Closed Rescued Experiment
Daniel moaned softly and tossed and turned, managing to turn over onto his side and then his knees as he hugged a pillow to his chest. His ass spreading open as he sank down on the weight inside of him and grunted as he tried to keep pushing. His instincts taking over, wanting the eggs out of him, his hole yawned and he moaned again into the pillow, arching his back and curling his toes.

Daniel flinched and pressed himself against Harry as much he could with his belly in the way, his eyes rolled back as he sank onto his fat member and he was stretched wide. He cried out, head tossing back as the tip of the humans cock pushed into his dilating cervix, the eggs weren't taking no time at all. "Ah~"his throat tightened and he thought he may cum again as those two pressures counteracted.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
It somehow amused Harry how Daniel managed to do in his sleep. He somehow heard an aroused "Nngah~" as he turned, but it sounded more aroused than pain, leading to a smirk for him. He moved to sit behind him, looking at his spasming slit, he could see just the tip of a new egg. He slipped a finger in and stretchd him as much as he could, coaxing the egg into coming spreading his buttocks.

Harry was panting himself from the shock when Daniel just clenched tight on him from teh sudden shock, and he moaned himself. He rubbed against Daniel's stretched middle to ensure his baby was alright once he overcame that wave of pleasure - which was just waht Daniel needed for the second orgasm. Harry could feel another splash of cool liquid landing on his lap and he chuckled. "well well.... what a shock." He moaned at the following spasming thrusted up, plunging his entire cockhead through to his dilating cervix and poked directly into a descending egg.
The lizard struggled with the empty weight of eggs inside of him,"Mnhhhhn..."he struggled when that force came back, Harry's finger but he had know idea about it in the real world even if he did he wouldn't exactly be worried as he pushed again. The wide side of the egg was coming, it was large and he stretched wide around it, moaning out and forcing it out of him into a full crown. Looking like a bright blue bubble about to pop out of him.

Daniel couldn't breathe, his body was still shaking with aftershocks and he moaned brokenly, panting and arching his back as he struggled to contain the quivering. Though before he could, his high came up again and the rubbing of his stomach shifted the eggs inside of him, pushing against his skin with s contraction and he screamed in pleasure. About to push, before the human's cock forced itself inside of his womb and he whined, high pitched and at the top of his lungs as it came out of his mouth. "Careful!"he groaned and tried lifting himself up but he was so slick he only fell back down again.
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Harry's worry proved to be pointless as Daniel smoothly got the egg to crown. He looked in awe with how wide the egg managed to stretch Daniel, the blue bubble - almost transparent- looked curiously beuatiful against Daniel's scales in the dark. The skin around the egg was stretched tight,and the egg stalled for a bit between pushes from Daniel, but with another hum and a heave down, the egg continued its way out and popped right out. it projected through the air and Harry caught it with both palms, still finding it slightly warm to the touch.

Harry would have addressed that had he not been on the verge of cumming as well. He huffed out a groan when Daniel just slipped back down on him and his cockhead once again got through that tight ring and he met with the egg again, causing another stir of movement within Daniel. He panted and his hip shifted uncontrollably and he thrusted against Daniel, holding his hips up and drop him down on his cock again, and exploded deep within him.
The lizard couldn't even process the lay of the last egg before he was continuing to push, another trail of eggs came out of him. Smaller this time and his tail lifted to allow them room as they popped out one after the other, falling into a pile of three. Though of course, the fertile little lizard wasn't done as he groaned and sank down against the bed, there was always more when he wasn't fertilized.

Daniel cried and teared up as he was fucked so harshly, panting heavy and tossing his head back, screaming as his womb stretched to accommodate a cock as well as fully grown, fertilized eggs. His cunt drooled a mix of cool and hot from the human's spilled seed from earlier,"Harry-"he gripped the other by the hair at the back of his neck,Stop~"his order was lost in a broken moan and his back arched as the cock pushed up into his cunt further and he couldn't help it now as his body was pushing.
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(There's something about that phrase "fertile little lizard" that got me smiling HAHA)

Once the larger egg came out, the smaller trail of eggs were shooting out like Daniel was a machine gun. Harry didn't evne have the hands for them as they just come out continuously. It was such a hilarious scene, with his tail lifted high up, coupled little moans and whines muffled against the pillow, Harry chuckled as he gave up on catching the eggs at all. He instead reached in to rub on Daniel's little belly, guessing if there's still any inside of that little bloated cavity of his.

