C A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!]

Red rubbed at his shoulders trying to smooth out some of the Omega's tension.
"Just let me finish up cooking and we can bail. Wanna eat first or snag something at my place later?" He smiled softly itching at the chance to fuck the other man again even if he was still sore from last night's activitys.
With a light kiss on Tsu's forehead he went back to flipping pancakes and bacon. Even after he'd shut off the burners and started to clean up the smell of breakfast joy still stuck strong in the house. He peered over at the living room trying to remember the name of the other Omega, Troy had mentioned it yesterday day something with an L....Lucas? Lake? Lazarus? Lazul!
"Hey Lazul foods ready if you wanna eat! Probably gonna bail quickly so you and Troy got the place to yourselves again." He winked at the skinny Omega before going to grab a piece of bacon for himself resisting the urge to dunk it in maple syrup like always since he didn't feel like being sticky right now.

~Help me I'm human~

Lazul watched Troy struggle with the smell of Tsu's heat. he wasn't able to smell it because he was an Omega and practically immune to the smell. when the male rushed into the shower he followed him quickly trying to keep himself covered as best he could with what he could reach.

"A...Alpha?" he asked softly opening the curtain and reached in to touch him although recoiled a little at the cold water before he just stepped in and pressed himself against Troy's back. he still seemed timid, as if afraid of being rejected still, shivering a little from that thought in his head and the cold of the water.

"I...I will leave if you want me to." he said softly meaning leaving the shower. he wrapped his arms around Troy's middle, placing one hand to the taller males abs and one to his chest and pressed himself closer "But id like to stay... shower together with you... please?"

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Troy shook his head when Lazul joined him in the shower, stating he would leave "Don't..." Troy said quietly, reaching out to turn up the hot water slowly. He adjusted the temperature until it was perfect and Lazul stopped shivering against his back, steam starting to build already in the small enclosure.

Large hands covered the small ones on his stomach and chest, squeezing lightly and smiling as he turned around, arms sliding around Lazul's waist and pulling him closer to his chest, fingers lightly skating over Lazul's back "I'm sorry. The scent of his heat was just... so strong... and... I'm not... I'm not used to it, Laz... I don't spend a lot of time around the pack... especially when they're in heat... and..." he swallowed thickly and shook his head "I'm sorry."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


He shook his head and gave him a soft kiss, hands moving to grip at Troys hips.
"It's ok, really" he says and smiled "i understand perfectly. atleast in tbe future i will be here for you should that problem come up again, ok?" his smile turned cheeky, one hand snaking between them to grope at the Alphas length.

"i just hope next heat i have, i effect you just as badly, that it makes me so irresistible that you drag me to the bedroom and pump me full of pups again"

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Troy grunted as Lazul's hand wrapped around his length. He had just gotten his erection to go down, and now he was hardening up once again in Lazul's hand. "You don't have to be in heat, for me to find you irresistible." Troy said as he turned their bodies, pressing Lazul up against the slick and heated tiles of the shower wall, thrusting into his mate's hand "I find you irresistible all the time, want to fuck you, all the time..." Troy murmured, leaning his head down to kiss and nip lightly at Lazul's neck.

"I just want to pick you up, right here and now, and fuck you... Drill you into this wall... Let you scream out your pleasure... Let everyone hear just how good I fuck you..." Troy growled, teeth digging in a little deeper against Lazul's neck as his hips kept moving, cock growing to full hardness in Lazul's hand, precum already dripping from the fat mushroom head.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Mitsuo couldn't help leaning into Rowen's touch, closing his eyes for a moment as some of the tension faded. He looked over to the kitchen, smelling the irresistible scent of pancakes and bacon. "Aah, I'll grab something here. That smells really good." He said, giving the alpha a small smile.

He went to sit down as the other finished up, idly glancing to Lazul when he left. He shrugged it off and went back to the food. He plopped a few pancakes on his plate, along with some bacon and syrup on the side. He liked to dip his food into it, even the bacon. Which he ate happily.

