Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Name: Dr Jared LeFay
Age: 30
Appearance: tall and tanned. He had sparkling green eyes that is mischievous but alluring. He's muscular and handsome, but usually make himself look more mature and therefore, dependable by putting on dark framed glasses. 
Others: as a doctor, he hid his identity well mingling in the public. When there's no one around, he would demonstrate some of his magical power. He didnt need a wand for simple spells, but if he needed he had it readily available. 

The doctor had been slightly daydreaming in his office. It's a quiet evening. His scheduled patient had cancelled his appointment. His mind kept wandering back to a while ago, when he had that fabulous night with that half stranger. He didbt expect himself to be so drunk, and it was a great night. He kept recalling the wonderful feeling of that person under him, the beautiful body, and those lovely moans... he could even feel the magic in his body resonated.

The nurse knocked the door at this time, startling him from his wandering thoughts. "Dr, could I please take an earlier leave today? There shouldnt be any patients for today..." the doctor nodded. "Yea sure, thanks for today." He smiled and then returned to his office, not quite sure why just that fleeting night together had such an effect on him.

Name: Finn Matthews
Age: 25
Appearance: Fairly tall, a little pale. Rather thin and lean, with short dark hair and hazel eyes.
Others: Finn usually keeps to himself, as he’s rather shy most of the time. He works in an office somewhere, doing things that involve paperwork and cubicles. He finds his life rather unremarkable, even boring at times until the night he met Jared.

The young man let out a tired gasp, as he stopped in front of the building to catch his breath. Unfortunately for him, he saw a young nurse behind the glass door to the doctor’s office he stood in front of turn the lock to the door. Panicked, he placed a hand on the door, gently tapping the glass.

“No, no! Please...I...I need to see the doctor!” The woman simply offered a sympathetic shrug, and turned around to finish closing up. Finn continued to tap on the glass, calling out so the woman would hear him. “Please! This is...urgent...I think there’s...something wrong with me!” the young man’s free hand clutched at his bulky jacket, as a cold wind caused him to shiver slightly.

The doctor just remembered something that he wanted the nurse to tend to and came out of his office, only to hear the banging from the door. The frosted glass hid the face of the latest visitor, and his yell only muffled noises through that locked door. He smiled and alerted the nurse. "You could leave, but let that poor lad in. I could take care of the patient on my own. Enjoy your early day off." He said, much to the relief of the nurse, and went ahead to unlokc the door himself.

The moment the doctor opened the door, he was attacked by an armful of person. His latest patient wasn't aware tha tsomeone had come to open teh door and had tried to keep tapping on the door, which resulted in him toppling forward when the door disappeared. "Oh, hey, I am the doctor. You alright?" Jared asked holding up the lean young man, not able to see his face yet.

Finn let out a small yelp of surprise, as he suddenly found himself tumbling into the doctor. Blushing, the young man scrambled to remove himself from the stranger, as the doctor helped him stay upright.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to..." His thoughts trailed off, as he looked up to the other man's face. In an instant his blush deepened. Rather than the stranger he'd expected, Finn was met with the green eyes, and familiar face from a few months back. Unsure of what else to say, due to his shock, the young man let out a small gasp. "You! I" He had no idea if the doctor remembered him, they'd both been pretty tipsy that night.

It was his voice that rang a bell first. Of course htey didn't do much talking before that night, mostly groaning and moaning, but that yelp was quite familiar. When Jared distanced themselves enough to have a proper look at this stranger's face, quite a pretty face really, a big smile broke on his face. "Oh! hello there." He was quite amused seeing the blush deepened and spread across the young man's face, slowly getting down to his neck. "Come on in.... such a small world, isn't it?"

The doctor had a hand around the young man's waist to steady him before. realising that he had the luck to meet the young man who had been on his mind, he tightened his grip on him, holding him close agianst himself. "The nurse would be off so it's only me and you now.... you been ok? What's wrong?" He asked. Through the thick jacket, he didn't realise the changes taking on the man's body yet. "I am not sure if we have made proper introductions yet... I am Jared. Jared LeFay."

He'd tried to find the other man before today, but since he didn't have his name until just then, Finn had decided to chalk their night together as a one-night stand, and move on. Honestly what were the chances he'd not only find him again, but that he'd turn out to be a doctor? The young man was doing his best to try and keep calm under the circumstances, but couldn't help but feel nervous. Still, it was nice to know that Jared had remembered him, and their hookup. As the doctor introduced himself, Finn did the same.

"Y-yeah. I'm Finn...Finn Matthews." He bit his lip slightly, glancing around with a sigh. "Look...I'm sorry...if this is awkward I can go somewhere else..." He hesitated though. "I do um...need to see a doctor about something though...can we just...go to your office or something?"

