Crash in the jungle (possibly nsfw. Open)


Age: (human age comparison in perenthises please)
Other: (put carrier or seeder here)
Name: Shizan
Age:1200 (20)
Race: Jaguar demon
Discription: in human form he has long gold hair with black tips. Bright amber eyes. tan skin and a very muscular body. He also has a long tail. In demon form he is an elarged jaguar with long canines and claws.
Other: he is a breeder.

Your and a group of people have Crash landed in the jungle of a new world. One by one the others dissaper. You can see a large temple in the distance. Unknown to you and the others is a hidden watcher debating Who is his meal and who is his mate.

Name: Keith Brody
Race: Human
Description: 6'2", Keith's hair is moderately short and light brown, but is capable of growing out long when he prefers it. He has a lean build that doesn't make him too small, but not too big either so he can handle himself effectively if needed complete with green eyes and a fair skin complexion and at the time a thin but visible stubble on his face.
Other: Breeder (Is it okay to be both a seeder and carrier?)

Keith examined his map a bit, the male eventually tossing it aside in favor of the temple that was well into sight and seemed to have portruded out the thick dense jungle. If he could get to the top, maybe he could get a better fix of where he was at and perhaps find a way to contact those he travelled their with. That could give them a chance to regroup and call for an evac if that was in any way possible. He gripped the machete he carried as he cut past a few branches in his way, the male's brown boots trekking through the wet terrain as he made his way to the temple bit by bit.

Name: Aaron
Age: 21
Race: Human
Description: Aaron is 5'11", has light brown hair and blue eyes. While he isn't weak by any means, he isn't really too strong either.
Other: Carrier

Aaron was panicking. The others had sent him to find fresh water. He had found it - there was a stream running right in front of him, and if it wasn't clean, it could be boiled. But now he was lost in the thick, humid jungle with no sense of direction. The only thing that could be seen from above the swarm of trees was an old temple. Aaron decided to head in its direction - hopefully, he could see the others that were on the plane from the top of it, and he could head for them.

(Both accepted and yes you can be both.)
Shizan watches the two males as they head for his temple. At their current pace they will reach it before dusk. Too bad that all the females will die by sickness by then.

Keith rubbed the sweat off his forehead. After travelling for miles in, he had arrived at the steps of the temple.

"Here's hoping no mummies or something dwells inside." He placed the machete on his back in favor of the pistol and flashlight. Part of journeying there was because of his likes for adventure. That meant he needed to carry a small form of protection here and there though in most cases, he never needed them. The flashlight on the other hand was more than necessary. The place looked a bit eerie and dark, at least from outside. He began to ascend the steps slowly as the sun was beginning to set.

Shizan sneaks into the temple and turns the traps off. Except for his treasure room, that's not for strangers. Shizan waits in the center of the temple.. He can hear the male walk into the entrance.

Aaron followed this man into the temple; he was intrigued. The others would be fine. Something was drawing him inside this temple. He was going to find out what.

Keith stopped a bit, glancing around to see if anyone or anything was nearby. He shrugged the jitters off, stepping inside the dark entrance. He traversed through the place, though he was expecting the temple to be rigged. When he found out how easy it was however, he felt a bit uneasy, especially when arriving to the center.

Shizan smirks as the human reaches the center. Once the male walks in Shizan turns into his human form. His tail twitches as he looks at the human.

Keith noticed the figure sitting there, but was not certain what to make of the male.

"Umm, hello?" He gestured with a wave. "I was travelling with a few friends, but there was an accident and I'm a bit alone at the moment. Is there any way I could climb to the top or try to see if I can get a message out to them...?" It did strike him as bizarre that a lone figure was just there, but he figured he was a native of the place and could help out. That was if he was not hostile.

Name: Jeremy

Age: 19

Race: Merman (looks like a regular boy, with legs, but his legs turns into a fish tail when he is wet)

Description: {

Looks: Average Heigh, toned body, short, wavy blonde hair, green eyes. He is very pretty, but shy.

Personality: Kind, gentle, sweet, shy, intelligent, optimistic, happy and a little stubborn. 

History:Jeremy loves reading, magic things and childs.


Other: he is a carrier

Name: Samuel Claiburne

Age: 27
Race: Human
Description: 5'10 and as Irish-redhead as they come, he's milky-pale save for clusters of red-brown freckles all over his body. His eyes are grey-blue, his eyebrows pale blonde. He's an adventurous sort, and loves exploring. 
Other: carrier
"Keith, oy! Look what I found!"

Sam trotted up with a pile of bright-colored fruit in his arms.

"I can't say for sure what they are, but at least we won't go hungry. Hey, who's your friend?," he added, following the other man's gaze. 

(Ok do you all want the same breeder?)

((I don't care which one I get; species unimportant!))

(I wouldn't mind, though I could help if needed.)

(Ok just rember to not leave any one out.)

Jeremy walks into the forest, picking some apples to eat, and sees the small group of humans. Shyly, he looks at them, and says "Hi." He stayed in silence for some minutes and then said "Are you lost? Do you need any help?"

(@Okamiryun: How should I continue when my last post was directed at you a bit?)

((I can edit it if need be.))

(12-20-2014, 05:55 AM)SRuiz Wrote:  Keith noticed the figure sitting there, but was not certain what to make of the male.

"Umm, hello?" He gestured with a wave. "I was travelling with a few friends, but there was an accident and I'm a bit alone at the moment. Is there any way I could climb to the top or try to see if I can get a message out to them...?" It did strike him as bizarre that a lone figure was just there, but he figured he was a native of the place and could help out. That was if he was not hostile.

"Hi" said Jeremy. "Sorry, i don't know, i had never been in this part of the forest before. But i can help you and your friends to find a safe place to sleep, and to get some food"

(since anyone had answered you, i decided to answer, if is not a problem)

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