Dragon Offering

Caleb grinned as Acrux shared his feelings,"Much less."he nodded in agreement as he laughed softly,"I'd say just as much fun."his cheeks darkened as he felt the rough finger rub between his lower lips, his mouth hanging open and his body quivering at the touch,"Mm... Save it for later, my beast."he hummed at him, against his chest, kissing his neck softly while he rested. When he was lifted up out of the water, his eyes closing when he was dried off and soon enough he was laying down in their large bed. Half asleep, though he felt when his legs were spread and looked down as he tilted his head.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Just checking on your condition..... relax." The dragon smiled reassuringly at the human. "Just a little swollen.. right, quite swollen. Nothing that couldn't be healed with a little balm." He pressed his thumbs on either side of his opening and spread his lips. He blew on his inflammed genitals to dry it, though eh forgot his breath was hot. The inner fire in him never extinguished, and therefore that blow of breath just agitated the delicate parts further.

"I'm not worried."he yawned softly in reply, smiling lazily and closing his eyes as he laid his head down on the pillow quietly, biting his lip as his ass was spread open gently. It had been a few weeks since he laid the eggs. The hermaphrodite squirmed when his genitals were blown upon, he moaned and felt as the opposite of what Acrux wanted happened. Slick coming from between his spread lips and oozing almost from his hole,"Mm..."he bit his lip and wrapped a leg around him,

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(I thought they just spent their first night together before this scene, that's why Caleb was so swollen?)

((HAHA yep no problem... LOL sorry for being picky xD)

The dragon had to chuckle. "Hmm my little mate is indeed very responsive and sensitive, arenr you?" He smiled and pressed an adoring kiss on Caleb's widespread knee. "Though i do not think another round would be good for you...." he said getting the balm ready. It was a little cool with mint added, but with Caleb already aroused, the moment his rough finger applied the colorless balm on his lips, more squirt flooded out and washed away the balm immediately.

"Mm..."he groaned softly with a shy smile, turning his head as he looked at the other, humming at the kiss and arching his back slightly to the feeling of the balm. "That feels good..."he murmured and bit his lip, looking down agaun and wondering what haooened when the finger came away from his slit again.

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"You are so... wet." The dragon smiled. He tilted Caleb's head up and kissed him gently. He took a piece of cloth and wiped away the first wave of squirt. He dabbed the towel lightly on his slit. The fluif coming out of Caleb's secret garden was erotic, he thought it was like nectar coming out of his flower. He abandoned the towel, and instead he used his tongue to lick away the never ending flow of squirt.

He blushed hopelessly as he looked up at his mate, blushing lightly and kissing him when he tilted his head upwards, closing his eyes for a moment and smiling softly. The human wrapped his arms around his neck and spread his legs as he felt the towel wipe at his moist slit, quivering and pressing himself into the other before he moved downwards once again. His eyes closed and he lifted his hips up into the tongue with a moan, leaking even further, his head tilting back.

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Acrux was a thirsty man now. He wanted to sip up every drop from Caleb. His slitheted tongue cleverly slid through his clit, then his slit to get as much of Caleb as possible. His hands were clutching Caleb's ankles gently, and he could feel how hard the human was trembling. The lovely moans from.his mate was the best thing he had ever heard, while he sipped up the nectar from deep within him. His thin tongue even penetrated through the swollen lips to get deep into Caleb, the tip touched on his cervix and caused another rush of fluid.

((Want to skip ahead some?))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Yea sure, where should we head to next?)

((Eh... Not sure. Maybe when they talk about Acrux going away?))

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(Oh yea. Acrux getting a note and took Caleb back to the village... i hope i could do well with group scenes involving some new characters!)

((Yeah, I'm ready for it. Who's skipping?))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

(Do you want to? ;))

((Sure. I'll try.))

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

((Sure. I'll skip. ))

Almost an entire year passed since then, their off spring, and the ancient dragon, even himself were one year older now. He felt like an entirely different person. His virginity was claimed and he was a father, or technically mother, now and Acrux thought he was a good one at that if he asked him. Though of course there was some bias there, he was his first mate, the first carrier of his children, what else would he say?

He almost forgot about his past life, his sister and his parents, he didn't think about them all that much to be honest, there was just so much else to think about on the mountain. His chores and his children who were almost the size of large dogs now, it was hard to believe he had birthed them himself.

Caleb laid himself across his husband's broad chest with a soft purr, running his hands over his hot flesh and nipping at his chin and jaw,"Do you think it's time I visit home?"he asked him softly, leaning in further to tug at his earlobe with his teeth,"You think we need a break like that?"he asked him further.

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Acrux was still revelling in the aftermath of the orgasm - both cocks enjoyed it - and let the human play around with his earlobe. He smiled caressing his slightly sweaty body, lingering especially long on his slightly bulging abdomen where he had just shoot loads in the front and at the back. "You want to visit home?" He raised an eyebrow and asked. "You want to take a break from me?" There was a faint hint of hurt but then Acrux sighed and shook his head. " I Guess this would be a good timing as well..... I had to leave for the North very soon." He said and summoned a warm towel to wipe both of them down.

They stayed silent for a little while before Acrux started again. "There's a meeting that i coudln't miss.... adn while i am absent, I guess it's the best way to get you home first. I believe your family must miss you a lot as well." He said rather sadly, somehow this was a lot more difficult than Acrux could think of. He never consider himself to be this clingy, but well, he was missing his human mate already. He caressed Caleb's face and kissed him on his still slightly swollen lips, and sighed again. "I would be gone for a few months... maybe close to a year."

Caleb always allowed the dragon to relax his cocks within the tight recesses of both his ass and cunt when they finished making love. What was the rush? They had all eternity together, he sat up as the dragon rubbed at his bloated stomach and smiled softly, rocking his hips some what. His hands still stroking his chest and abs slowly, nodding,"I do wish to visit."he said softly, sighing and leaning forward so their torsos pressed together again,"Hey now, I didn't mean it like that."he ran his hands up and cradled his face softly,"If we take a break, then come back together after so long a part... I believe our sex would be even more amazing."he clinched down on the dragon's cocks with a moan, tilting his head back and laughing softly, though he was surprised by what the other said.

"What do you mean?"he asked him, biting down on his lip lightly as his body was cleaned by the towel, not liking the silence that took over. His mind was racing,"A meeting about what? For what?"he asked again, lifting himself off of his lovers cocks and taking his own towel to wipe them down before crawling further up his body. Leaning into the hands that held his face and kissing him back softly, exhaling and wrapping his arms around him,"Why? Can't you leave early? How will I contact you?"he sounded worried now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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