Lazul groaned and gripped a big tighter around the length in his hand, getting more and more turned on as Troy nipped and kissed. even as he spoke it only enticed him more, his own length stiffening.
"Th...then why dont you?" he asked teasingly and panted a bit in the now steamy air "W...wont be long till you cant anymore, you should take advantage of that as much as possible."

For Lazul atleast he was bsing far more open than he was used to, more adventurous, Troy really did seem to be able to bring out what was hidden inside of him under the layers of low self esteem and shyness. That being someone who was adventurous and playful, and maybe even a little kinky if pushed the right ways.

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"Why don't I?" Troy repeated softly, reaching his hand up to lightly card his fingers through Lazul's soaked hair "Well, because... as much as I love hearing you scream for me and as much as I don't mind having sex with you when there are other's around..." Troy murmured and leaned down to kiss Lazul lightly on the lips "I really am kind of hungry."

He nuzzled against Lazul's neck lightly, fingers moving across his mate's body slowly "Let's shower up, and then I'll introduce you to my best friend and maybe he'll introduce us to his date, yeah?" Troy asked as he slowly pulled himself and Lazul back underneath the spray of the shower head "We'll have to get you some shampoo and stuff, cause all I have is the stuff that Red and I use..." Troy stated, grabbing a bottle of Axe body and hair wash.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Lazul chuckled a little and returned the kiss. the possibility of the others hearing them last night hadn't stopped him but he didnt mind. he was still a little sore after all.
"Alright.. and i dont mind, its not like im used to anything special... usually i just use whats in the common showers at the pack house... when noone is around that is" he blushed a bit at that, a little embarrassed that he had virtually hidden himself away from his pack.
"i just hope you will be ok... i dont get how red can be in the same room as a wolf in heat and not try to fill him with pups..."

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Troy laughed as he started easily lathering Lazul's body up with the soap, using just his hands to do so "Because Red is not interested in having pups. He'll fuck anyone in heat, just as long as he has a massive supply of condoms." Troy said quietly as he continued rubbing soap into Laz's skin "He's a playboy by nature, doesn't want to tie himself down with kids just yet... if ever."

Troy bit his lip and shrugged slightly "I used to be like that, too... but, then you came into the pack, and well... Things changed. I'm glad they did, too. I'm... I'm happy you're here, Laz. You make things easier to deal with, even though I still feel like destroying that other guy... I don't want to be that guy, not anymore."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Laz smiled and nodded shifting so he was face to face with troy, arms up over his shoulders.
"And you wont have to be, not anymore." he says ans gives him a kiss "Just like i dont want to be fearful of my position in life... if im wanted or not, if i will ever need to run for my life again or not... i dont want that anymore" he leaned in to kiss him again and hold himself close against him. seemingly unaware he had mentioned he had needed to flee for his life once.

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Troy wrapped his arms around Lazul lightly, turning so his mate was directly under the spray of water so the soap would drain off of his body "Hey..." he said quietly, leaning down so he could kiss Lazul softly and slowly, tongue slipping out to tangle with Lazul's tongue a bit "You *never* have to worry about that again, Laz. I'm one-hundred percent in this, and no one will mess with you." Troy reached up to run his fingers through Lazul's hair.

Whoever decided to fuck his mate over so badly that the young Omega was afraid of his own shadow would heavily pay for their grievous mistakes. Troy would make sure of that.

In one quick motion, Troy dipped down and lifted Lazul up by the thighs, wrapping his mate's thin legs around his waist "I won't ever, *EVER* leave you or make you feel like a lesser person, just because of your status as an Omega. You are *my* mate, and I love you Lazul. You are my everything, for now and forever." Troy promised, his voice very serene and honest as he spoke. He wanted Lazul to believe him, wanted his mate to be able to express himself in ways he couldn't before.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Lazul stared at Troy for a fem moments, his eyes seeming to turn into puppydog eyes midway through before he was wrapping his arms around Troys neck ans burying his face in his chest letting out a sob. somehow Troy picked up it was more with happiness and relief than anything else.
"Thats all i ever wanted" lazul says giving out a very canine whine, something he seemed oddly good at doing "Just to be wanted, to be loved by someone... anyone for more than just a servent to cook and clean then lock up at night"

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Red downed the rest of his whiskey coffee, too diluted from the caffine to really feel anything more than a slight buzz as it settled in his stomach. He cooked up another mound of pancakes, bacon, and threw in some eggs even though he didn't like them much.  Turning the stove fully off this time he sauntered back over to Tsu stretching his arms high above his head to show off his middle, messing up his hair he looked at the Omega thru half lidded eyes.

