The Ranch (NSFW) (Open to everyone)

My deepest apologies ; A ;

I was working on editing the first page a bit when the post closed out on the phone, taking the thread with it. I am on the computer now, so hopefully that doesn't happen again. Onward to explaining the situation again:

The Farm is a farmland hidden off in the suburbs of a town in the South of North America. No one has an idea it actually exists because it was long abandoned. Some figures known as "Farmers" came to the place with one figure known as their animal. Every once in a while, they let him run out to the lake to get a form of exercise and relaxation. The issue is that the lake is a hotspot for teens and young adults; older adults come every once in a while. This "animal" befriends some of them, but none of them believe his absurd theory that the large belly he is toting around is full of kids. In the late of December, it is the end of the town's high school and college's football seasons, causing a need for celebration among the town. A party is held at the lake hidden in the forest, but the sight of someone familiar is bizarre. Not having seen him in the previous months, the "animal" has made a reappearance, but the large belly is gone. His newly acquired friends chalk it up to him just losing weight. This night is different however. It's that time for the figure to return and tend to his kids, but the party lasts until midnight and most of the figures are intoxicated. That's when some more people arrive, but they've come for one figure; the "pig." The figure who was only known as "Father" plans to take him back along with anyone that dares meddle or whoever the other figures feel like bringing back and from there, the "family" secret will be shared regardless of if they want to or not.

The setting:

Lake: A hotspot many go to chill out and have fun at. Hidden in the forest, the large place is mysteriously devoid of certain animals. Most ignore it however and just relax as planned or go for a nice swim. The lake goes on for miles where a large farm resides on the other side.

Farm. A large area of land hidden in the country and parts of the forest near the lake. Not many know of the place and those that do are well in their prime. The inhabitants that reside there work on the place to rebuild their identities into something far more craftier and befitting of the place.

The Farmers are geneticists/scientists who created a controversial drug that allows men to conceive. Thrown out their labs in Wales, the figures fled to America. There, they took in a runaway male who unknowingly became the first pregnant experiment. Too late to run if he even wanted to, they moved from the city to a more private location to get the military off their hands. Through there, they drastically changed their appearances to further their hidden agenda. No one knows who they are, what they do; to the "animal(s)" they've long had, they are known as either "Daddy/Father" while to those that will soon know them, they are the "Farmers."

Character Skeleton:

Occupation: High School student (18 only), college student, scientist (if a regular "Farmer"), etc.
Role: "Father/Daddy" "Farmer"(the seeders)/"Farm Animals"(carriers)/"Shepards"(Midwives, seeder and carrier,etc.)
Alternatively, anyone captured can be converted to "Farmers" as well.
Small Bio:
Method of conception: Natural method, insemination, etc.
How many are you carrying? This number determines what the farmers nickname you animal wise. That is if you are a carrier.

My apologies once more to everyone that was involved. I had no idea the thread would clear out the moment the internet crashed.

Name: Saito
Role: "Father/Daddy" "Farmer"(the seeders)/"Farm Animals"(carriers)/"Shepards"(Midwives, seeder and carrier,etc.) farm animal
Alternatively, anyone captured can be converted to "Farmers" as well.
Small Bio: he is the oldest brother out of three. He protects them as much as he can and that's why he is in this mess.
Method of conception: Natural method, insemination, etc. natural sex
How many are you carrying? This number determines what the farmers nickname you animal wise. That is if you are a carrier. Three seven pound babies.

Name: Oisin Bülent
Age: 32
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Build: Mesomorphic/Buff and Athletic
Occupation: Scientist/Farmer
Small Bio: Oisin one of the founders of the strange drug. Deemed as controversial however as well as the first method of conception being deemed as rather cruel, him and the others were shut down. Oisin led them away in shame, but practiced the craft in secret. As time progressed, the then lanky figure had become stronger mentally and physically to fit his role of being a lumberjack and now farmer. Now him and the others reside in a hidden barn that they have worked to call their own, but like the last two times, they await the day any armed force attempts to shut down their methods.

Name: Jason McKinney
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Build: average, perhaps a bit more buff than usual
Occupation: High School student
Role: Farm animal
Small Bio: The son of a successful business executive, Jason had never really needed to work for anything. As long as he kept his grades up, his parents let him do what he wished. Before he was forced onto the farm, he was on his way to a top college and a life of guaranteed wealth.
Method of conception: insemination
How many are you carrying?: Two sets of large twins


(I figure we should start at the lake, when no one knows what's going on)

The party lasted through the night and that was to be expected. School was out for the holidays. The lake was busy with life of the youth as a boat merely rowed in not too far from them, but far enough for most to not pay attention to.

"He should be here. Split up and search...take anyone that refuses..." It was a simple instruction from a gruff voice. He rubbed the thick but maintained beard a bit as large khaki boots stepped into the muddy ground, a knife resting in his pocket.

Jason hadn't been at the party too long. He'd had a few drinks -- these parties were always boozy -- but he could still see straight and think straight, unlike some of his friends, whom he could see running to the lake like psychopaths. He gave a chuckle and leaned against a tree. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small boat pull ashore, and the figures inside slowly got out. It was probably some people who lived on the lakeside, but that didn't take away the suspicion of them.

Settling against his better judgement, Jason refilled his drink and began to walk back into the crowd.