The out of tune calling of Harry's name was interpreted as a loving whine, Harry couldn't really take in anything now anyway, he had gone primal in this tug of war, or even a waltz like dance with the egg. He would shove inside of daniel and the egg would retreat, then when he pulled out the egg would drop down followed with a clench on his cock - and a lovely whine from Daniel as he attempted to push.

When his belly was rubbed, he purred and curled around that warm hand, the heat helping with the intense cramps, his eyes were still closed as he relaxed some what. His entire body vibrating with the purr, before groaning softly as he tried pushing again, though it seemed it was all over. The poor lizards dream wasn't over and his slit dripped with a bright milky white substance, again it was almost fluorescent as his eggs had been before they dulled.

Daniel's mouth hung open in broken, half cries of a cool mix of pleasure and agony that coursed through his tightened womb, whining and tugging at the human's locks again. Arching back against the horn of the truck and moaning in discomfort as he lifted up some what from the human's cock and pushing as hard as he could. Before he was being thrusted into again, his cervix and womb pounded and abused, his eyes rolled back and he was cumming yet again. His body going limp against the man's chest.
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His little lizard's always so affectionate to his touch and even in his dreams, it.showed how he loving he was. He loved it and always felt priviledged that he managed to make the lizard entirely trusting on him. He rubbed Daniel's belly some more and then saw the milky white substance and curiously scooped some up. There's still so much about the lizard's anatomy that he didnt understand. Lucky he still had a lot of time to explore them.