"So think this is really your heat? Or something triggered by the party?" Leaning over him he snagged a piece of bacon from his plate nipping at his ear before leaning against on the table on crossed arms, "Cause you still seem to be raring to go if Troy's reaction to seeing you tells me anything." He looked up and down the Omega with a smirk on his face though his surprise was evident that last night's romp hadn't 'fixed' things.

~Help me I'm human~

Mitsuko looked quite pleased by all the breakfast smells, momentarily forgetting about his heart and just enjoying the food. Though, he paused when Rowen leaned over him, nibbling his lip at his question. He made a small noise at the nip to his ear, a shudder rolling up his spine.

"I'm not sure....I mean...I was supposed to go into heat next week. Maybe the party jumpstarted it." He sighed, looking down at his plate. He knew it would have to run its course, since he wasn't about to just let Rowen knock him up.

Troy ran his fingers along Lazul's slick skin slowly as he held his mate in his arms "I won't ever treat you like a slave, Laz. I love you... and that's not how I plan on showing you." Troy said as he reached to the faucet taps and shut the shower off.

He carried Lazul out of the shower and slowly set his mate back down on his feet, bending and following to kiss Laz on the lips lightly "Let's get dressed and then go out there and eat some breakfast, yeah?" Troy asked as he reached around Lazul's body and slapped him on the ass lightly, smirking afterwards and heading into the bedroom to find himself and Laz some clothes.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Lazul blushed and smiled as Troy finished talking. he did give a yelp at the slap and smirked deciding not to return with a grope or slap of his own. this time anyway.
"You going to be alright with the heat smell out there?" he asks as troy returned with their clothes "I cant suppress it if it isnt my own... and i dont exactly want you to just... kick them out." he took the clothes offered him and started dressing.

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Troy shook his head as he pulled on a pair of loose fitting jeans - ones that wouldn't so obviously show his erection - and then a loose tank top that laid over where his erection would be showing - he really didn't need Tsu getting the wrong idea about him.

"I doubt I'll be okay. But, you'll be there and..." he shrugged and tugged Lazul closer, pressing their bodies together "You'll stick by me, so your scent is the strongest in my nose... and *IF* anything should happen... I'm pretty sure Red can take me down, he has in the past." Troy said quietly, dipping his head to place one last kiss on Lazul's lips before he took the young Omega's hand and started back out toward the kitchen.

"Alright, I'm ready to eat! You better have saved me somethin', Red, or I ain't letting you come over for beer anymore.!"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Red stretched out his hand to lace his fingers with Tsu reading his mind.
"Look, I won't knock you up kitten. I may be an asshole but I'm a advocate of safe sex." He smirked but it slipped from his face as he gave his hand a squeeze.
"Besides...I wouldn't make a good father with the title of 'Alcoholic Town whore' marked across me. That's kinda just became my permanent thing." He shrugged, hearing Troy's voice echo through the house his smirk returned.
"Just finished cooking slow ass! Missed telling me what ya wanted so I just made everything." He sat closer to Tsu hoping to mask a bit of his scent as the other Alpha came back around.
"Gonna introduce me to your little friend yet? Only ever heard you mention him by name since I never visit the pack house anymore."

~Help me I'm human~

Lazul blushed as he sat down beside Troy and squirmed a little as Red looked at him like he was either a piece or meat or a potential notch on his belt. he tried to shift a little closer to Troy even if that wasn't exactly possible unless he was on his lap. he gave a nod in Tsu's direction and waited patiently for Troy and Red to start eating, his old habits of letting everyone else go first showing itself.

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