Crash in the jungle. (Possible NSFW)

He sighs "no your ok. How are you different from the others?" This creature was different and he kinda likes diffrent.

Arquios blushes turning a light shade of pink before looking down. "I'm more aggressive than everyone else from my breeding." He slips into the water forming into his met self "thee I'm a tiger mer." He sighs getting a lisp from his teeth still blushing slightly pawing at the grass for something to do. "ith terrable but thatth how everyone judgeth me" he's looking at the wings again. "May I athk what you were doing?"

Saino"I was cureius about an intruder and devised to fly down and see the sky loving person." He offers his wing to help the mer-shark out of the water.

(I'll be back I swear I have to feed my 9 month old really quick)

(It's ok)

Arquios looks unsure reaching out a dangerously clawed hand to pull himself out of the lake "I uh yeth I do wish that I could fly thometimes" he blushes a brighter pink "my name is arquios what is yours..." he sniffs at the feathers "alpha?" He questions laying out rubbing at his fins to dry faster.

Saino smirks "yes I'm an alpha male but I don't have a mate. My name is saino. I can help you fly if you want."

Arquios blinks and looks up to him as if unsure instincts warring with want he nods slowly and reaches to pet the offered feathers. "Cursed to the waters. Your so lucky saino the freedom of the open air. How can you not have a mate? I thought for sure you would have an amazing mate."

Saino "I could but all the male I've met where the same. I want someone different from the norm."

Arquios smiles and nudges saino playfully suddenly "well then. I'll meet you at the top I won't race because we both know who will win." Said pointing to the mountain as he pops his claws out and giggles. He takes off running obviously different and unpredictable he reaches the cliff and starts climbing faster than expected.

Saino spreads his wings and takes flight going straight for the top of the mountain.

rquios reaches the top and grins opening his arms to feel the wind rustling his hair around "so looking for a submissive mate. I am not submissive. But. I am omega and looking myself saino let's talk?" He says looking unsure about how to ask to fly

Saino lands "I would gladly talk, but I never said I wanted mine to be submissive I want to earn my nights as top."

Arquios makes his way to saino reaching out "h-how do i ?" He motions towards the sky. Then blinks looking at saino as though trying to decide before grinning looking over the edge and jumps off the edge deciding if saino doesn't save him he would just land in the lake.

Saino dives after catching the mer-shark just above the water he flies back into the sky trying to give the make a good veiw.

Arquios first yelps then starts to giggle in excitement at flying through the air pointing at the ground below loving the view "oh wow saino this is amazing! Do you live close? Perhaps you see this all the time? Maybe I can repay you? Show you where I've been? There's lots of fish... I'm afraid its not as wondrous as this" he goes quiet suddenly looking at the ground looking amazed at the other beings below

Shino smiles "I live in that mountain in a former dragon cave. Or that's what I call it I would love to see your view of the ocean and water but how will you be able show me with out me drowning."

Arquios grins "I am a merman I have ways to keep you breathing saino." He starts mumbling again seemingly distracted he flails a little breathing faster at an updraft. "Ah. Ah. Uh. OK. I-i think land would be OK now" he says in a slight panic feet looking for solid ground.

Shino nods and lands being careful of the merman "so I've shown you my view may I see youre veiw now?" The ocean looked vast and there was a colorful spot he had always wanted to know more about.

Arquios nods and smiles then blushes stepping into the water motioning to follow "you may want to be in human form um also... m-may I kiss you? Its the only way to work" he rubs at his own arm sheepishly but waits patiently in the shallow waters.

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