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Jared instinctively held on Eric tight, who look like he would lose his balance even with tbe doorframe as support being so huge now. "Well of course! You should have called me over." He noriced how Eric was panting so hard from the short walk.
Alex got up and yanked Fred with him, letting Eric take the nearest seat from the door. "You are really about to pop right?" Alex asked as he looked at Eric in awe.
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"I hope so I don't think my belly can get much bigger. These stretch marks are huge and I don't know if I will recover fully from the weight gain." Eric said as he put his feet up after setting down. The chair which he sat on began creaking under the weight of eric. "The doctor said I should be due any day now but the babies want to take there time I guess." Eric pulled his shirt up for Jared to rub. Eric's belly button seemed to have popped out since last Fred saw him. Watching Jared rub Eric belly brought back memories of how good it felt when Jared rubbed his belly. Noticing Alex staring at him Fred went and got a drink of water.
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Jared got the tube of lotion that he had used with both Jimmy and Eric and started rubbing. The belly was vast and full, the babies' squirming could be felt through the tightly stretched skin. "I wouldnt worry too muvh about the weight to loss now, looking at the example of Jimmy and Fred that wasnt really a problem. Have you felt the babies drop yet?" Jared focused on the underbelly that was most seriously marred by stretchmarks.
Alex on thw other hand was picturing how he would be doing the same to Fred in a couple of months. He looked at tbe widespread legs and clumsiness of Eric and pixtured how the muscle filled body of Fred would transform into one similae to Eric. He thought he should learn from Jared on the rubbing technique that Eric was obviously enjoying so much.
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"Yes they dropped last night." Eric said as Jared moved his hands all over his belly. Eric let out small moans of relief at how good the belly rub felt. Fred watched thinking that will be him not too long from now and started getting dizzy so he sat down on the couch before passing out.
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Alex didnt notice Fred's condition, he thought he sat down to be close to himself until the weight of his head on his shoulder got heavier. He wrapped an arm around Fred whose eyes were closed when he found that he seemed unresponsive. "Fred? Fred are you alright?"
Jared was noticing some tightening of Eric's belly that could be early labor or braxton-hicks he was about to ask Eric about them when he heard Alex. He turned to ask "what's wrong Alex?" "Fred wasnt responding. Shall we take him to the hospital?" Alex replied without turning around.
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"It's fine I can go home." Eric said as he tried to get up his belly preventing him. "You guys take him to the hospital." Eric said concerned.
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Jared frowned seeing the obvious struggle of Eric already faced with the simple act of getting up. He wasnt fully comfortable leaving Eric alone and in his hesitation Alex offered. "I will get Fred to the hopsital, you just help me to get Fred into the cae and we would be alright. You stay here to look afer Eric. I dont think he should be left alone now." They exchanged a glance and started moving, Jared retutning quickly to sit with Eirc.
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Fred opened his eyes seeing bright lights above him. "Where am i?" Fred asked confused. He looked around it appeared he was in a office of some sort laying on a table with his shirt off. Fred looked to his right to see an ultra sound machine. Fred saw Alex standing in the corner. "Are we at the doctors?" Fred asked.
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"Yes and the doctors had just hooked you up with some glucose. It seemed like you have low blood sugar level that had led to you losing consciousness just now at homr. How are you feeling now?" Alex was much relieved and went to press the button for Lerting the doctor.
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"Ok....I guess...I'm little overwhelmed." Fred just remembered the news he found out. "Is the baby ok?" Fred asked putting his hand on his abs which didn't feel as defined as they once were.
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11-15-2016, 04:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2016, 04:01 PM by
"Yea they are fine.... a little more than fine really. You were having mornign sickness so early in the pregnancy and the low blood sugar level were because... there's more than one baby here." Alex covered Fred's hand with his own, a bit dazed by the news himself too.
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"Did you say babies?" Fred asked looking at the ulrta sound machine to his right. "You know for sure? many?" Fred asked afraid of the answer.
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"The doctor had just got an ultrasound done and there are 3 zygotes identified.... apparently we are having triplets." Alex said in a dreamy voice, still focusing his eyss on the belly, unable to believe fhere are 3 new lives there.
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"Three!" Fred shouted so many things started swimming in his head he began getting faint again. "How are we going to take care of 5 kids?" Fred began to breath heavy it felt like the walls were closing in. "I need to get some fresh air." Fred said jumping off the table and running out the door to get outside.
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Alex was shocked by the sudden movement of Fred and saw how the glucose drip was left dangling on the bed with a small trail of blood. He chased Fred and found him just out of the door, hand on the wall steadying himself. His eyes were tighrly shut and he looked pale. Alex caught him when he started swaying again.
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Fred sat on the curb trying to focus on anything other than the fact he was pregnant. He felt Alex wrap his arm aroundhis shoulder. "Can we go home?" Fred asked "I just need to lay down." Fred said wanting this day to end.
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"Not unless the doctor cleared you. He mentioned something about the possibility of staying tbe night here if your blood glucose level dont go back up." Alex frowned seeing the wound on Fred's hand from him ripping off the drip. "Look at how you have hurt yourself. Just return and hear out what the doctor needed to say ok?"
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Reluctant Fred let Alex lead him back into the office and sit on the exam table and wait for the doctor to return.
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The doctor came back in and got Fred hooked up with the drip again. He taped it and warned Fred of not yanking the needle away and told him to avoid sudden movements and vigorous exercise. Considering his age and health it shouldnt be a high risk pregnancy but he would need to take it easy at this early stage.
With the doctor gone, Alex sat down beside Fred. The news had settled in him better now and with 3 kids coming, it was some pressure but he was also quite sure they coule manage. He looked at Fred who was still a bit dazed and said "i guess we will have to move to our own house before the kids are here. Jared's house wouldnt quite fit 9 infants together."
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"This time I will take better care of myself I can't let myself become enormous again." Fred said looking down at his belly picturing it swelling 5 times bigger than it is now. "I donated all my maternity clothes too. I wasn't expecting to be....well. expecting again." Fred said