Fred took off the plastic and began eating it down. "Make sure you chew Fred." Jimmy joked following Jared into the bedroom. "I will check on the kids afterwards do you want me to show you how strong I really am tonight?" Jimmy asked getting close to jared.
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"Hmm what are you suggesting Jimmy?" Jared smirked as JImmy was getting suggestive.
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" how about some push ups..... If you know what i mean." jimmy said as he took his shirt off showing off his abs.
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"How about some weighted push ups...." Jared immdiately started kissing on his attractive mate. He had been attracted to Jimmy that first night with his lean but well toned body. Now that all these are returning he found himself getting quite excited. He worshipped Jimmy's body, not even overlooking a single inch, and got him on bed faced down.
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Fred was in the living room finishing his meal when he heard jimmy and jared in there room so he turned up the tv to cover up the moaning. It has been an hour later and fred still heard them two going at it.
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It had been a very passionate night and both had the stamina to go for a second and third round. They were both very content by the end and basically collapsed in oblivion as they climaxed for the last time.
It had been a few weeks and finally they had settled in their new home. Over these few weeks Fred's girth had increased by a few more inches and it was alarming the doctor. He was put on a strict diet and the doctor had suggested it was most probable that Fred would need a c-section.
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Jimmy awoke only to feel sick. Rushing to the bathroom he vomited in the toilet hoping that he didn't wake Jared.
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Jared had almost pulled an all-nighter as he was chased to hand in his manuscript for the latest book. He had been delaying it as they were moving, and the kids arne't really helping with their regular cryings and need to changing diapers. He was still asleep until he flipped expecting to find Jimmy, only to find his side empty. He yawned and cracked open his eyes, finding him nowhere in sight.
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Jimmy came staggering from the bathroom wiping his face off. "Sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you I just threw up again." That was the fourth morning in a row he threw up not to mention the evening before while Jimmy and jared were watching tv as the babies slept.
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Jared furrowed his brows and became fully awake now. He sat up and patted the space beside him inviting Jimmy to come sit down. "Jimmy.... I dont htink a normal bug would haunt you for so long. Would it be... last time... I don't recall using any protection..." He watched as Jimmy's face paled.