The Mpreg Birthing Center

(12-17-2012, 03:56 AM)khaohom Wrote:  (All boys)

It so hurt - i cry as try to breathe thought the pain

(Sounds good)

"Just breath through it." Angel instructed Matthew, "I'm going to check you see if I can feel the next head." Matthew nodded as Angel insterted her fingers, a shock coming over her as not feeling a head by tiny feet, "Matthew, this next baby is breech, the feet are right there. I'm going have to get you to push harder, get this baby out quick as we can to see if the cord is wrapped around the babies head or not."

(12-17-2012, 03:56 AM)nightshadow Wrote:  Jason nodded along with amazed that his water hadn't broke either with that last push. Getting the strength together, Jason pushed hard screaming able to feel his daughter sliding out, "Nnnnghhh....aaaahhhhh!!!!"

As the other shoulder slid free with the next push, the bag of water finally gave way; the rest of the baby following so quickly that Elisa hardly had time to react as she was able to grab hold of the newborn. Quickly, she placed her on his chest before removing the sack that now covered her face like a veil. "Congratulations Jason." she smiled as the baby let out a gurgled cry.

Ok - i nod and get ready to push

it feel really hot - a lot sweat drip down on my face belly and legs

"Thank you Elisa." Jason smiled looking down at his little girl, who he had been waiting for nine months to see her face. He watched as Elisa was cleaning his daughter. Once she was cleaned off, Jason looked up to Elisa, "Her name is Rosemary Angel."

Angel watched as Matthew was getting ready to push. Noticing he was sweating, Angel took a cloth and wiped off his sweat from his face and belly along with his legs. Once she was finished with that, Angel noticed Matthew giving a good push, as she watched in amazement as the babies feet came out, "The baby is coming, your doing great."

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh - i scream loud and grab bed sheet hard as i push down

"That's a good name." she smiled as she brought the newly named Rosemary over to her father after he had been cleaned up and settled into a bed. Grinning, she helped position her in his arms. "Your parents are going to fall in love with this one."

Angel watched in amazement as Matthews push was bringing the baby out, the legs were sliding out nicely coming up to it's hip as she couldn't hold back, "It's another boy, your up to it's hips. Another good pushes like that one, and this baby be out in no time."

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh it really hurt i cant do it anymore - i cry as i push down again

Jason nodded, "I think this baby was spoiled as soon as she was found out in my stomach." Jason heard a knock on the door looking up to spot both his mom and dad who rushed to his side, smiling down at their new granddaughter, and son. "Meet your granddaughter, Rosemary Angel."

(12-17-2012, 04:17 AM)khaohom Wrote:  Aaaaaaahhhhhhh it really hurt i cant do it anymore - i cry as i push down again

Angel chuckled, "Your doing it, believe me you can do this." Matthew's pushing was bringing the baby out more and more, his stomach and arms out. It wasn't long before the boys body was out, leaving the head, "Your almost there, Matthew, the head is left. You need to get all your strength and push hard to get the head out."


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - i scream loudest and push down as hard as i could

Angel cradded the baby in her hands as Matthew continued to push hard as he could. His opening was being opened wider as the head was starting to emerge, as Angel's fears came into reality as the cord was wrapped tightly around the babys neck, "Matthew you need to push hard and quick, the cord is wrapped around the babys head tight, and we need to get your son out."

Oh god is he ok aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh - i scream and push down harder

Name: Rory Sage

Age: 27

Midwife/Assistant/Patient: Patient

Description: Rory is Dr. Elisa's husband and reason for her founding the Center when no one was willing to let him deliver naturally (every Doctor they went to refused to deliver him without a c-section) Their daughter, Josie, was the first baby born at the Center. Their 2nd child, Ariel, also born at the Center, is now 3 and they are preparing to welcome their 3rd child at home.

(If Patient) How many children: one baby. (They've chosen not to learn the sex of the baby.)

Delivery Plan: Standing birth


It was nearly 7am when it happened. The two of them had been laying in bed; Rory tossing and turning most of the night while Elisa attempted to sleep. Now that their third child was due any day, her senses were on high alert.

Feeling Rory place his hand on her shoulder, Elisa nearly jumped. "Rory? Are you alright?"

Angel nodded, "Matthew look at me, He is going to be fine, we just need to get him out so I can unwrap the cord." Angel continued to hold the babies body as Matthew pushed harder as the babies head finally emerged into her arms. Almost instantly Angel unwrapped the cord around his neck, and rubbing his back. At first he didn't cry but then to their relief the baby boy gave a huge cry, "He's going to be fine, but the nurse will check him out." Angel cut the cord passing the baby boy off.

All throughout the night, Rory couldn't get comfortable as he was feeling the ongoings of contractions, knowing their third child was on it's way. Looking at the clock, Rory figured he wake his wife, having let her get a good night sleep, until 7am when he had to get up. Touching her shoulder, Elisa nearly jumped out of bed facing him.

Rory shaked his head, "I'm in labor, contractions been coming throughout the night. I think today is the day."

Oh thanks god - i cry as saw that my baby is fine

Angel nodded, "See he is fine, now just rest a few moments before the third comes. Then before you know it, the fourth will be here, and after a few hours your be able to take them all home."

((How do you want the third boy to come. Head or breech?)))

(They are in seprerate sack and i want to change birth position to standing birth)

Hee hee ho - i pants hard try to grt more oxygen

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