A black beanie was placed over his dark brown hair as he glanced around the party. They did tell him he could go relax, but once they were awake and the noise came, there was only one good way to calm them down. Oisin was having trouble deciphering the male out the dense crowd. It was a good thing they were near shallow waters or else the worst may have come to past. Why were all these figures out so late anyways? He figured they would be back at their parents houses resting, yet here they were acting like animals. He chuckled at the thought of them being animals all while lighting a cigar.

"Here piggy, piggy" he whistled while searching through the crowd. When some offered a cold beer, he was not one to pass the offer down, though a few level headed figures crossed his gaze. "Excuse me? You haven't seen my boy around here have you?" He flashed the image around. Some recalled seeing the teen here and there, but had no idea where he went afterwards. Finally he neared another person -Jason- with the photo in hand. "What about you? Son of mine is out past curfew and his mother demanded he be brought back."

Jason looked at the photo before looking up at this man. His breath smelled like Saltines and mouthwash.
"What if I did? Why should I tell you?"

Oisin simply chuckled as he tossed the butt of the cigar to the side. If the boy knew where their little animal had run off to, he was going to cough up what he knew or suffer some consequences.

"I'm his father and it's my job to make sure he abides by his parents, his mother and I, wishes. Not telling me puts not just him in danger, but you as well. Let's say you do the right thing and tell me now or do I need to get the authorities involved?" The authority being him of course with his own set of punishment and reward.

"Yeah, right," Jason stood up straight and stamped on the man's cigar butt, "You don't even look like him. Stalker."
Jason smirked, but then his smirk faded as he saw a slight flame of anger light in the man's eyes.

Oisin simply smiled. "Have it your way, then." His hand reached inside his pocket, pulling a syringe out all while his other hand moved quickly to grasp the teen by his shoulder, holding him firmly in place. For a figure that towered largely than the smaller athlete, it was certain to be quite the struggle to shake the firm grip off. The syringe would dig itself into the boy's neck. "If I can't find him because of your ignorance, I'll make use of you instead. Nighty-night." The liquid began to inject itself inside.

Jason didn't initially feel the prick of the needle. What he did feel was the stinging and then numbing of every part of his body, all in the space of a few seconds. His eyes darted up to this man, who was now smiling with an evil glare. Jason fell against the man as everything swirled in front of him and the sounds of the party drowned out.

Oisin watched as the boy literally fell into his chest and arms. It never ceased to amaze him at just how effective his...their brand of sedatives were on virtually anyone. He carried Jason off into his arms all while searching his pocket for his phone and wallet. It never hurt to know who he was taking off. The others that accompanied him would stay no doubt as they were no longer near the boat, but he felt like taking the long way back into the cool night air.

"Over the river and through the woods" he hummed lightly as he disappeared into the forest. He could walk for miles in without tire which is what happened. Oisin was out the forest and now in slightly foreign land with a few lit lights that revealed a large farm. He carried the sleeping figure off into the barn and dropped him on a pile of hay. "Rest there while I figure out who you are." That entailed performing a background check.

Oisin had returned minutes later with a pail of water, dumping it on the boy to wake him up.

Jason's eyes darted open. His hands pressed into the prickly hay as the cold, metallic water drenched him. The man from before was standing up over him holding a bucket. They weren't by the lake anymore; rather, they were in a dimly lit wooden room with a high ceiling. The hay and smell of feed led Jason to guess that they were in a barn. It was still nighttime, he knew that, but he had no gauge on what time it was, nor for how long he had been out.
"Where...the hell am I...?" Jason asked, with his voice sounding like it was out of breath.

Shi to watches the whole thing and tells his younger brothers to go home. He looks for the boy in the photo and makes sure to keep him away from the figures not likeing what they could do to the boy. "What do they want with you any way?"

Oisin merely knelt down by the figure, watching as he tried to figure out what happened along with attempting to figure out where he was.

"Somewhere not too far, but far enough for you not to get much of anywhere." He rose up and began to pace around, holding a bunch of papers in a manilla folder. "Seems like we've hit the jackpot with you if we were interested in that kind of a thing. Your parents are quite the wealthy figure. I wonder how much they would pay to see you returned to them in one piece."

Of course he was not going to kill the figure or harm him...much. He just wanted to garner a reaction from the male and see what he would do.

"I'd be willing to reconsider however if you tell me what you know about this person." The photo fell down in front of Jason once more. All he really had to do was tell him where the person was at or not. "I mean we've got some hungry little fellas waiting on him."

"Hungry...what?" Jason sat up, "I'm not telling you anything! I'm...I'm gonna sue! That's what I'll do! Get me out of here!"

Oisin did not expect him to understand fully of the situation he was now in, but he could not help but bawl in laughter as the male's words.

"Sue!? You plan to sue me!?" He erupted with more laughter all while pulling out a medicine bottle from his back pocket. "Not even a "Get away from me you creep" or a "Please don't hurt me." Just a simple "I'm going to sue you." I imagine with your parent's salary, they could afford to buy you some common sense...oh well..." He popped the top off, pulling out a very large white pill, probably too large to go down the male's throat. "Since all you're going to do is sue me, you won't mind if I stick this up your keister?"

Oisin was not asking as a very sinister grin adorned his face. He pulled out the knife from before, intending to cut the very fabric Jason wore off until there was nothing left and once he was done, he may make his way back to the lake to find his intended target. The sound of several babies crying were heard in the barn.

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