Harry was losing it as well, the feeling of plunging inside of Daniel, espexially with the added thrill of thrusting through the constricting cervix was addicting, and his inner beast was let out in this. The horn of rhe car just fuelled his passion and he held Daniel, on his hips and his belly, and pumped one last time inside of Daniel and explodee his load.
Daniel whined as he was came into, his stomach felt bloated even more than with pregnancy as the human came inside of him for what felt like the fifth time. His body quivered and he was moaning as his hands dragged down Harry's chest, claws catching in his shirt as he did, arching his back some. A moan coming from him,"Harry... The eggs..."he could feel the unrest inside of him, they were coming and soon.
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Harry panted long and gradually he came down from his high as well. His eyes cleared up but his brain needed more time to.procedd what Daniel was talking about. He gasped and his hand went to his quivering belly. "Gosh i.... I was too lost in this. Daniel are you..... " he didnt think there was a need to confirm once he had started asking. The hardness that the tip of his cock had slammed into multiple times could only be their egg. He groaned in annoyancr towards humseld and lifted Daniel up slightly so his cock could slip out. "Gohs I am sorry.... you ok?" He wanted to.kick himself for fucking Daniel so thoroughly he looked drainrd.
The lizard groaned lightly as the human pressed his hand against his belly, smiling weakly and laying against his shoulder as the cock slipped out of him. He gripped his shoulders lightly and his hands fell slowly, cum drooled out of him and he sagged against him,"Yeah... I just... Can't stop them from coming."he groaned and his head fell back as his stomach tightened and he tried not to push, but the cum made his entrance slick. The eggs were coming, and soon, especially the first one which pushed out of him with the most recent contraction, spreading open his cervix.
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"Alright.... alright. Good. We could do this. I... I guess we are 20 minutes away, you are going to hold on..." Harry tried to calm himself, swallowing hard and took Daniel's hand. "Just 20 minutes... think about the time for toilet training. When you were still so small.... you managed right? You managed to hold until you got to the bathroom..... remember that, and you would be fine. Just, tell me when you couldbt hold anymore and I.would stop ok?" Harry was a little worried about the chance for infection if Daniel did give birth out here. He started rhe engine and stomped hard on the accelerator, rushing their way home still holding thr drained lizard on his lap.
He knew that was a lie, twenty minutes was an understatement, their home was too far away and he couldn't just not birth their eggs. The lizard squirmed for a moment on top of Harry's lap and he squeezed his hand in return, laughing weakly and looking up at him slightly,"I'm not a baby any more, Harry... You should know that."he moaned softly as his stomach churned, limp and groaning as his stomach ached with an onslaught of contractions. Daniel wanted to be at home and in the cozy nest he had made, he had an entire plan ready, curled up and pushing out their eggs in Harry's embrace. Not in their car on the way home from the store.
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Harry chuckled dryly. "of course you are not a baby.... gosh you are going to birth our eggs..." He said glancing down at the huge bump pressing on him. It was amazing and at the same time, scary to know they were really going to be parents. So soon and so unexpected as well. "you.. you'd prefer do it here? Or we make a dash? I am sure i could pick up the speed a little more..." He said and stepped on the accelerator, the SUV surged forward and they were cruising through the desert like open area. He knew Dnaiel had been nesting for days, and the cozy little nest he had prepared looked comfortable enough even for him.
David nodded, smiling softly in pride, his brows furrowing for a moment and he grimaced as they hit a small bump. An egg slipping against his cervix and he shook his head quickly,"I want my nest."he said and he moved to wrap his arms around the humans neck tightly, groaning softly and pressing his fave into his neck. Though he knew that he may not be getting what he wanted as he grimaced again and tilted his head back, every little bump felt like a mountain they went over as he tried his best to hold back the eggs inside of him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Harry's heart was pumping furiously in his nervous dash for home. Going at full speed, the car felt extra bumpy but he dared not slow down. Daniel was sitting on his thigh and he could tell there was still no egg yet, but the pained whimpers from the lizard showed how hard Daniel had been trying to keep the eggs in. From the twitching of his bottom, Harry could also tell Daniel was trying very hard to go against his urges. "You are doing very good... your nest is very near now, hang in there babe..."
Daniel gripped Harry's shirt tightly and pressed his groin down further against the human's thigh, groaning as he did and reaching down with one hand as he held his heavy stomach. He was contracting hard, though he forced himself to breath in and out slow and steadily,"Mn... Harry..." A moan escaped him and he shifted his hips as the egg pressed against his dilating cervix more, tears coming to his eyes,"I don't want to have them here... I can't... Something will go wrong I know it..." He whined out, his body was shaking.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Then... then dont push. Keep that egg in therr.... like i said, remmebr those toilet trainings when you were so small? Remember them.... and just like that, keep that egg in, we are so near, our home is righr ahead...." the SUV was hurling up so mucb sand Harry was relying on the gps to guide them. Of course he couldnt see any sigh or their house yet, but from that slight hardnees stafting to form and pressing down on his thigh when the car bumped, Harry was suspecting, at least the first egg, wouldnt make it. "Come on Daniel, focus, can you maneuver that egg just a tiny bit back? Squeeze your bottom..."
David did his best, shutting his eyes tightly and forcing himself to breathe, focused on the breath that filled him and then exhaled, he smelled Harry and he relaxed slowly into his scent,"It's not working..." He whined out into the other's chest and looked up at him hopelessly, the contraction had ebbed and he whimpered as he reached down between his legs where he could feel the form of their egg coming out of him. The lizard pushed that form back up inside of him slowly, moaning brokenly,"Hurts!" He cried when the car lifted up off the ground with the bump and he shoved that egg back up inside of him, panting heavily and shaking his head, gulping and looking down wide-eyed, not believing he just did that.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Harry stole quick glances from his little lizard only, and he only knew Dnaiel was reachng down to touch the egg after conplaining about it not being possible, then that strangled yelp of "hurt" was so pained he snapped to the side to look at him. "What, what is it? Oh my god... did you just... push that egg back?!" Harry exclaimed in huge shock. He couldnt feel it now even when Daniel was gribding down againdt his thigh. He didnt know what to say, ajd just babblrd something out to console his distressed lizard. He patted the panting and sobbing Daniel. "It's ok, love its ok.... ya, ya this actually mkght work a little.... just, tell me when you are gonna do that ok? So i woulfnt bump.or, at least avoid bumping too much." He said pressing a kiss on Daniel's forehead and rubbed hid back.

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