The Mpreg Birthing Center

"You can count on it." Tommy smiled looking down at his two girls, "Soon I'm going take you two home, and we will start our new lives."

(((I just got on figured I could start on that new character. Can't wait to start this one, going be interesting)))

Name: Jason Borden
Age: 26
Midwife/Assistant/Patient: Patient
Description: Jason and his boyfriend Steve had been trying to get pregnant, finally being successful. However Steve's job took him over seas and wouldn't be able to get back until after their baby was born. However Jason promised to send a photo to him when their baby was born.
(If Patient) How many children: 1 boy with a surprise at the end.
Delivery Plan: On bed but on all fours.

Jason had called Steve the night before stating he was starting to have contractions. Steve was excited yet sad he wasn't there with him, however stated Jason should probably head to the birthing center. Jason assured him he would, but was going wait until the contractions were closer together. Agreeing Steve gave his love, before he had to go. Thinking back Jason groaned with a contraction, thinking he should have listened to Steve in the first place. Now he was in the parking lot of the birthing center already feeling pressure in his pants. Taking his pants off made him feel better since his water had already broke hours ago. Laying in the back seat, Jason spreaded his legs, grabbing onto the seats as he screamed with a contraction, it being the worst so far. Once it passed Jason pulled out his cellphone calling inside the center.

However it felt forever Jason finally heard Elisa voice on the other end, "Elisa, it's Jason Borden. Listen...I'm in your parking lot having contractions, not sure if I can make it. Can you bring out a wheelchair and please hurry...oohh!!" Jason hung up with a groan from a contraction.

Elisa had just left Tommy's room when she felt her cell phone vibrating in her pocket. Recognizing the number as that of one of her patients, Jason Borden, she picked up the phone, thinking that he was calling with yet another question about the pregnancy. Hearing that he was in the parking lot having contractions and not sure if he could make it in was the last thing she was expecting.

Yelling at one of the nurses to bring a wheelchair, Elisa raced outside to Jason's familiar blue Chrysler where she could see that he had climbed into the back seat, holding onto the seat backs for dear life. Scrambling to the open car door, she was hardly ready for the sight that waited her there.

'Oh god...' were the only words that came out of her mouth.

Jason was glad to see Elisa opening the door however seeing the look on her face caused him to worry, "What is it? What's wrong...ooohhh!!!"

Jason grabbed the seats holding onto it as a contraction came over him.

Seeing her assistant coming with a wheelchair, Elisa yelled at her to quickly go back in for a delivery kit.

"Jason, the baby's head's already starting to crown." she said as she shifted his legs further apart. "We're gonna have to deliver this baby here."

Jason heard Elisa tell him that the head was already crowning. "That can't be, it's happening too fast."

Jason yelled as a contraction hit him, causing him to push, "Nnnnnghhh!!!"

Despite that the fact that he was convinced it wasn't time yet, he couldn't fight his body's urges and pushed hard, forcing the child further into view.

"Head's crowning Jason. Blow." she instructed, panting along with him to keep him from pushing too soon. Elisa looked over her shoulder again for her assistant. 'Where is she?!' she mentally screamed to herself.

Jason nodded panting through the contractions, knowing even if it was coming fast, he knew to listen to Elisa. Grabbing the seats, Jason could feel his babys head crowning.

Having been panting Jason's urge came over him too quickly as he gave a push, "Nnnghh!!"

As he pushed again, with a gasp the rest of the baby's head slid free quickly into her hands. After checking for a cord, she could already see the baby turning for the shoulder.

"Head's out." she smiled. "Seems like this baby's really eager to be born."

Jason nodded, "Don't I know it." Jason felt the baby turning already.

When he felt the baby finally turn, Jason groaned and pushed hard, hoping the shoulders wouldn't take too long to get out, "Ooohhh...nnnghhh!!!"

As Jason pushed again, the baby shifted quickly and slid out completely into her hands with a loud cry. "It's a boy!" she announced excitedly. Thankfully, Elisa's assistant had returned by that point so she was able to cover the newborn in a warm blanket before placing the wailing infant on Jason's stomach.

"Congratulations." she grinned.

"Thank you." Jason looked down at his new son, knowing Steve would be proud when he heard the news. Resting for a few moments Jason rested up knowing he couldn't stay here.

"Can we go inside now?" Jason asked Elisa knowing she had brought the wheelchair.

"Yeah. Let's get you two in a room so we can take care of the rest of the afterbirth and get you two cleaned up." Once she had clamped and cut the cord, she gently helped Jason into the wheelchair, gently maneuvering the baby in his arms.

"Not a bad story for when he gets older." she grinned.

"Yeah, he probably be excited to hear he was born in a car." Jason smiled as he and his son was wheeled into the birthing center down the hall into a room.

Once there Elisa helped him up onto the bed, before she took his son to get him cleaned off. Rubbing his stomach, Jason knew he just had to wait until the placenta was born and then he could go home and call his boyfriend.

"Everything seems to be just fine." Elisa smiled as she ran the usual tests. "He's a good color, Apgar score's great, weight's 7lb 10oz...he's perfect."

Jason smiled when he heard that his son was in good health as he waited on the bed to deliver the placenta. But his smile changed into a grimace as an especially hard contraction wracked through his body, causing him to cry out in pain.

Jason cried out in pain as a hard contraction hit him. He knew he was supposed to do the push out the placenta, but this didn't feel like the right thing.

Looking to Elisa, Jason hoped she knew what was wrong, "Something's hurts.....aaaahhhhh!!!" Jason yelled as another contraction went through him.

Jason's scream set her senses on high alert; the baby was here, he shouldn't still be in this much pain. It almost sounded like he was...her eyes widened at the possibility. Sending one of the other nurses for the ultrasound machine still in Tommy's room, she hurried over to his side.

"Lean back and try to take some deep breaths Jason. Let's see if we can figure out what going on."

Jason nodded laying back and waiting for the other nurse to bring the machine back in. Jason felt a sense of fear hoping nothing was seriously wrong.

FInally the woman brought in the machine as Elisa quickly turned it on and put the cool gel on his stomach. He waited as she looked over the screen, "What is it? What is wrong?"

Looking at the image on the screen, Elisa's eyes widened. "There's another baby..."

Jason looked at her in disbelief. "You're joking. Seriously, what's wrong?"

"See for yourself." she said as she turned the screen in his direction. His own eyes grew wide as he could discern the tiny arms and legs of a second baby inside him. As she pressed another button, the thumping of a heartbeat could be heard over the monitor.

Jason couldn't believe his eyes at seeing another baby, "But we never saw it all these nine months. How could you not know about another baby."

Jason laid his head back, thinking of how Steve was going react to there being another baby.

(((Oh, I want the second baby to be a girl just let you know, when she comes)))

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