An Unwanted Fate (NSFW Mpreg) (Open to everyone)

"Perhaps" the officer glanced over at two of the others with him. "You two follow me. The rest stay out here."

The gestured for Christine to lead the way.

Christine began leading them to the living room, all the while chattily talking about historical events or galas or operas, taking an immediate turn she paused and smiled.
"Here you are sirs, now would you like some coffee or tea?" she asked as she gestured for them to sit on the velvet chairs around a coffee table.


The officers simply declined the offer, simply wishing to get right to the point so the issues on both ends would be cleared up.

"You referred to a Mister Cole as your brother, correct? The Baton-Rouge station received word that he was committed to sex unwillingly, branded across his face with a logo that resembles the gate's we just drove through and he mentioned the suspect as having a fascination for plays and musicals." Everything was simply pointing back to Christine at this point which made it stand out to being more than a kid getting drunk and doing random things to the point they awoke with a forgetful hangover.

Christine however was busy closing the curtains and shutting the door, with a click, she locked it, "Yes and I also believe he spoke of a ruthless freak am I correct?" she asked approaching them with a smirk, her act was now cast aside and she knew she had to go ahead and do them in.


"Freak simply has nothing to do with what he discussed..." At any case, her actions were seemingly hostile to the point one had his hand already on the gun.

Clay simply watched from afar, wondering how the events would play out. If they died, he was moving out the place to not deal with unnecessary drama. There was a reason why they could glamor people into believing the easiest of things when they needed to. Killing local authorities made more authorities simply show up. Even for beings like them, that was a bit much to handle and that was not if certain figures were involved in attempting to kill them. As her brother, he would not be too far off in advising her to rethink the situation carefully. However, he like the others were told not to mettle and so all he could do was watch and if such a situation occurred, he would clean up and simply wait.

Christine eyed the gun and laughed, "Dear me, how stupid do you think Ibam?" she asked as she took out some sort of perfume, she smirked, "Good night boys." she said as she let its scent throw them unconscious, she grumbled something before sitting on the chair nearby, "Good lord, what must I do now?" she thought to herself.


Clay merely watched as he was instructed. For a few minutes, he was a bit alarmed with the blinds being closed, but no gunshots or screams came to ear. It was totally silent. Perhaps Christine was not as ruthless as some of their older siblings or sometimes himself when he felt like breaking someone mentally. Some were just now leaving their asylum after he was done with them. Perhaps she used one of her different abilities. At either case, the evening was approaching fast and soon she would be able to retrieve her mate.

Upon the officers' awakening they were not bound or chained or anything, Christine merely was sitting some meters from them pouring tea and arranging biscuits, "Now, I do wish you would stop falling asleep while we are talking." Christine teased, her perfume apparently altered the cops' memories that has anything to do with her and Alex, which she was grateful for, "Now my good sirs, here are some coffee and biscuits that I hope you would like." she said proudly offering them the tray of snacks.


The three officers had no full on collection as to what happened. All they seemingly got so far was that the girl enjoyed her plays and that the party went downhill with someone being similarly dressed to her. It would be easy to have mistaken her with the said assailant, but it still did not explain as to why she referred to him as a brother. Perhaps just a nature of good will to check in on the male as he frantically ran away when she tried to check on him.

"No worries ma'am. It's probably just been a huge misunderstanding and we'll get to the bottom of it. Thank you for your time."

They began to leave out, the officers informing the others of the culprit still at large.


Alex merely rested in the hospital bed when the sun began to fall over the city to usher in the night. His brand was covered up with wraps as they figured they could heal some if not most of the damaged tissue. Thanks to the drugs however for sedation to get the male to calm down while they pumped him, he was completely out cold and if he did awake he was too drugged to fully pay attention.

Christine waved goodbye to the officers before going back inside, a triumphant smile on her pale face, "And so, Don Juan emerges, triumphant of his journey." she said to herself, laughing at her cleverness. She paused and began thinking on how she could get Alex back when she began muttering to herself about how she might be able to pull off getting Alex to the LeCeille manor.

Clay merely stepped back into the manor when the situation was carefully alluded. He merely heard her muttering around to herself about how she might pull off a stunt. The notion was caught off when a female ran past the door, partially nude at that, as she thought freedom had come at last through the double doors. Clay's beige Timberland's however begged to differ as she was sent hurtling across the living room's maroon carpeted floor. Clay simply hefted her up as the officers were long gone, her screams simply echoing as he hefted her away to whoever she was attempting to run away from.

Christine heard screaming and looked at the source, it was a naked woman, a shudder went through her body before returning to her thoughts, before she finally had a thought. She rushed to her phone and called the police and talked to them about clarifying a thing or two to the poor boy and asked if he could be brought to the LeCeille mansion for some weeks for a special retreat along with therapy, if she may have the permission of the hospital, which she has called earlier and the permission was given immediately after the news of her being 'innocent' was announced.

The thought of going back plagued Alex's mind. Of course him and his family flat out denied the request. He was not the hospital's property, but merely a guest. That would have been his thoughts at least. The male was still fast asleep and his family were out for the night. That left him alone and vulnerable as he was placed in the vehicle where the hypnotized nurses escorted him back to the mansion.

((Sorry for the delay. School had me busy a while.))

Upon the nurses' arrival, Christine thanked them before taking Alex in her arms, she waved goodbye before taking him in her room, she looked at the brand mark and sighed, she took out a pail of water and tore off a piece of her shirt, she then began to dab at his face, "Alex, why do you have to run?" she asked him softly as she rubbed his bloated stomach, "Did you try to hurt our babies?" she asked again despite knowing that he was asleep.

Alex was out cold yet again as the "monster" he sought to get away from had him in her clutches. His face twitched in response to her lightly patting the brand on his face. A soft groan escaped his lips however as his hand rested on his bloated belly, the size seemingly looking a bit larger. Unknown to him currently, the single child from before had split into two.

(So I can't use niko here anymore?)

(You still can. I guess my message about wanting to continue a while back didn't show up. Yes, Clay is still active whenever you are ready.)

(Yay!) Niko wakes up and looks around. He didn't rember passing out. He was talking to Clay last he knew and now he is waking up on a strange bed. He gets up and walks to the ornate door and tries to open it."hello?"

Christine sighed and leaned down, she kissed his forehead before she stood up and locked the doors and barred the windows she looked around "This is no longer a home, this is a prison."

His ears twitched after hearing the sound of someone awaking to his room. Clay smiled at long last. Christine's woes were out of everyone's ways and he had a potential figure, two in fact if Brian ever awoke from whatever the hell it was he did, to engage with."Morning sunshine, well it's actually been almost a day since you've been out. Was drinking last night really your first time?"He boldly kissed Niko on the forehead, hoping the male remembered his gift from last night easily adorned on his wrist.



It seemed to be a recurring theme in this twisted play for Alex. He would awake to find himself in a terrible situation. This was said about his current situation. His blue eyes slowly opened from the drugs to find himself in the bed he thought he escape from, causing his heart to panic. He fell off the bed almost immediately at the sight of the vile vixen that guised herself as someone worth approaching."Jushh geh awah from meh. Whaa did I ever do to yah?" the male asked, still heavy on the medication.[/color]

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