The Stepfather
Roleplay between Alchemyst & DragonKnight
Roleplay between Alchemyst & DragonKnight
It was a mundane, dry, rainy evening. Weather that suited the mood for this time. Just as the funeral was ending. Loved ones, and friends saying their last goodbyes as they solemnly headed to their cars. Driving off into the dreadful weather. The deceased daughter, being the last one to stare down at the grave, Brooke, sighed heavily. Being only seven, she had a lot of weight on her shoulders. Her features resembled both parents but mostly her father. Brown fur with light tan streaks, unique hazel green eyes and long brown hair that was always put in a high pony tail. The young girl wanted to cry but the rain seemed to of done that for her. Allowing the rain to soak her completely, she felt a dryness hover over her, turning around she would find her heavily pregnant, widower father holding an umbrella above her. "What's going to happen to us now, papa?"