Dragon Offering

The day Caleb was offered as a peace treaty to the Dragon who ruled over the mountain range where his village was situated felt like the day the earth stood still.

He wasn't young, though he was one of the only...virgins in the city, by technicality. He wasn't a sodomite and wasn't connected to anyone other than friends and family, it was almost painful to stand there at the altar in wait for the beast. The dragon's last mate had died from old age and it was only logical to give him another to keep him tied over and drawn away from the city so he wouldn't destroy it.

The blonde haired man in his late twenties shivered, the wind was cutting through his ceremonial robes and he got goosebumps all over. How long would he have to wait?

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Acrux was a bit looking forward to meeting his new mate. He had lost his last with old age, though he couldnt say he was too devastated. He knew this day would come, and he knew he had ways to avoid that, but he didnt. The last human, he had been good company but not really his love, otherwise he would mark him and share his eternal life with him. Though sad he was, afterall his company for 60 years had made him special in his heart.

Descendding down to the altar, the huge wings of the dragon had whirled a huge wind through the shivering human. Tilting his head, he lookrd at this virgin with mild curiosity. He tuened into his human form, a large, silvery hair man standing at more than 7 feet, and asked. "I am Acrux. What's your name, human?"

Caleb looked up at the silver dragon with amazement, he almost thought that him being a dragon would be a figure of speech, he definitely wasn't. The human cleared his throat some and looked up at the man who replaced the sight of the Dragon now,"Caleb. I'm Caleb Cardigen... Some people call me CiCi."He wasn't actually dwarfed by the dragon, while the Dragon was at least seven and a half feet tall, he stood at six even. The man was beautiful, yet he could tell from his eyes that he was old and worn from time, he blushed even as he stood in his presence. Not used to being the odd one out, well he was, but not used to it being in a way that he was the less profound person of the pair. "I was told that I couldn't bring any of my personal possessions... Is that true? Will you allow even just a bag of mine to come along on the journey up the mountain?"

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"Sissy.... isnt that a feminine name?" He got close to the human and touched his face. He was quite pretty by his standard, and Acrux accepted him, at least his looks pleased him. He was happy to see him blushing, he learn from past experi3nce that this meant the human felt embarrassed and it made him strangely proud. He wrapped his arm around the human, smiled when he felt the goosebumps under his hand. "Hmmm what possession you want to bring?" He asked, a bit surprised at getting asked. All the humans before had been to scared to say anything.

"I guess that's why they call me that."Caleb replied, the tan skinned human tilted his head back slightly to allow the dragon better access to his face. He bit his lower lip and couldn't stop his face from turning so red as he watched the other man's eyes closely. Curious of what he thought of him, he knew it was because he felt some sort of attraction, the human let the dragon hold him by his shoulders. "Just a bag of my things. Some keepsakes to keep from getting homesick."He said and he looked to his side down at the ground floor on the side of the altar where his family stood, his hair fell in front of his eyes as he knelt to take his bag from his sister. Caleb smiled softly at her then stood up again as he looked up at Acrux.

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"You are feminine?" Acrux looked at Caleb with disbelief. He reased him to let him take the bag, then so naturally took up the bag with him. He opened it and saw only knickknacks that were harmless. He handed it back to Caleb with a quick glance over the few people at the foot of the altar, who immediately bowed down and touchdd their foreheads to the ground, praising with trmebling voice on some nonsense of how great amd almighty he was. He removed his eyes with a sneer and returned them to Caleb. "Take it with you then. If you want you could say your final goodbye before we go back to our home."

The human was confused by what the dragon asked him,"What do you mean by that question?"Caleb tilted his head some what as he allowed him to take his bag, watching him open it and shift through his things before handing it back over. "I've already said my goodbyes. I'm ready when you are."He bowed his own head out of politeness and pulled his bag onto his back as he looked up at Acrux.

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The dragon nodded and wrapped an arm around Caleb before spreading his humongous wings. He didnt have to change shape into a dragon fully for this. With a few flaps of the wings that looked more bat-like than bird-like, he created whirlwinds around that got all other humans scrambling for cover. He looked down at Caleb who was tightly snugged on his chest, and flew up.

High up in the sky, while the human adjusted a bit and could finally relax, he asked again. "Didnt you say that? They called you Sissy because you are femnine?"

"They call me CiCi. Not, sissy. Sissy is an insult."Caleb replied, gripping onto the dragon's body tightly and pressing his face into his chest. The cold of the higher atmosphere got to him and he was shivering again as his robes fluttered around his legs and body. "I-I'm just a bit more....feminine than other men of my town."He added in a mumble, pretty sure he would catch a cold while up here with the reptile.

