C Restricted files (shane20)

A groan left Sycamore as he sat up, the man's head was pounding. Course what he found as he looked around had him shocked. A cell? Stonewalls and a metal door.

"Where the hell am I?":Sycamore questioned.

A shuddered left him as the scientist rose to his feet, only to feel the cold ground on his bare feet. A shuddered left the tall taupe brown haired man. A trickle of blood was visible on the side of his head. The pair of glasses he had been wearing were thankfully intact, without those he'd be blind as a bat! Oddly enough, he found himself wearing one of his old lab coats which he was certain he wasn't wearing one when he had left home. What in the world was going on here?

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"I'm just glad that my skull isn't too caved in." Sycamore replied."What's going on? Why am I here?"

The man didn't know what else to say, he set a hand lightly against his head though cringed as the sting of the wound came to him. Oh boy. Glancing at his finger tips he took note of the blood before he glanced back at the stranger.

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"I honestly thought I got rid of it all before I retired, so you went through the trouble of digging things up and even one of my lab coats that somehow survived that fire? I already made myself go away, why are you dragging me back?" Sycamore questioned.

He couldn't deny it, his research had become...dangerous. He recognized it and while it pained some part of him, he tried to get rid of it. Sadly it seems, those efforts were in vain. The problem was though, how did this guy get their hands on it?

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Now this wasn't ideal. Sycamore's brows lowered as he stood there. This was very problematic indeed. Course, that man couldn't have everything on it...could he? There were things he destroyed before he came to he conclusion of retiring early. The thirty year old man was silent as he pondered this, ignoring the doctor who patched up his head. He had taken to pacing about when he heard the door again.

"You are no doubt missing pieces, is that why you dragged me here?" Sycamore questioned.

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"Fucking chance of that." Sycamore hissed. "You've striped me naked and now I'm freezing, if you want my eyes close then you will have to knock me out."

Sycamore took several steps away and snatched his lab coat back from the doctor. He was cold and there was no way he was going to stand here stark naked. Adjusting his glasses, he gave a annoyed sigh.

"I'm not a idiot." Sycamore added.

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(What's he shocking Sycamore with? Also try not to control my characer, I went along with him moving over to the table this time)

The shock was a grave surprise and the man did cry out. How could he not? He could feel that shock through his whole body and yet there was something else, he didn't want to go over to the table but wih the force of the shock, he needed something to lean against it. Course he gave them a pissed off glare.

"Cheater..." Sycamore hissed. "Using a cheap use of power, think that'll work forever?"

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(It's okay, we all make mistakes.)

Sycamore wasn't going to give in quietly or willingly, the only way they would get this was to just experiment on him anyway. Rubbing his head, the man wondered it that doctor put something in his wound and stitched it closed. It was hard to know, he set his fingers against it and massaged the area, trying to figure that out. If Dimitri was on a deadline of any kind, he couldn't afford time wasted and Sycamore was going to waste as much of his time as he could. After all, he knew the danger his own experiment could bring. He used some of it on himself and the result was pretty bad.

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"Let me guess, drugged no doubt?" Sycamore commented to the Doctor without looking at him.

The former scientist honestly wasn't sure on to trust food in this place. After all, why should he? These people already knocked him out, stole things that were his, and were trying to turn him into a mindless thing. IF the cake is a lie, so is the ordinary bland food.

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Even without a reply, he scoffed. With the doctor gone, he grabbed the plate and threw it outside of the bars. Causing a clatter sound to go off and Sycamore looked around.

"IF ya got cameras listen up!! Do you have any idea on what you are going to try and bring about? HUH?!" Sycamore questioned.

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Sycamore felt his blood boil with frustration. This was very irritating! With the second meal dropped off, he shot a glare to the solider, showing em he wasn't in the mood for any bullshit. A snarl left him as he drummed his fingers on the ground before claws appeared. Seems there was some of the old serum still in his system after all, huh...rather odd how long it lasted. Course he didn't know the other scientist's name, so there was no way to call em down.

"SMUG ASS!! Get your ass down here." Sycamore snapped.

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"I'm willing to eat nondrugged food." Sycamore replied. "Also no, I will not collabrate with my research. Do you even understand what such a serum can do? Just the danger of it?! Why do you even want it? It's still mine and I have the right to destroy it."

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(Not willing. I'm sorry but I don't like to make all my characters obey and since he is meant to be experimented on, none of that is on his will to begin with.

"So why are you going through with it?! My research is too dangerous!!" Sycamore questioned. "What do you have to gain from it? All that comes from it is bad and dangerous."

A shocked expression hit his face though a clearly enraged look hit his face as the prickly beginnings of a beard appeared on his face and his eyes changed colors.

"IDIOTICAL MORON!! NO!!!" Sycamore snapped as his hair stood on end. "I'M NOT A DOG WHO'S GONNA OBEY ALL WILLY NILLY!!"

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(It's okay.)

The man couldn't reply, merely losing himself to the feral mindset that came with the monstrous body. Though he didn't fully transform, he did change midway with clear animal traits of what could be a wolf and he grew to nine ft with his clothes struggling to stay on. Alas he started to revert as he grew too weak. THus resulting in him passing out as he returned to his normal size and if Dimitri wanted to do something, now was the time.

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(Did Dimitri change into a wolf? The way it's worded has me confused. Also I'm just going to assume that he's already done the thing for Sycamore to be pregnant so I'm just going to skip to when he wakes up.)

Changing was always a hard thing on him, hence why he didn't even try. Course having a feral mind set was not ideal to the man. Waking up, a groan left him and once again....what was this guy's deal? Why couldn't he just have clothes on? A annoyed sound left Sycamore as he pulled on the restraints hard enough to break em off; having the ability to turn into a giant beast did give you more strength. Free from the bed, he grabbed the clothes that were on the ground and got dressed. Already he was pissed off.

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(Why can Dimitri change?)

Having gotten fully dressed the man kept a distance from Dimitri. He was unaware of what happened but that didn't matter to him. What mattered was the stupidity of this man.

"You're playing with something you shouldn't." Sycamore cautioned. "If you're trying to replicate my serum and sell it, then you're only going to have it backfire in the end."

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(I'm sorry but what does that have to do with him being able to change form? )

Sycamore turned his back to the man, he wasn't pleased with what answer he got.

"Then why is it? I am not pleased with any of this and you thinking that this is something you can do for whatever you want, then you have seriously pissed me off." Sycamore said.

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I'm talking about what that has to do with Dimitri being able to change forms. And Sycamore isn't really a human either due to the serum he made, granted he didn't take a whole lot of it but it's enough to alter his genetic code and classify him as something not human. So if Dimitiri can change forms then that means he's not human either so...how are they going to get a human baby out of this?)

"Nothing is safe in a computer idiot! That's why I did hand written notes and such! You can't hack paper and pen, but you can succesfully delete it if the need comes." Sycamore snarled at Dimitri as he turned around and pointed at em. "There are ways to recover shit off of compuers, when you burn each sheet of paper one by one then there is no way of regaining it!!"

All this fool did was piss Sycamore off further.

"So far all I see you wanting is to cause chaos and ruin everythig." Sycamore added. "I am not giving you what you want!!! To hell with you!!!"

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