"Ah I don't find it a problem... so unless you don't want to, I am happy to serve you, Sir." The doctor smiled and reassured the young man. "Or, if i can, just call you Finn? Let's get into my office. I think I owe you an apology for just disappearing that morning... I got an urgent call from a patient.... " He said leading Finn into his room. HE stood behind Finn and proceeded to help remove his jacket. "I should have left at least my phone number or something like that... I had been regretting that a lot." He confessed lowering his head staring down at the back of Finn's neck. "Anyway... so how can I help you today?" he asked professionally.

At hearing Jared's admission of regret, Finn's blush returned. "It's okay." The younger man crossed his arms though, looking away to try and not get worked up about everything that was happening. Why did he have to meet Jared again today of all days? "I mean...I get that things happen...and it is nice to see you again. I just...wish it was under better circumstances."

Finn turned himself to face Jared again, his arms still crossed under a baggy hooded sweatshirt, as he struggled to explain. Despite his loose clothing though, the fabric seemed to cling tightly to the man's middle, which had taken on a decidedly noticeable curve to it. That immediately embarrassed Finn as he started to speak again. "I think there's...something really wrong with me."

"I wish you weren't feeling too unwell too... so, what'st the problem?" As a doctor, Jared habitually glanced at the overall of Finn and spotted that unusually bulge on his midsection as well. "Perhaps we should get on the bed and start with a genearl assessment. Tell me how you are feeling and when do the symptoms started." He offered and took Finn's arm to lead him to the examination table. Putting him on the bed, he started with the routines, flashing his eyes and looking at his tongue, half relieved when he didn't see any yellowish coloring that could hint problems on the liver, which is one cause of abnormal bulging of the stomach.

Finn listened to Jared's questions closely, and let him look him over. "I'm not really sure when this all started to be honest." He started speaking as the doctor continued his examination. "I mean...I guess it was a few weeks or a month or so after we got together that I noticed these...strange things happening." He sighed as he shifted in his seat and continued to speak. "I started feeling nauseous and throwing up at first, but the doctor I went to about it said it was just the flu. Then I just started feeling hungry and tired all the time. That''s when the swelling started. I thought it was from the food, but it just...doesn't feel right." He blushed as he neglected to mention he had also started getting really aroused on occasion as well. Jared probably didn't need to know that detail. "I've been to a few other doctors and they can't find anything wrong with me, so I thought I'd try another one today you are."

Jared listened carefully as he took the blood pressure and checked his pulse. He didn't see anything wrong so far, but he did notice the returning blush of Finn and knew there could be something he was hiding. "Hmmm ok. I think I need to have a more -indepth check... do you mind taking off your clothes for me? And later I might need to do an internal exam as well." He said telling Finn of what's going to happen next. "I hope you wouldn't mind me drawing some blood.... " He said preparing a needle. He didn't see too much weight gain on Finn evne with his increased appetite, but that could all went to his midsection which is consderably bulding even with all the hiding clothes. "So now the neauseousness had all gone away? Back then, was it all day long or is it time specific, say, always before or after a meal?"

Finn sighed as he sat up, and began to remove his clothing. "I don't mind needles." He admitted, as she shrugged off the sweatshirt, to reveal a loose fitting tee underneath. "The nausea still pops up from time to time, but not as bad as it was. It wouldn't last all day, but I'd usually end up throwing up after eating, and usually in the evening too." Hesitating for a moment, Finn soon managed to remove the t-shirt, leaving him topless and unable to hide what he'd worked so hard to conceal. His bloated belly jutted out harshly on his frame, highlighting just how thin the young man usually was. Rather than looking soft, the swell itself seemed hard and tight, with small dark line that seemed to run from his bellybutton to the bottom of the small curve. Finn looked away in embarrassment again before clearing his throat. "So...anything else you need to know?"

Jared frowned hard seeing Finn removing his clothes. The impossible suddenly crossed his mind as he listened to his symptoms. It wasn't the most typical reaction, but what Finn said was suspiciously sounding like it. He let Finn finish removing the clothes before he slowly rested his hand on the bulge. The ribs of Finn was clear, maybe even more prominent than he remembered from that hazy night. He rested his large, warm palm just below his bellybutton and closed his eyes, trying to make out what's underneath it, or rather, to confirm his suspicion. He was standing quite close to Finn now, and he suddnely wanted to hug the man, who most probably wouldn't believe what he was going to tell him. He removed his hand finally and decided he should do the full round of checkup. Finn probably wouldn't let him touch him anymore after he told him what's wrong.

