An Unwanted Fate (NSFW Mpreg) (Open to everyone)

Alex's grunts eventually turned to panic and.screams of.dull cries as Christine fucked.him roughly. Where it took only minutes for.him to climax, it took her hours and while he would have found some form of joy in thinking he had energy to stay awake, he passed out within the second hour, fatigue finally weighing in on him. He was left with a large amount of seed to the point his slim abs began to push out, a slushing sound heard here and there as it was otherwise warm.

Christine breathed heavily, she gently slid out of Alex and looked at the passed out young man.
"I'm sorry." she mumbled, carefully tying one hand to the bed post and covering Alex with a blanket, she hurriedly put on her evening gown and fixed herself, she rushed out the room iediately and locked it, she spun her heel about and rushed to her mother's room, seeking comfort and warmth to the one person she knew may love her.


Alex merely rested, his body occasionally twitching. When Christine arrived, she would find Clay serving their mother a cup of tea in an otherwise dark room, where only two candles rested on the walls, dimly lit. She rested in the bed while the buff figure walked out.

"Christine, darling" she merely said in-between a sip. "I take it the night was a failure for you as well?"

"Yes and no mother." she said sighing, remembering to keep the formality, "It's just that...mother, may I ask something?" she asked, wringing her hands nervously.


"Oh? So you didn't do like some of the others then?" She chuckled a bit, setting the tea down on the coaster nearby. "Why of course. You don't have to be afraid to ask."

"Mother, I am a freak am I not?" she asked, her composure being lost but some minutes ago.


Her mother chuckled. "Is that what this is about? If you want to put it in technical terms, we're all freaks to the human eye." She picked the cup back up, sipping away at the dark red drink. "Clay enjoys breaking things...and people...Valencia drowns people and has the habit of tearing her lovers with that thing of hers. If you want to put it simply: you and Claude are the most normal out of everyone else. Did something happen last night?"

Christine nodded, unsure of what her mother was trying to say, but she can never exactly be this warm person or being mind you. She sighed, "I stole the young man's purity mother. I am too much for him to handle so he collapsed..." she mumbled, rubbing her nose.


"Any normal person collapses after full on exhaustion dear, she simply said whle the tea was finished. "Add to the fact you might have add additional stress factors, a human more than likely would have passed out within the second hour. As for the intercourse, did you check already?" Check of course referring to if he was pregnant or not. This was not a regular cycle, especially in humans.

"I will be checking on him now mother, excuse me." Christine said as she left the room and entered her own. She cautiously approached the unconscious Alex, gently, she sat down beside him and checked him by carefully prodding his belly which was heavily filled by gallons of her seed.


Mother simply sat in the bed still, awaiting any of her other children to come and discuss their woes. When Christine walked in, she could hear the male grumbling softly in his sleep, though when she touched him, his body twitched every so often. It would not take much for her to know if he was carrying. If she pressed deeply, she may feel a firm feel from all the otherwise soft liquid that formed a bloated gut. A womb would be forming if so.

Christine pressed in a bit harder and felt it, her eyes widened, It is a success? she looked quickly at Alex before looking back at his belly, she paled, "What will happen now?" she asked to herself, unbeknownst to her, she said it out loud.

Alex his sleep from her pressing deeper, but an even deeper one was let out shortly afterwards as his face ached from the brand. When his hand attempted to relieve the pain, the restraint bounding the one hand, which ironically was the one on the same side of the brand, prevented him from doing so. "Shit..." he said lowly, using his free hand to rub his throbbing head as he finally awoke.

Christine stopped, looking at him and stood up, she backed away a few feet before trying to regain her mask. She forced a smirk on her face before she spoke. "How was your little rest my pet?" she asked with an unusually sweet tone, she did not move a muscle, she only stood there stationary a few feet from him. "I do hope you enjoyed it." she added after some time, her eyes downcast, avoiding any eye contact with her captive.


Alex assumed it was some twisted scene, but there he was. The it was referred to him as a pet, but he paid the words no attention . Instead, he noticed.the.bulging gut.that otherwise helped cover his naked form along with the bed sheets. With his free hand, he pressed against the.soft surface, not.noticing.a firm feel from the large amounts of seed she pumped inside. It was enough to.make him sick all over. It was more than a feeling though as his mouth glands began to water. "I really need to use the bathroom" he said, trying to cover whatever amount of saliva.spewed out. He looked green.

Christine handed him a bucket, her face was stoic but the way she placed her hand upon his back was what she hoped to be helpful, "Just vomit into the bucket."


Alex stared at the bucket and within a matter of seconds, he began to spill his insides out, a few retches here and there as he felt a hand on his back. Perhaps drinking from last night had caused it or maybe it had something to do with him really being disgusted by Christine and everything she had just done to him. When he believed he was done, he pulled away, his head slouching back on the pillow as his mind was otherwise foggy, a complete daze of dizziness washing over him as his eyes closed a bit. " you want from me?"

"The guarantee of a child." she said, as she continued rubbing his back, "All I want is the guarantee of a child Alex, and believe me, gaining one biologically is hard."


The male still found himself disoriented from the entire ordeal. Guarantee of a child? What did any of that mean? The male had not even fought against her the other night and she screwed him over in more ways than one. His head fell on the pillow. "What happens if I can't give you what you want?"

"Then I shall try again." she said, her voice cutting across with a coldness that no one has felt with the 'timid' girl. She smirked and placed a kiss on his cheek, "And don't worry, a fresh thing like you would ALWAYS be able to grant me a child...or children." she added, her voice still owning the same coldness in it, it was clear that that tone of hers was not there before even when she was not kind anymore.


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