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Acrux felt the human snuggled closer to him, his goosebumps appearing again. He slowrd down his speed, wrapped the human tighter and raised his own body temperature for a bit. "Hmm feminine or not thats not my concern. You could be either way. It doenst matter to me." Flying through a forest and a deep valley, they soon arrived a castle that was huge in size. "This is where we will be living. Be careful not to go down any corridors that's not familiar, it's a complex system here that could trap you in for life. I dont enjoy changed so I do not desire to adjust to another human. So be mindful for your dear life." He didnt set the human down, instead he walked through thr grand hall and up the stairs, entering into a room beside the masters, opposite to the room of his original human mate.

"No? I would think it would."He replied and looked up at Acrux,"Why else would you want a virgin? No less one who...allows for your perversions."He smiled some and tilted his head back to take in the extensive amount of detail for the giant castle, he lost his breath. "No need to adjust to me."He replied with a wide smile as he watched the interior of the castle while they passed through it,"Do you at least have a map? Or do I have to make one myself?"He looked up at the dragon and smiled at him playfully, he wasn't a fearful human like what Acrux was used to, he had a smart mouth and was more joking than serious.

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"Perversions? If you are referring to copulating with you humans.... let's just say i had witnessed enough to know that for those who are not.virgins, it's much too risky. I dont really use humans as breeders, I will tell you that. Those who could bear our young are either our mates or just a tool. You think you are either?" Acrux asked Caleb. "On the map... I would hope you could memorize it, not draw it out. You dont relaly have to be familiae with too much of these corridors, and I would be here with you most of the time." He tugged a curl of lose hair behind his ear, his thumb brushed through the smooth skin of his face. "You are tanned.... what do you do as a living beforr?"

"Mm..."Caleb nodded some at what the dragon told him, he didn't believe him though he did understand why Acrux had said that and he shrugged some. "I'm not sure yet. I don't know you well enough to make a decision."He replied simply and didn't respond to what he told him about the map, allowing it for now as he looked up at the silver haired dragon. "I was a farmers son before I ran off into town to look for work as an artist."He smiled some and turned himself so he could slip out of the man's grasp and stand on his own two feet once again. Caleb closed his eyes and fell back onto the bed with a huff,"Though I came back when I got bored of city life... I wanted to find something more...and the city was just too...fake for me."

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"An artist? You draw?" Acrux let Caleb slid from him. If he had been younger, this would have agitated him, reminding him too much of a prey slipping away between his fingers. He watched at the laid back human a bit, "in general I consider humans to be too fake for me. Though there had been exceptions... and I hope you are also one of th3 excpetions like youe predecessor. I would have hated it if you lie to me, that's almost my only rule around. You can enjoy whatever you want, I dont usually required anything from you other than minimal accompany." As he said, the flowy gown of Caleb became much too tempting and he hovered over him and touched on his exposed thigh thtough thr fabric, finding it quite interesting with the contrast.

"A little... I dance more than anything else."Caleb said and nodded at the dragons wishes as he turned over onto his stomach. His robes slipping between his thighs and making his subtle curves more than pronounced as he closed his eyes at the touch. He lifted his foot a bit more to run over Acrox leg and around his waist slightly, tilting his head back some,"And this is...minimal company to you?"He asked briefly with a crooked smile, opening his eyes to look at him for a moment.

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"Hmmm after what you have said, and how good you are at seduction, I am suddenly not as confident in you still being a virgin.... Are you?" Acrux looked at caleb with his grey eyes, his hand didnt waste time in exploring his body either. He rubbed on the perky butt, still covered with his gown, and smoothed over his legs over his own waist. He rubbed and tested the hidden muscle underneath, finding it pleasing. "You are a dancer? Hmm that explained the muscle and the flexibility.... the definition of minimal compqny could always change... depending on what I, and also you, want."

"What? You think I can't be comfortable around a partner and not have had myself impaled by someone's prick?"He hummed softly and rested his head on the sheets beneath him with a sigh,"Yes... In the way you're interested in, I am a virgin... You call me feminine, I say the roles for gender are to strict."He shrugged his shoulders and arched his back a bit when he felt the hands on his hips and bottom, then relaxed again as the hands moved to his back and thighs. "I want to know more about you first...before we do anything together."

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"Your techniques are simply too good... and yourself too beautiful to have me believe you wont attract a lot of attention." Acrux found Caleb's arching look very much like a feline, and he wondered if this was a domesticated kitten, a cunning leopard under disguise, Or would it be a lion cub pretending to be harmless. He flipped over Caleb, picking him up by his butt and marvelled at how bubbly that was. Caleb fitted perfrctly on his one palm, given the heivht of caleb, that was a surprisngly narrow hip in comparison and he thought how it would look even better with a wider ass.

"Your faith in me is inspiring."Caleb said when he was turned onto his back again to look up at Acrux with a wider smile. Another blush coming to his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears as he was held perfectly by the dragon, complimented heights and sizes. He watched his face curiously,"What are you thinking?"

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Acrux was startled awake from his thoughts and mentally beat himself for fantasizing such thing. He had no intention to breed with this human... yet. "You have a narrow hip, I can hold you in one palm. That's what I am thinking." He covered it and bumped Caleb a bit. "Do you eat at all? You are so light.... with your height."

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