"Finn, could you please lay down?" He said solemnly, holding his back as he helped him lay flat on the bed.

Finn jumped, looking pretty nervous as Jared began touching his exposed skin. When asked to lay down though, the man nodded his head as Jared helped him lie down once more. The young man couldn't help but let out a small groan of discomfort though, as the weight around his middle did put a small strain on his lower back, and made it a bit more difficult to breathe.. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he struggled to get comfortable.

"What I can tell you now is... you are probably not in any life-threatening danger." Jared tried to reassure Finn, though what's happening to him is probably lifechanging. Nonetheless, he started probing around his belly, measuring the size of the newly added womb and estimating the growth of it. Finn was slightly behind in growth, as he quickly did his calculations to estimate how far along Finn should be, but certianly it could also be because he had been pscyhologically and phsycially not prepared for this. He glanced up at Finn and gave him a gentle smile, and as his gaze trialed up his torso, he noticed some darkening of his nipples as well. Perhaps Finn wasn't as developing quite well in other aspects as he smirked with amusement.

He quickly finished his examination seeing Finn's uneasiness, and then proceeded to help him sit up again. "I think I have an idea on what's wrong with you ..." He said as he quickly took a test paper from his drawer to get ot he final step of his checkup. The test paper came back positive as he had suspected. He sighed and turned back to Finn, clutching his hand. "Finn... I know this sounded insane, but, you are pregnant. I think, it's my baby."

All of the color immediately drained from Finn's face. He blinked slowly before shaking his head. "I'm...sorry. Did you just...say I'm...PREGNANT?" Finn looked down, placing a shaky hand on his belly. "No, I can't be...that's...impossible!" He looked up again into Jared's green eyes. "How can I be are you the father? Is this some kind of joke? If so it's not funny!"

"I never joke with my patients. Finn, please, just listen to me for a second. I, hmm, I am not an ordinary person, i mean." He didn't know how to make this sound more logical, so he simply demonstrated his powers by summoning the clipboard placed on the desk at the side. "See? I am a wizard...that's why i am so convinced I am the father. Wizards have the ability to impregnate others.... no matter their gender." Jared said, trying to hold Finn's hand again. "Finn, I am sorry... I didn't know, I should be more careful..." The panicked look of Finn just made Jared even more guilty. He had been the one causing it, and Finn was innocent in this.

Finn continued to blink slowly. He felt a little bad about making Jared feel guilty, however he was still pretty scared and confused given all of the information he'd just received. After a long, tense silence the young man squeezed Jared's hand gently, as he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. " what you're telling me is that you're a wizard, and you got me...p-pregnant with magic?" Soon the young man opened his eyes, letting out a shaky and nervous laugh. "I mean...I believe you...but you do realize how crazy that sounds right?"

Glancing back down at his rounded middle, Finn placed a free hand on the swell. All his symptoms did make sense, and Jared's demonstration at least convinced him that the man could do things others couldn't. "So...what happens now?" The young man asked, squeezing Jared's hand a little tighter. "I along am I? What do I do now? WE do about this?"

Jared could swear those intense seconds were probably the most nervous few seconds he had ever experienced in his 30 years of life. He was shocked as well. Wizards could make others pregnant, but it's not like that easily. He had been fooling around hard in his youthful days, and that didn't make any of his partners pregnant. Perhpas there's something more with Finn and him, his magic recognising this young man. "yea that pretty much summarized it... and yea, I know how crazy this sounds... but it's what's really happening." He stood close to Finn, embracing him finally holding him in his arms.

Jared covered Finn's hand with his own, showing his support. "We are in this together.... A magical pregnancy is in fact similar to a normal one. You would be fine... but of course, a close monitoring would be recommended. Aside from the medical aspect.... Finn, I, hmm, i would want to be a father. I would take full responsbility in this and, if, i-if you don't want a baby, I beg you, please, keep it. I would take the baby when he or she's born, but p-please..." He paused unable to utter the unthinkable.

Finn looked to Jared with concern. The wizard was clearly worried about his response, making the younger man feel a bit bad about possibly upsetting him. He'd been surprised at the hug, and was even more shocked to see just how emotional Jared seemed to be over all of this. Squeezing his hands, Finn shook his head. "Hey, it's alright!" He offered the wizard a small reassuring smile. "I mean...I'm not sure if I want to keep the baby at this point...but I'll definitely let you be a part of its life." He sighed again, brushing his fingers over Jared's. "The kid didn't do anything wrong, so...I mean...if you'll make sure nothing goes wrong..." He was struggling to find the right words to say.

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